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  • LosinMamaof2girls
    LosinMamaof2girls Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I am new to this group and new to weight loss surgery too. I had laproscopic Roux en y gastric bypass surgery on Mar.26, 2012. I am currently 3 weeks post op and mostly pain free. I'm having trouble getting all my protein and fluids in....not sure how it's even possible to eat and drink that much! I'm walking or swimming everyday. I am using myfitnesspal for a journal to keep track of what I'm eating. It keeps telling me that I'm not eating enough! Any tips?

    MFP isn't setup for WLS goals. Just keep following the rules your surgion set up and you will do fine. It takes a while to get where you need to be. It is a great place for journaling so keep up the fabulous job.
  • netgallegos
    netgallegos Posts: 2 Member
    Hello,My Name is Nanette and i was sleeved on December 16, 2011 since i started my adventure i have lost 64 lbs, and 40 of that i have lost after my surgery, my goal is to loose 125 and then reevaluate, i have always struggle with food and since i have been using this program it has been making this easily to deal with it. i look forward to gaining more support and friends to help.
  • Cheft420
    Cheft420 Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Tanya. I will be having lapband surgery in May. Please add me as a friend. I would love the extra support.
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    I had LapBand surgery two years ago. I lost 50 pounds right off the bat but stalled after I went back to junk food during a vacation. Carbs just make me so hungry. I've gotten back on track using MFP and have been on my new fitness regime for three weeks now. I even started exercising again and hope to walk a 5K someday and then run one.

    I have a long way to go, around 126 pounds to lose, but I'm going to do it!
  • Hi Everyone,
    I'm Pam from Socal. I had the sleeve on March 15, 2012. I lost 56 preop and have lost 27 since surgery. I have about 50 pounds to go. I have been using another APP but switched to myfitnesspal today. Trying to figure this tool out but like it already.
    Best of luck to all. :flowerforyou:
  • susan1225
    susan1225 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I have not had the surgery but is was given to me as an option due to my inability to lose weight and the speed in which I gain weight. I did not want to go that far at the time but no matter how much I diet, I can't seem to lose. It is now back in my thoughts as an option but want to give healthy eating and exercise another chance.
  • Hi! I had gastric bypass surgery in the beginning of 2010. I started at 255 and got all the way down to 140. I am currently at 153 and am going to get back down to 140. It is truly my "happy weight" (I'm 5'6).
  • vmudgett
    vmudgett Posts: 40 Member
    Hi, my name is Vivien and I live in Michigan. I had the sleeve in December of 2011. Had a few complications, but I am doing well now. I have lost over 65 pounds since my surgery, and the hardest adjustment has been eating slowly .... However, I am increasing my exercise because I have stalled my weight loss. So, I'm taking it a day at a time and joined MFP so I could keep track of my calories, protein and get some much needed support!
  • Moonladee
    Moonladee Posts: 77 Member
    Hi, my name is Tina..I am from Northern Cali. I am going into surgery on Monday the 21st of May. I am very nervous. lol (Understatement!!!) I am having the sleeve.

    Sorry so short. I am still working atm.. I am a prof. cake decorator. And it is wedding season.. I just wanted to say hello.. and say I will be posting more in the future.

    Thank you..
  • jennikins87
    jennikins87 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everyone, I am Jenni. I am new to the group. I haven't had the surgery yet, but I have been participating the the Kaiser "Options" preparatory class since late March I started at 331, and am down 19 so far! I am planning to have either the sleeve or the RNY in late August. I go back and forth on which I should choose, but I should be clearer come Tuesday when I meet with the Nurse Practitioner! :)
  • nhowe1980
    nhowe1980 Posts: 1
    Hi, I am Nikki, from Michigan. I am a married 31 y/o with a 10 year old son and 6 y/o step son (who are great). I had gastric bypass on 12/6/2011. I was always a thick girl but not overweight until I had my son at 22, when I gained 108 lbs (ouch). I had lost all that weight but the wrong way (starving myself) and ended up very sick, and gained it back and extra and for 8 years couldnt get it off. I have this great friend who had gastric bypass and she told me about it the good and the bad, so I decided to go ahead and get the help and I am glad I did! I weighed 230 and I am 5'3, since my wls I have lost 72 lbs. In mid March my weight loss stopped at 175 lbs. So had to work my butt off (in the gym 6 days a week and a personal trainer 2 of those days) and now I am at 158 but, again, I am stalled for a couple weeks now. I have 25 lbs left to reach my goal weight and wont give up. I recently joined mfp and purchased the fitbit(great by the way) and I am going to get rid of this 25 lbs for good.

    :happy: sorry that was so long
  • lisar1262
    lisar1262 Posts: 2
    I everyone, my name is Lisa and I had rny gastric bypass 10/23/2003. It took me 9 yrs to really come to the decision that without the surgery, i would be dead within 5yrs. I weighed over 340 (closer to 350), I was 5'4" tall, on my day of surgery i weighed 339lbs and I eventually lost 170lbs. I was weighing in at 174-178 and wearing a size 10! I went from a 5x to a size 10! I had some complications (blood clots and bilateral pulmonary embolisms)... but I am alive and pretty healthy. I have gained back 30lbs over the past 3yrs. Emotional eating. I was so strict with my meal plan and supplements for 7years then fell off the nutritional wagon. I am now back, I am on this site and I have lost 7lbs in the past 9days. I am looking to at least get back down to 174 (even though I would love to get lower). I had the original surgery when i was 40yrs old and I am looking to hit goal by my 50th birthday (in december). I have alot more to my story and I blogged for a number of years on obesity help. anyone want to read my story and let me know and i'll send you a link. Well i think that I have chatted enough. I am grateful to God that I have had this surgery and that I have been able to find other people facing the same issues as me. Thank you all. Here's to a healthier life. ttyl :-) lisa h. 340+/ 198/174 (150) Original weight/current weight/goal weight.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    My name is Sherri and I am 37 years old.. I had VSG on November 9, 2011. So far I have lost 89 pounds. My highest weight was 325 pounds. I was on meds for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, stress incontinence/overactive bladder and migraines. I also had to have SynVisc shots in both knees every 6 months due to the severe arthritis pain. My feet, ankles, knees and hips hurt from carrying around all the extra weight and my legs would swell. I was miserable and had no energy. I had struggled with my weight since I was a child (put on my first doctor supervised diet at 9 years old).
    I had the surgery to get healthy. I wanted to get off all the meds, I wanted to be able to enjoy life and have energy for my husband and daughter.
    As of right now, I am off all my meds except a low dose blood pressure med and a med for overactive bladder. My PCP thinks I will be able to come off my blood pressure med very soon. I have energy to do things with my family now, I have the energy to exercise and I can actually enjoy both since I'm not so miserable and tired all the time. I also cancelled my last appt for the SynVisc shots in my knees because my knees are so much better now that I am no carrying around so much weight.
    My personal goal is 160 pounds, but I will be happy in the 160-180 range. I just want to be healthy and would like to have another baby. I have PCOS, so all the extra weight caused infertility issues as well.
  • sandyj07
    sandyj07 Posts: 12
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Sandy and I'm 45 years old. I was banded on May 20, 2009. I've only lost 35 lbs. in those 3 years and am very discouraged but know that it is my own fault. Currently, I am working out 2 hours per day but still don't see a change. I don't have a lot of support at home so I've turned to this website in hopes of finding a support group. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  • Hi,

    My name is Diane and I had WLS in November 2005 - I lost 200 lbs. In 2009 to 2012 I gained back almost 100 of it. I had revision on the 10th of May and so far have lost 30 lbs. I'm excited to have found people who have had the surgery on MFP
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    Welcome, everyone!
  • Hi-I had RNY on March 21, 2012. I'm down 45 lbs since surgery, 80 lbs from my highest weight. I'm already taking on bad habits and I want to get back to my surgeon's rules. I truly have an eating disorder and man does it not want to die.
  • aralls64
    aralls64 Posts: 13
    My name is Angie and I haven't had surgery yet. I am waiting for my endoscopy and then a surgery date. So far I have been on a High protein Low carb diet. I have lost a total of 17 lbs from my highest weight. Will add more later.
  • crosa527
    crosa527 Posts: 35 Member
    My name is Christine and I had a sleeve gastrectomy on June 12, 2012. I had lost 13 pounds on the pre-op diet and have lost another 5 pounds in the 5 days post surgery. I know that I will not continue to lose weight at this rate once I start eating real food again. I am on an all clear liquid diet for the first week and adding protein shakes in the second week.

    I also had a hiatal hernia fixed during my surgery and the 'resection' of my diaphram has left me a bit short of breath. I also have developed low potassium (from the lack of food) and have to take a liquid dose daily that is absolutely the worst tasting thing ever. Other than that, the recovery has been alright. Looking forward to losing another 102 pounds to reach my goal of 130 pounds (I am 5' 1" tall).
  • crosa527
    crosa527 Posts: 35 Member
    I, too, have not been thin since I was a teen and wonder the same thing! What will I look like?