Anyone wish they hadn't had the surgery?



  • ldturner
    ldturner Posts: 5
    Best decision I ever made.....only wish I had done it a decade earlier!
  • I am very happy with my decision. It has not been an easy journey, but one well worth taking. It has improved my life in so many ways. I am so grateful for this second chance.
  • kidskart
    kidskart Posts: 79 Member
    I had the sleeve in February of this year, I wish I had done it sooner!!! BEST DESCISION EVER!!!! That doesn't mean it is easy, but so worth it!!! Good Luck!!!
  • Napjeeper
    Napjeeper Posts: 36
    Nope, not a regret one, in fact, it probably saved my life. I say this though it was tough... I knew what I was getting into, I did what you're doing now, asking questions. I tried to get the best handle on what to expect from the surgery and how I was going to have to change to help myself. All of this made it easier for me to make the transition and do right by myself.

    Good luck!


  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    wow great job!
  • acrealizm
    acrealizm Posts: 6 Member
    I was banded in Nov 2009. First year was great! I lost about 100 lbs. But the second year I plateaued and began to think I regretted it. I wasn't working with the band, but rather I was eating around it. With WLS, you have to do you part too. So exercise and make health food choices. The band is merely a tool. I recently had mine unfilled due to emergency gall bladder surgery. I couldn't have it filled back up for 2 weeks and during the time frame, I packed the pounds back on because I was eating all the thing I wouldn't normally be able to. I have a renewed appreciation for the band and I've hopped back on the wagon. Although I have a long way to go, the band really did save my life.
  • sunsportsmom
    sunsportsmom Posts: 19 Member
    I had the lap band, but wished i had had the bypass.
  • I am having lapband surgery this Tuesday and am so encouraged by all of the positive comments on this board. Thanks to you all.
  • BNA_Mommy
    BNA_Mommy Posts: 36
    The ONLY regret I have had since my surgery in 2007, was not waiting the full 18-24 mths after to get pregnant, like my surgeon suggested. My body wasn't ready for a pregnancy, it was still adjusting to all the weight loss. And while I only gained 30 lbs during pregnancy, and had a relatively healthy pregnancy for carrying twins, I'd really gotten off track with eating and exercising because of the pregnancy. And even though I lost everything I gained during the pregnancy, over the last 3 yrs it has all crept back on and I am having a much harder time losing it this time around. I feel like I can eat more, quantity wise and sugar/fat wise, I was sure I had stretched my pouch back to the size of my former stomach (though my surgeon reassured me that I hadn't). I just have to work harder now than I did before. I exercise 5-6 days a week: cardio and weights, and I haven't seen any results in the last 2 months, so it gets disheartening.
  • Never, had it Aug 2011, and I love my RNY. My only regret was wajting so long to have it.
  • Thanks Everyone. I am having the RNY. You all have been very encouraging!!!
  • PamHates2Diet
    PamHates2Diet Posts: 2 Member
    I had RNY gastric bypass in May of 2007. I am 5 years out now. I lost 160 pounds. I was 48 at the time and really had no real medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure or the normal medical issues that lead people to gastric bypass; but at 393 pounds I was a heart attack waiting to happen so my doctors okayed the surgery. I think initially I thought this surgery was AMAZING....still think that, BUT I would add amazing for some and dibilitating for others like me.

    There are complications that develop further out that were not explained to me at the time of surgery! I would definately have re-thought having this particular type of surgery if I knew the seriousness of these long term complications. Prior to surgery I was NOT A DIABETIC....after surgery I (AND A WHOLE LOT OF OTHERS) have developed HYPOGYLCEMIA. I have to live as a diabetic. My sugar levels drop into the 30's and 40's casuing me to faint even when diet is not the cause. This fainting and uncomfortable shakey feeling is not like I have eaten something and dumped. My Vitamin D levels have never gotten remotely close to normal ... causing bone and muscle issues. Not to mention tooth decay. My ability to eat the things that are needed to keep me healthy isn't always there. Some days my stomach rejects the healthier foods and craves dark chocolate. I have never been able to stomach protien shakes....something I didn't discover until after surgery....I have tried every brand, every form of protien that I could find: liquid, solids, meats, cheeses, eggs, tofu, you name it and I have tried it....most of the time it just doesn't sit well. Because of being in a never ending state of malnutrition I am TIRED ALL THE TIME.... the one thing they did explain to me prior to surgery was that I would live the rest of my in a perpetual state of malnutrition that would require supplements for life. When they said that I just never realized that perpetual state of malnutrition meant that I would NEVER be able to feel healthy again without some form of pills or assistance from supplements. As a person who is visualizing skinny for the first time in her life that is all I heard!!! WEIGHTLOSS QUICK FAST AND IN A HURRY! I fault not theirs...but the side effects were never really explained and my doctors say that at the time it just wasn't thought to be a big enough occurance in those with surgery to pass it on.

    Would I have had the surgery if I knew then what I know now.... I probably would have had the surgery only because when you are extremely overweight most of you life you will do anything to have a shot at being slim. You envision yourself slimmer like normal sized women. Although they tell you that you will loose 50% of your excess weight, at 393 pounds you don't understand that means that you still will carry extra weight. Still weighing in at over 200 pounds I still EXCEEDED my doctor's weight loss goal for me. I am much better off at my current weight, without a doubt!!!! But I have newly developed complications that threaten my life daily. I think I would have had the surgery because my entire life has been one diet after another since I was 11 or 12 years old. I had never been able to drop and MAINTAIN 160 pound loss PRIOR TO SURGERY and only with the assistance of surgery was I able to accomplish that.

    To those considering this surgery..... ASK THOSE WHO HAVE AT LEAST 5 YEARS under their belts. If your life depends on this surgery then you have no choice! Go forward and do what is necessary and recommended for your life, by your doctors. If you have a choice.... think LONG AND HARD!!!! Know that doctors other than gastric bypass surgeons have patients suffering from health problems that can't directly be pinned on gastric bypass but gastric bypass surgery is thought to be the underlying cause and those health issues are serios and in some cases life long ailments. ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK and then PRAY!
  • Scribetoo
    Scribetoo Posts: 181 Member
    Never, had it Aug 2011, and I love my RNY. My only regret was wajting so long to have it.

    ^^ this. times infinity.

    My surgery was in November of 2004.

    The complications, the struggles.. all minor inconveniences in comparison to what I've GAINED in my new life. I'd do it again in a heartbeat .. and SOONER.

  • Elmo2205
    Elmo2205 Posts: 8 Member
    had my RNY in September of 2003, and have never regretted it for one second.
  • BNA_Mommy
    BNA_Mommy Posts: 36
    I had RNY gastric bypass in May of 2007. I am 5 years out now. I lost 160 pounds. I was 48 at the time and really had no real medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure or the normal medical issues that lead people to gastric bypass; but at 393 pounds I was a heart attack waiting to happen so my doctors okayed the surgery. I think initially I thought this surgery was AMAZING....still think that, BUT I would add amazing for some and dibilitating for others like me.

    There are complications that develop further out that were not explained to me at the time of surgery! I would definately have re-thought having this particular type of surgery if I knew the seriousness of these long term complications. Prior to surgery I was NOT A DIABETIC....after surgery I (AND A WHOLE LOT OF OTHERS) have developed HYPOGYLCEMIA. I have to live as a diabetic. My sugar levels drop into the 30's and 40's casuing me to faint even when diet is not the cause. This fainting and uncomfortable shakey feeling is not like I have eaten something and dumped. My Vitamin D levels have never gotten remotely close to normal ... causing bone and muscle issues. Not to mention tooth decay. My ability to eat the things that are needed to keep me healthy isn't always there. Some days my stomach rejects the healthier foods and craves dark chocolate. I have never been able to stomach protien shakes....something I didn't discover until after surgery....I have tried every brand, every form of protien that I could find: liquid, solids, meats, cheeses, eggs, tofu, you name it and I have tried it....most of the time it just doesn't sit well. Because of being in a never ending state of malnutrition I am TIRED ALL THE TIME.... the one thing they did explain to me prior to surgery was that I would live the rest of my in a perpetual state of malnutrition that would require supplements for life. When they said that I just never realized that perpetual state of malnutrition meant that I would NEVER be able to feel healthy again without some form of pills or assistance from supplements. As a person who is visualizing skinny for the first time in her life that is all I heard!!! WEIGHTLOSS QUICK FAST AND IN A HURRY! I fault not theirs...but the side effects were never really explained and my doctors say that at the time it just wasn't thought to be a big enough occurance in those with surgery to pass it on.

    Would I have had the surgery if I knew then what I know now.... I probably would have had the surgery only because when you are extremely overweight most of you life you will do anything to have a shot at being slim. You envision yourself slimmer like normal sized women. Although they tell you that you will loose 50% of your excess weight, at 393 pounds you don't understand that means that you still will carry extra weight. Still weighing in at over 200 pounds I still EXCEEDED my doctor's weight loss goal for me. I am much better off at my current weight, without a doubt!!!! But I have newly developed complications that threaten my life daily. I think I would have had the surgery because my entire life has been one diet after another since I was 11 or 12 years old. I had never been able to drop and MAINTAIN 160 pound loss PRIOR TO SURGERY and only with the assistance of surgery was I able to accomplish that.

    To those considering this surgery..... ASK THOSE WHO HAVE AT LEAST 5 YEARS under their belts. If your life depends on this surgery then you have no choice! Go forward and do what is necessary and recommended for your life, by your doctors. If you have a choice.... think LONG AND HARD!!!! Know that doctors other than gastric bypass surgeons have patients suffering from health problems that can't directly be pinned on gastric bypass but gastric bypass surgery is thought to be the underlying cause and those health issues are serios and in some cases life long ailments. ASK ASK ASK ASK ASK and then PRAY!

    I can agree with some of this.... I was constantly tired ALL THE TIME. But I can blame myself for that one. After I had my twins, I basically stopped taking ALL my vitamin supplements. I was extremely anemic (not 100% related to RNY, but it had A LOT to do with it) and had to have many iron infusions to boost my levels. I've never had an issue with my B12, but I have critically low Vitamin D. 30 lbs crept back on over the last 3 yrs, and while I blamed my lack of energy and being tired all the time on having twin babies/toddlers at home, I knew deep down it was because I had stopped taking care of myself. I went back to the surgeon who sent me to the weight management doctor, and got back on track with my vitamins. My iron and Vitamin D levels slowly came back up. I started going to a gym to exercise 5-6 mornings a week before work, I force myself to get out of bed and go. I have started watching what I eat, paying attention to what goes into my body. It is a daily constant struggle. I've never had high blood pressure or diabetes, though I did have sleep apnea which basically resolved once I lost over 100 lbs.

    When you're planning for the surgery (for some people) it's hard to focus on the things that are going to be important for the rest of your life....that the surgery is a TOOL, NOT a solution in the battle of weight loss....that you'll have to take vitamins and supplements for the REST OF YOUR LIFE... and that you CAN gain back everything you worked so hard to lose and then some....
  • Mrbusterb
    Mrbusterb Posts: 114
    Just had my surgery in may of this year and i've already lost 80lbs just wish i would have done it sooner
  • Mrbusterb
    Mrbusterb Posts: 114
    WOW i love this group.There are some very interesting stories i've been reading
  • I had my RNY June 21st... Yes some days when I have a pain in my abd from bending, or I can't eat, or I eat the wrong thing.... I think to myself ...WTF? But when I jump on the scale that WTF turns to a WTG!!!!

    I was PEEVED when I went to my 1 week checkup and they found a blot clot (DVT) in my arms from the Middline that was placed for surgery. I had to start blood thinners, shots in the belly and pills... now I do an every 3 day blood draw to get those levels where I need them... but they said it should only be 6 months of the blood thinners. We did everything correctly to prevent it, but it just happened.

    And I LOVE the reaction I am getting from people who had not seen me since surgery, and their eyes pop out their heads, and thats only after 30+ pounds, if you count PRE surgery weight loss during the 2 week liquid diet.... But if you following your diet, listen to your surgeon and nutritionist you will do Awesome!

    I am so happy I did it, cause I can make it through a day without pain meds, BP pills, heart burn...etc etc... it was like amazing how fast I got to feeling better after my surgery.
  • Alish1974
    Alish1974 Posts: 20 Member
    I only regret not doing it sooner :)
  • I am one week post-op today. Although I did have buyer's remorse my first couple of days, mostly due to complications of the surgery, nothing to do with RNY, it was previous surgeries....I am overall happy that I did it and I can only imagine as I get further out and the annoying gas pains go away I will be much more happy.