Anyone else a loner?

I've never really been into clubs and partying. I'd rather stay home and cuddle up to a good book or watch a movie some nights. Since I'm in college, older family members tell me that its kind of weird but I'm fine with it. I guess I just like being in my own space sometimes rather than always being in a group. Anyone else like this? If so, how often do you "go out" for a night out on the town?


  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Definitely a loner. I don't party, I don't club and I don't really drink. I guess it's partly because I was an only child and I learned how to be by myself at an early age. I become independent and that really hasn't changed later in life. Trust me many people think I am the "odd duckling"
  • StephD1185
    StephD1185 Posts: 58 Member
    I am a loner too! My closest friends are all extremely social and love being out... I just don't get the same enjoyment from it as they do. It was hard a few years back when they were so focused are going out, at first they thought I was 'dissing' them but eventually they realised it was just who I am! I enjoy going out for dinner or A drink, but still hate going out to clubs or parties for all night things. I will go bar hopping only when really needed, like a friends birthday or major event... so maybe just a few times a year!
  • Gestahl
    Gestahl Posts: 110 Member
    Yeah... I've known a few social geeks, but in general, we tend to be introverts. I'm a little more on the extreme side of introversion, though... more than a preference, I actually find it physically and mentally *exhausting* in most cases to be around more than a few people at a time, and even more so when there are strangers involved. I really can't think of many things I would find less appealing than wasting a night out clubbing or going to what most college students called a "party."
    As introverts, we need that "alone time" to recharge just as much as the extroverts need to be around other people to bounce their energy off of.
  • jen67211
    jen67211 Posts: 11
    Yup I never really got into the social scene, sometimes I go out but most of the time its video games and internet both of which I can shut off when I get tiered of...unlike people.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I don't dig clubs either. I'm a bit of a loner but it's more because of my job sechdule. I work nights 11pm-7am Wed-Mon. My weekend is Mon/Tues. So a lot of my friends aren't up for going out since it's the start of their work week when I am off.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Definitely a loner. I don't party, I don't club and I don't really drink. I guess it's partly because I was an only child and I learned how to be by myself at an early age. I become independent and that really hasn't changed later in life. Trust me many people think I am the "odd duckling"

    Yup me too! That last time I drank was Christmas, I don't have that many friends locally, but if/when I go out with them I'd rather go for coffee and cake, than out drinking. I don't mind going to the pub for a quiet one, but I am past the whole 8/9 pubs and a nighclub (though I did do that during uni but I think it was a requirement!!)
    Give me a dvd marathon and a good book any day :laugh: Though this may contribute to the whole single thing......
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Yeah... I've known a few social geeks, but in general, we tend to be introverts. I'm a little more on the extreme side of introversion, though... more than a preference, I actually find it physically and mentally *exhausting* in most cases to be around more than a few people at a time, and even more so when there are strangers involved. I really can't think of many things I would find less appealing than wasting a night out clubbing or going to what most college students called a "party."
    As introverts, we need that "alone time" to recharge just as much as the extroverts need to be around other people to bounce their energy off of.

    That's a fairly good description of me, too. I can handle crowds all right, just can't imagine why I would want to when I would rather bbe at home. The one and only time I let myself be dragged to a club, I was miserable.

    Alone time is absolutely essential to me. Unfortunately I'm not getting much these days. And its starting to wear on me. I need peace and quiet and nobody bothering me for a while! I wasn't an only child, but I am 7 years younger than my closest sibling, and grew up in the country with no friends nearby. Being alone never bothered me.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member

    Alone time is absolutely essential to me. Unfortunately I'm not getting much these days. And its starting to wear on me. I need peace and quiet and nobody bothering me for a while! I wasn't an only child, but I am 7 years younger than my closest sibling, and grew up in the country with no friends nearby. Being alone never bothered me.

    My brother is 7 years older than me, so we had nothing in common as kids! Come stay with me Pin, I live alone (well dog and a cat) I have a very spare room and lots of books/dvds. I promise to fully ignore you :laugh:
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member

    My brother is 7 years older than me, so we had nothing in common as kids! Come stay with me Pin, I live alone (well dog and a cat) I have a very spare room and lots of books/dvds. I promise to fully ignore you :laugh:

    Ah, that sounds heavenly! I wouldn't mind conversing some, so long as you aren't asking me where your sneakers are or what's for dinner :laugh:
  • Dimpszz
    Dimpszz Posts: 40
    its really great to see that I am not alone in the "loner" club

    That's a fairly good description of me, too. I can handle crowds all right, just can't imagine why I would want to when I would rather bbe at home. The one and only time I let myself be dragged to a club, I was miserable.

    Alone time is absolutely essential to me. Unfortunately I'm not getting much these days. And its starting to wear on me. I need peace and quiet and nobody bothering me for a while! I wasn't an only child, but I am 7 years younger than my closest sibling, and grew up in the country with no friends nearby. Being alone never bothered me.

    This is so true! I feel like I have to have alone time or else I'll lose my mind. Being around a lot of people all the time just doesn't appeal to me
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member

    My brother is 7 years older than me, so we had nothing in common as kids! Come stay with me Pin, I live alone (well dog and a cat) I have a very spare room and lots of books/dvds. I promise to fully ignore you :laugh:

    Ah, that sounds heavenly! I wouldn't mind conversing some, so long as you aren't asking me where your sneakers are or what's for dinner :laugh:

    I would make you noms and you could cuddle the dog. The weather is pretty rubbish though....
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member

    My brother is 7 years older than me, so we had nothing in common as kids! Come stay with me Pin, I live alone (well dog and a cat) I have a very spare room and lots of books/dvds. I promise to fully ignore you :laugh:

    Ah, that sounds heavenly! I wouldn't mind conversing some, so long as you aren't asking me where your sneakers are or what's for dinner :laugh:

    I would make you noms and you could cuddle the dog. The weather is pretty rubbish though....

    noms noms it! :)
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member

    I would make you noms and you could cuddle the dog. The weather is pretty rubbish though....

    I can live with rubbish weather as long as I have noms and a cuddly pup :bigsmile:
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Right everyone bck to mine, I have a 2 spare rooms and a couch. We can ignore each other, cuddle the animals and watch hours of tv. Winner! *starts tidying house*
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Right everyone bck to mine, I have a 2 spare rooms and a couch. We can ignore each other, cuddle the animals and watch hours of tv. Winner! *starts tidying house*

    :laugh: I love that we're all in such agreement of what constitutes a good time!
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Being around lots of noise and large groups of people really exhaust me, so I try to avoid it. When I go out I try to pick restaurants that I've been to that I know are fairly quiet and/or likely have a more laid back crowd. Frequently those places will also have a lounge if I'm going for drinks with friends. It's much more relaxing than clubs.
  • annrum
    annrum Posts: 144
    I think I'll join you guys. I'm much happier by myself generally. I went on holiday on my own for the first time ever this year & it was utter bliss. I didn't have to worry about anyone else, it was all to my schedule. Can't think why I left it so long!!

    Generally though, I don't think I could do my job if I wasn't introverted, I work away from home for 3 nights of the week & I think if I was highly social, I'd find it very frustrating being away in a hotel all that time. As it is, I spend it reading or crafting or doing something equally not very social :bigsmile:
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I think I'll join you guys. I'm much happier by myself generally. I went on holiday on my own for the first time ever this year & it was utter bliss. I didn't have to worry about anyone else, it was all to my schedule. Can't think why I left it so long!!

    See I've never done the holiday on my own thing but I think I might this year, did you find it expensive being a solo traveller? I've been to the cinema on my own, but never to dinner.......... Maybe I should start taking myself out on dates :laugh:
  • girl_afraid82
    girl_afraid82 Posts: 178 Member
    I wouldn't say I'm a loner as such, but I'm definitely not a social butterfly.
    I'm most comfortable when surrounded with people I know well... family and my close friends. I love going out to pubs and clubs, but only if enough of my besties are coming with me, else I just feel slightly uncomfortable. I don't drink much anymore, so unless I'm in good company it makes a night out rather dull!

    I'm awkward around new people and find it hard to 'click' with someone enough to consider them a friend... but when I do, there's no getting rid of me :bigsmile:
  • xiege8811
    xiege8811 Posts: 10
    I seem to be, I get so damn lonely I hate it. But i try to keep in contact with friends but nothing, also my family are great but they live miles away and my ONE friend is great but I would like to go out with people even if its just for coffee or the pub.

    I get so lonely, lets hope things change. xxxx