Tell us about yourself/your goals



  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    Hello... I'm Michele from Tampa, FL. I just started C25K on Monday. I've been working in my weight since January and added the gym in March, Currently, at this point, I thought I needed to mix it up a bit. I am not a runner... have never been a runner... and honestly i'm not sure what I got myself into. lol. I want to quit after 27-33 seconds of running. It's like my body doesn't know how to breathe and run at the same time. I want to hold my breathe until its over... clearly that wont work. Today I'm on day 3. Wish me luck. :)

    Height: 5'3
    CW: 198.8
    SW: 241
    GW: 140-150... not sure yet. Continually setting little goals so I am not discouraged.

    I love that your setting small goals along the way! This will def. help you to get to your ultimate goal!! You CAN do this! I know just how you feel!! I would suggest running slower almost like your walking, to be honest I actually think my speed walk intervals are faster than my jog lol but thats okay we will get there!! Welcome :-)
  • Hi, everyone! I just started C25K yesterday, and I'm determined to make it through this time. I'm rather new to fitness and brand new to running. I'm planning on signing up for a 5k that my gym hosts in September, as motivation to stick it out. I downloaded "Get Running" on my iPhone, and I'll be doing week 1, day 2 tomorrow. :)


    Age: 23
    Height: 5'8"
    SW: 270
    CW: 261
    GW: 160
  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member

    I used to play college softball so I used to run all the time but now that I have graduated the last thing I wanted to do is run. I work at an EMS company in dispatch so I sit for 12 hours at a time and I feel so sluggish. Not to mention I gain 60 lbs since I graduated. I am so excited to start the C25K. I start today after work. I am going to do the timed version because I wanna build my endurance back up.

    Welcome!! I know how you feel I sit in a cube all day! I try to get up and walk around on my 15min breaks but sometimes Im pretty busy and the time slips away from me :-) So excited to start this journey with you all!! I am also doing timed..
  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    Hi Runners-in-Training,

    I'm Sam, and I've had RunDouble since last summer, but I never really gave it a fair shake. Now I have a friend (whose wedding I'm trying to get slimmer for) that has begged me to run the Marine 10K with her at the end of October. I need to seriously get my butt in gear if I don't plan to walk all six of those miles.

    So I'm here. Planning to start everyday, but I think I'll just get to it tonight -- with their Zero to 10K program. I also plan to start outside, because I've heard far too many stories of people running on a treadmill for miles and miles and then not being able to make a block outside.

    Oh and my stats are:
    HW: 246.6lbs
    CW: 233.2lbs
    GW: 150lbs(ish)
  • TJDoddHise
    TJDoddHise Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all!

    My name is Tanya, and I am 41 (almost 42) and doing the C25K for the second attempt. The first time I did it, I got to the fourth week and failed miserable at both the 3 minute intervals as well as the 5 minute ones. So I started over, and the first week or two was easier the second time around. Once I got to weeks 3 & 4, I was once again VERY challenged - but I refused to give up this time! On week 4, day 3 I was able to successfully run the 3 minute interval without stopping; but unable to complete the 5 minute. So here I am, about to start week 5 - which I believe is all 5 minute intervals. I will do week 5 until I am able to master it...before moving on. Wish me luck!

    Starting weight: 204
    Current weight: 185
    Goal weight: 145

    5K Goals ~
    Blazing Sun 5K (July 2012)
    Dirty Girl Mud Run (Oct. 2012)
    Run for Your Lives Zombie Run (Dec. 2012)
  • JenniferDent_CHC
    JenniferDent_CHC Posts: 35 Member
    I'm so glad I found you all!

    I used a c25K app starting last November because I was planning to run a 5K in April 2012. Well, that never happened. I trained for 9 weeks using the app indoors on the treadmill. The first time I ran outside in February, I thought I was going to die. I felt like I had never run before in my life!

    That experience completely made me unmotivated to run anymore so I quit. :frown:

    My friends convinced me to run a 10K in November so my plan is to do the 9 week c25K running plan AGAIN, but this time I'm running outside! No treadmill for me.

    And I'm going to start this week! Woohoo!

    Thanks so much for starting this group!

    Height: 5'2"
    SW: 150
    CW: 142
    GW: 125

    Here we go!

  • seamadden
    seamadden Posts: 46 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Sinead. I just finished week 4 day 2 of the program today and everything's going great. :-)

    Height - 5'8
    Start weight - 201lbs (joined mfp on 192lbs)
    Current weight - 188lbs (been here for a while, hoping c25k will help!)
    Goal weight - 140ish

    After I finish c25k I want to work on my speed for a while, because I feel like I will not be able to finish a 5k in just 30 minutes in the beginning, haha. After I get to around 22 minutes then I'll start working on 8ks and 10ks and so on. I don't think I'll ever be the kind to run a marathon, but who knows! Maybe a few half marathons. :-)

    Good luck everybody, you can do it! x
  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    Hi Runners-in-Training,

    I'm Sam, and I've had RunDouble since last summer, but I never really gave it a fair shake. Now I have a friend (whose wedding I'm trying to get slimmer for) that has begged me to run the Marine 10K with her at the end of October. I need to seriously get my butt in gear if I don't plan to walk all six of those miles.

    So I'm here. Planning to start everyday, but I think I'll just get to it tonight -- with their Zero to 10K program. I also plan to start outside, because I've heard far too many stories of people running on a treadmill for miles and miles and then not being able to make a block outside.

    Oh and my stats are:
    HW: 246.6lbs
    CW: 233.2lbs
    GW: 150lbs(ish)

    You can do it!! I have rundouble also its a great program so far!! Just think about how good it will feel to accomplish this!! WOO HOO
  • barbcouperus
    barbcouperus Posts: 49 Member
    I'm Barb, I'm running for health and weight loss. I'm also training for a 5K obstacle race in September...oh and I did I mention I'll be chased by zombies at the same time? ( if anyone is interested! :bigsmile: ) ANYWAY, I'm coming back from injury, so I'll be a slow pacer, but the idea is to just get out there, right?
    Here are my stats:
    height 5'9"
    37 years old
    Glad to see there's so much support here..also, feel free to add me as a friend for extra support. I need all I can get. My husband is super supportive, but he's never had weight issues and doesn't think I need to lose it's great if I can talk with others going through the same struggles.
    take care and good luck everyone!
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    Hi Groups,
    I have been doing C25K for a few months now on and off and it really works. I have been taking too many breaks and get off track. But I have made it all the way to week 5 and so happy with how the program works.

    Height: 510
    SW: 325
    CW: 290
  • Hi everyone,

    My name is Lynn. I joined MFP on May 29th 2012, I am going to look at a treadmill tomorrow, and then make arrangements to pick it up and I will be starting the C25K as soon as I get it!
    I have struggled with weight all my life and I am tired of feeling so fatigued and hurting all the time!!!

    My highest weight was 279 lbs, I lost 7 lbs somehow not sure how. I got excited about the weight loss so I started walking outside and eating better.
    Temp. here is 89 degrees right now so It is too hot to walk out there!

    I am 5'6"
    SW: 272 (when I joined MFP)
    CW: 267 (as of 6/11/2012) ( I did not weigh in monday because of TOM I knew I was bloated)
    GW: 150ish (maybe less if I feel like I need to when I get down there!!

    I can't wait to get this treadmill and get started on the C25K!!!

  • kelsafish
    kelsafish Posts: 39
    Hello everyone,

    This is my first time trying c25k. I have always been an avid runner but I've never been able to complete a 5k or 10k successfully because I've always got this horrible pain that starts up in my right shoulder. I've read that many things can contribute to this so I'm working on strength training (with 30 day shred) and I am hoping that working myself up slowly again will help with the pain maintenance as well. The last time I working on strengthening my running, after a few months I was able to run for a long time with little to no shoulder pain. So, we'll see how it goes. I'm gonna get into the chiropractor here soon and get my bones aligned so hopefully that'll help too.

    Height: 5'6"
    SW: 136
    CW: 127.5
    GW: 115
  • scrapping_jess
    scrapping_jess Posts: 48 Member
    Hi everyone!

    This is my first time doing the C25K and my 15 year old daughter is going to do it with me! We started talking about this last week, and this week we have been walking everyday for 20 minutes. Our goal is to start the program this next Monday... So this group will be perfect for us!
    The city that we live in has a 10k the first Sunday in May called Bloomsday. Our goal is to do the race in 2013 with running at least 1/2, and to run the whole thing the year after that. We just want to be healthier...

    My stats:
    Height: 5'3"
    SW: 274
    CW: 261
    GW: ???
  • ahedrick99
    ahedrick99 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi all! My name is Lexie and I started c25k a couple weeks ago...went out of town and fell a bit behind so this group is just what I need because I love the program, I just need some added accountability and encouragement! Please feel free to add me as a friend for added encouramgent (but I expect the same in return)!!

    Height: 5 ft 5 in
    CW: 155
    GW: 140
  • Fit_at_fifty_
    Fit_at_fifty_ Posts: 7 Member
    hi im a mum of 3 aged 13, 8 and 7, i started running/.jogging a couple of years ago, loved it , even though it was hard work, but i had no motivation, no goals and was hitty missy , until i eventually gave up, joined a gym and ran on a treadmill. not the same, but recently i have started running again , im down to do a 5k in july, im managing to run 5k but its hard and i want it to get easier , so having support is good
  • krikit_lo
    krikit_lo Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone, I've always wanted to be a runner and have halfheartedly started c25k a few times in my life. I'm single and really want to drop around 40lbs total so I can feel great about myself again and have the confidence to get back in the game of life
    I hope by the end of my 9 weeks I will have lost at least 10lbs.

    I have not picked out a race yet. I should be finished on August 17. There is some kind of women only run on Aug 25 so I’ll look into that.

    good luck to everyone!
  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    Hello Everyone!!!! I am so glad to have found this group!!! My name is Rachael, I'm 40 years old and have never been able to run. I'm hoping to change that:) I'm a mom of 2 active girls and I need to keep up. My husband and I are both getting into running, for my hubby he's getting back into it. We are moving soon to a small town where they have races all the time. He wants us to do it together. I told him I'm willing to do a 5k then hopefully bigger and better.

    I'm really not looking to lose any weight by running, i would however love to increase my endurance and speed, eventually. I like to mix up my workouts and do different things. I'll be doing Week 3, day 3 tonight. So far so good. I did get the flu during my second week and since then I've had to slow down, hoping that will change soon.

    Feel free to add me, and We Can All Do This, even if I have to repeat a week, lol!!
  • leanne5025
    leanne5025 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi I'm Leanne and I started my weight loss journey last September. Since then I've lost 80lbs! I started out walking 2-3 times a week for 30 mins and slowly reintroduced yoga, biking and jogging into my exercise routines. Now I regularly walk for 30 mins at lunchtime (workdays), do crossfit training for 1 hour twice a week, 90min yoga class once a week, and walk/jog for 1-2 miles 3 times a week.

    I haven't started the C25k program yet, but have been doing interval training on my walk/jog days. I signed up for a 5k on the 4th of July so I want to start the program as I feel it will help me make the entire 3.1 miles! I need to start soon though since the most I've ran at one time is 2 miles. I'm pretty slow too. :)

    SW: 244lbs
    CW: 164lbs
    GW: 140lbs

  • vtjenn
    vtjenn Posts: 8
    I'm Jenn!!! I always seem to start and stop some sort of weight loss program constantly!! I was at my heaviest back in May of 2008 when i was 198. I lost down to 150 with Weight Watchers in less than a year. I stopped Weight Watchers a while back. I've gained half my weight back. I just got re-married.. and i want to be healthier.. not just to look better.. but to be healthier when and if we decide to have children.. I have a 7 year old son and my pregnancy was anything but smooth because of my weight right at the end..

    Height: 5'7
    SW: 179
    CW: 179

    I really love the C to 5K program. I'm on week 2 now.. I can't believe i'm up to 2 miles.. who would have thought!!?!?!

  • bwatt11
    bwatt11 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello! My name is Becky. I, like most of you, am new to running. I always say "I wish i liked to run" because I have heard it's great not only for physical exercise, but also for mental health as well. Just to have that time to yourself to run and "be" and kind of clear your mind. It always sounded so weird to me to say "I don't know how to run" too. But now is the time to change all of that.

    I will be doing my running on a treadmill, inside, at the gym watching the tv. I find that if I'm watching something other than the clock, it has been a little easier for me.

    I have always wanted to run a 5k. I don't have any desire to run marathons, but think that a warrior dash kind of thing would be fun (and crazy!!). For the last few years, when I write my goals down, running a 5k has been on the list. I'm hoping to actually make that a reality this year.

    Thanks for putting this group together. I can't wait to have more to add to the discussions! Feel free to add me :)

    Height - 5' 5"
    SW - 175
    CW - 168
    GW - 145