FunBun's Stage 1 Results.

TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
Yay, I finally finished 8B. Skipping the amraps as I think I'd feel silly doing a million reps in the gym. Gotta keep what little gym cred I have. ;)

Squats from BW ---- 115
Row from 65 ---- 100 with the occasional set of 120
Pushups from counterheight
some on the floor, some at knee height, some at counterheight. LOL
Step Up from 30 ---- 65lbs
Prone Jacknife from regular to full raised pike. :)

Deadlift went from 45 --- 145
dumbell shoulder press from 20 lbs... to 20 lbs. Really, I just can't seem to make it to 25 for more than one set. :(
Lat Pulldowns from 65 to 100 with the occasional set of 120
Lunges .. from BW to a high of 40 lbs, to knee pain and "I'm not doing any damn lunges" I don't know why they're doing this to me!
Swissball crunch from 20 lbs on chest to 20 lbs over head

Inches? Uhhm. I lost 2 inches from the largest part of my gut (yeah, that's what I call it in the measurement list!), evened out my biceps (.5 inch on one side) 1 inch of underboob. Gained one inch of butt (hells to the yes) and two inches to my bellybutton area (boooo), but I don't believe it because I spend all of my time bloated.





I've lost.. 1 lb from my NROL start weight, I think. Maybe. That was after I took my week off early so it could have totally been water weight. Something is happening, though.


  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    BEAST mode on the squats and deadlifts

    Way to rock it girlie!!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Thanks! I felt pretty beast mode today!

    on a side note.
    That awkward moment where you realize you forgot to do a check for sex toys before posting photos on the internet.
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    That's great progress and I can tell there is a difference in your pix as well! Way to go!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    That's great progress and I can tell there is a difference in your pix as well! Way to go!

    Thanks girl! They're tiny differences, but I can dig it. :)
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    That's great progress and I can tell there is a difference in your pix as well! Way to go!

    Thanks girl! They're tiny differences, but I can dig it. :)

    Hey, that's just one stage! Can you imagine the end?
  • Val_from_OH
    Val_from_OH Posts: 447 Member
    Wow - impressive strength gains! Great work.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    WOW - great job! Can definitely tell a difference.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Awesome stats!!! Congratulations!
  • epcooper
    epcooper Posts: 161 Member
    That is fabulous FunBun!!! I can't wait to see your progress after stage 2! I'm halfway through stage 1 and I've made zero progress on push-ups....but you're definitely an inspiration to me!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Thanks y'all.

    Yeah, I think the key to pushup progress is actually doing as many of a harder one as you can, and then finishing up with the easier ones once you can't do any more. I've always had good success with that method and body weight exercises.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Great job! I can totally see a difference in your pics. Your waist looks much more defined. Keep it up!
  • janegalt37
    janegalt37 Posts: 270 Member
    Awesome strength gains! The pictures from the back show the most difference. Lookin' good!

    On a side note - have you thought about seeing a chiropractor?
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    Thanks! I felt pretty beast mode today!

    on a side note.
    That awkward moment where you realize you forgot to do a check for sex toys before posting photos on the internet.

    OMG! You crack me up! Way to go!
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    Great job!!! I've just finished stage 3 and I think I noticed the biggest changes so far after stage 2, You'll love having the intervals they're great!!! Keep it up, you're already past me on squats and I've been at this 3.5 months now! haha
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Tawnya, I actually jumped up from having a nice hoop dance session outside to run in and see what I had on my stupid nightstand. Hehe. Luckily I took photos from two angles. Phew. ;)

    Jane, is my back weird? I haven't been to a chiropractor, but I do have a spine therapist.. and before that a PT who both made extremely dissatisfied faces while looking at my back. They haven't mentioned anything wrong with it, but I always have the feeling that I'm made in a way that bothers them LOL. Looking at it now, I seem to have less of a gentle slope and more of an abrupt bend. ... hmmm!

    Thanks again, y'all! I'm actually looking forward to Stage 2 finally, because I hear you can get REALLY low in front squats, so I'm going to try to scare people in the gym with my ridiculous lowness. ;)
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Awesome strenght gains, plus your bottom looks perkier :laugh:
  • nickm21
    nickm21 Posts: 254 Member
    Awesome progress Funbun! Really noticable in your pics too.

    And yes your bottom is definitely perkier:laugh:
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Wow! Great strength gains and you are looking great! I see some changes all over! Especially your waist and biceps! Get it girl!!
  • CyanideCyster
    Excellent progress, massive difference all over and especially your waist!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I think this is AWESOME....and, for me, I'm *most* impressed with your rows and your step-ups. I'm in Stage 6 and not hitting those numbers, so GOOD ON 'YA!