You know you EM2WL when. . .



  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    When people comment on your strong will to stick to a "diet" and lose so much weight and all you can think is "what diet?!?!?!".

    LOVE this one. :laugh:
  • Snubbleup
    Snubbleup Posts: 66
    When you've accepted that the bathroom scale is the devil but it doesn't ruin your day if the number isn't what you were hoping for.
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    When your obsession with food dissipates to nearly nul - or get replaced with wondering how to get those proteins in.
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    You don't have cheat meals/days anymore because you can still eat those things!!!!!

  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    You don't have cheat meals/days anymore because you can still eat those things!!!!!


    ^^this^^ and you smile inwardly when invited to dinner at Mom's and she tells you not to worry, it's all low calorie, you can eat everything~ knowing that you'll have to......

    ....when you shop for food, look at the Lean Cuisines and think "I'll have to eat at least 2 of these", then walk away and buy some REAL food!
  • nyspotlight
    nyspotlight Posts: 124
    Your food diary looks like a book instead of a few random thoughts

    LOVE this
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    When you no longer need to wear a sweater in the movie theaters.

    When you eat a whole avocado because you can.

    When you friend people if they eat above BMR and below TDEE.

    When you love logging food and balancing macros like it's a game.

    When you report NSVs like tossing out old WW points books!

    When you realize, that you'll be eating this way forever and there is no wagon from which to fall off.
  • blynnblair
    blynnblair Posts: 274 Member
    Options finish your log 300 calories too low and you're kinda worried about it! out-eat your boyfriend

    This! I'm eating all the time while my bf does 1.5 hours of cardio and eats half of what I do....I just started lifting so I cant wait to show him what I'm doing really does work!
  • blynnblair
    blynnblair Posts: 274 Member
    You often find yourself saying, "I need to eat more."

    I usually follow that up with "I need to eat more protein"

    When I look at the message boards and the topic is "help I can't lose weight" I'm 99% sure they're eating 1200 cals and working out 7 days a week for 2 hours. I've stopped opening them.

    ALL OF THIS! :)

    ^^ yep!! :)
  • ralena
    ralena Posts: 29 Member
    this lol
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    When all you want to do is shake people who complain that they cannot eat lunch today because they are going out for a nice dinner later..

    You want to to punch people... in the nuts... for being unhappy about eating 200-300 cals, 3 meals a day and not eating after 7pm

    You realize that you can have a drink after dinner and be able to add it into your day without fear of it messing up your week.

    That you no longer have cravings for anything anymore.
  • deanwifey2002
    deanwifey2002 Posts: 9 Member
    When you have gained 5lbs but that size 6 dress you just bought last month is too big.:love:
  • KrystieNye
    KrystieNye Posts: 123 Member
    When you are not mean & cranky from not eating AND you don't celebrate "sticking to your diet" by eating a whole kiwi vs. just a slice.

    Yes ...there was a poor soul who posted her celebratory eating of a whole kiwi. Sigh.

    ^^I saw that post, and am still shaking my head... :huh:
  • knowak82
    knowak82 Posts: 200 Member
    When you are doing a strength training video hard core sweating and watching the Bachelorette on TV in the other room AT THE SAME TIME.

    Or your co-workers say "you're eating again"

    Hahaha!!! Nice:laugh:
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    OMGoodness I love you guys, LOL, this is hilarious!!!! Happy Friday!!!! :laugh:

    ... you workout with your boyfriend and out lift him!
    ... you have dinner at a Pizza Inn buffet and don't feel guilty. Nom, nom, nom. :bigsmile:
    ... you now sweat buckets when working out!
    ... that (insert food you ridiculously restricted on a "diet") you "couldn't have" before is now called BREAKFAST. :laugh:
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    When you secretly enjoy eating "bad thing" in front of your starving friends. LOL
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    When you giggle like a school girl at a new curve in your arms and flex all the time like the typical meat head! LOL
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    -When you realize you are now HAPPY about gaining a few pounds and inches realizing it will lead to fabulous weight loss while you're still eating loads of food!

    -When you realize you are no longer a slave to the scale!!!:happy:

    -When you feel really bad for eating too few calories or not meeting your macros, as you really LOVE getting them all in!:drinker:
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    When you giggle like a school girl at a new curve in your arms and flex all the time like the typical meat head! LOL
    Hahahaha!! I'm totally a meat head.
  • Emilit_uk
    Emilit_uk Posts: 87
    Options out-eat your boyfriend

    YES!! i always out eat my boyfriend!! i always tell him to eat more to make me look like less of a pig lmao


    Your boyfriend raises an eyebrow at you on meals out when you've just polished off a huuuge meal and still want dessert; and then you have to convince yourself your not little miss piggy!