do you see yourself as always bigger/manlier than other wome



  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    Bigger, definitely yes. But the accompanying adjective is not manly. It's smarter, more confident, more competent, leader, etc. All those positive qualities men get assigned without having to do anything about it. I LOVE my tallness accompanied by smartness and confidence!

    Post of the year. Or decade even. Perfect.

    I LOVE being tall. I love it. The fact that I love it is helpful, since I can't do anything to change it...

    Hey, I've just had an epiphany, the things I dislike about my physical appearance I can change. The things I like about it, I've got for life. How cool is that? That's a bit of an ego boost for a Thursday afternoon.
  • Riley4ever
    Riley4ever Posts: 225 Member
    Don't any of you girls ever sit down? I've got long legs so when I sit down, it's a level playing field and I no longer 'tower' over others ;)
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    Don't any of you girls ever sit down? I've got long legs so when I sit down, it's a level playing field and I no longer 'tower' over others ;)

    :wink: hahah this is a good way to look at things. I will say though, I'm 5'11 and I'm leggy... but I still have a super long torso... So, even sitting I'm still taller. I also have fantastic psture (my grandmother always said "Shoulders back, knockers up! Be proud of who you are!") so shorties don't have a chance. LOL but I just rock my awesomeness and I couldn't care less if people are short or intimidated by me. That's their issue, not mine :bigsmile:
  • redjen
    redjen Posts: 12
    I feel like now and then. Guess it depends on body image/clothes on the day but sometimes i feel like this giant, broad shouldered thing about to take out Tokyo! Doesn't help either that i'm a bit clumsy and am always falling over things or bumping into poles...
    My feeling of being bigger/manlier than other girls has been helped since dating my finance who has a good 4 inches of height and 60 pounds on me which helps to at least give me the illusion now and then that i'm delicate and feminine looking :P

    Wouldn't trade away the height for anything though- didn't like it as a teenager but the pro's definitely outway the cons nowadays. Have even started wearing heels in the last few years. Boom!
  • Wisemomoffour
    Wisemomoffour Posts: 125 Member
    I have always seen myself as a "big" girl and I hate that--but I LOVE being tall. I wear heals and it doesn't bother me to tower over men or women. I just wish I wasn't so "thick"....or I see myself as thick. UGH!!
  • katybelle7
    katybelle7 Posts: 6 Member
    definitely at 5'11 I just wish I was... idk dainty. Fragile looking. Its like I want to be the cheerleader but I'm trapped in a linebackers body! I'm so with ya'll with this one!
  • ekolson
    YES! I was talking to my friend about this the other day. I have no boobs, and I'm 6'1", I feel like a MAN for sure. I would love to even just be 5'11". I'm single and I hate being out at the bar or just in public in general and looking over the heads over pretty much everyone. AND when my friends see a super tall guy out they automatically just tell me I should date him. It's so frustrating and annoying! In high school I always was worried about this and talk to my parents about it once and my dad said "yeah, boys are probably intimidated by you because you're so tall..." so that's been stuck in my head since then and I really dislike it!!! ugh.

    P.S. How can i join this group/thread so I get updates on it!? Thanks :)
  • KristalDawnO
    KristalDawnO Posts: 154 Member
    hehe I'm a big woman. I have a large bone structure, so even when I reach my goal - I'm going to be larger than other women I see on a day to day basis - and that is ok! Of course, I'm also an ex-powerlifter, so I think that may add to it a bit :) I am, however, not manly.
  • KristalDawnO
    KristalDawnO Posts: 154 Member
    Yes, yes, yes! I'm 5"11", and when I was younger and at a lower weight, I felt like a supermodel when I walked into a room. Now I feel like Shrek :(

    This comment cracked me up :) Thank you!
  • annie7hudds
    annie7hudds Posts: 199 Member
    I am 5ft 9 -so at the lower end of the scale to join this group :)

    i always felt much bigger than all my friends. Especially at school - and in my early twenties.

    I have kind of got used to it now I am 44! and my son is taller than me at 14.. husband is taller, stepson is way taller.. but the issue I think for me is not the height but the 'size'.

    Yes, supermodels are tall - but they are willowy (skinny) and hence appear more feminine. When I weigh in at 163lbs -I feel not quite as gazelle like as Heidi Klum.. And when I work out - blimey - those muscles build up gooood.

    This generation and subsequent - are all agoing to be taller - boys and girls. So we need to encourage our tall kids to embrace it. I remember being called a 'big girl' as achild - it may have been meant in a general way, but I always felt like it was a kind of insult being 'big'.. ? Would ratherhave been called a pretty girl or clever girl! Which i was/am also!
  • snakesandladders2
    snakesandladders2 Posts: 59 Member
    I constantly feel a bit on the 'manly' side, not so much specifically about my height, but my build (I am quite a 'big' girl) and stuff like having quite large hands (and not in a good, long-elegant-fingers kind of way). This, coupled with the fact that my sisters-in-law, mother-in-law and loads of my friends are quite petite, does make me wish I was a bit smaller in stature. If I decide to wear something nice, I always feel that I have to check with my hubby that I don't look like 'a bloke in a dress'


    When I go dress-shopping, I am always quite paranoid about looking like a bloke in a dress. I have some Dutch genes (a tall country!) so compared to other people in the UK, my 5.10-5.11 height really does stand out. Moreover, I enjoy strength training and I like my muscles, but I have naturally broad shoulders. Many feminine clothes make me look like a man...especially strappy dresses or boob tubes. However, I have long legs and love wearing mini skirts to show them off. I get many compliments from other women, like: "oooh look at those long legs...".

    Fortunately, I have hips and a waist, so my body is quite hourglassy to counteract the big shoulders.

    I feel much better about being tall now that I am slim. When I was bigger (UK size 16), I just felt like a woman-mountain next to my petite friends! Now (UK 10), I feel like a sexy tall blonde woman...

    I work in a secure setting with violent male offenders, and being tall and muscular does make me feel more in control, and like I could have a chance at defending myself should something go wrong.

    But even now, when I go for coffee with my gorgeous petite brunette 5 ft tall friend, I kind of feel like a big-handed, big-footed, mountainous person, and end up slouching. On balance I'm pretty happy with my height though!
  • cOOkieLpX
    cOOkieLpX Posts: 63 Member
    You know how they say that dogs look like their owners. I own a Weimaraner and normally feel like one. Big ears, big feet, tall and clumsy.
  • dfsnell
    dfsnell Posts: 14 Member
    OMG!!!! I just had this conversation with the woman I work out with. Although I am only 5'9 which is short compared to the women my daughter plays volleyball, I always feel so big! I'm tall, big and have broad shoulders. This is very frustrating to me sometimes. I have to go read the other responses now, maybe I will feel better.
  • dfsnell
    dfsnell Posts: 14 Member
    I must also add, I wished I was a bit taller, and I find that tall women carry their weight better. I am 227 and look much smaller than that. I do find I build muscle well (except for ab muscles..dang kids) and have extremely muscular legs. I've had men tell me they wished they had leg muscles like mine. I do love being tall, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE high heels. I look great pole dancing, and I bet the rest of you tall ladies would too!
  • htalexander
    I have never felt "manly" due to my height but awkward??oh yea..... I dated 2 men shorter than me and I really don't want to offend but....uh.....the comments we got were really embarassing although they were meant to be for fun...Let's just husband is taller than me and I'm grateful for this!
  • heatherrose9
    heatherrose9 Posts: 122 Member
    bump to read all the comments later...was just shopping for heels for a wedding i'm in and i was getting really upset bc of the fact that i'll be so much taller than the others and my foot wouldn't fit into any of the shoes i tried on
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    i certainly do - and i think that is because of the height, and not feeling "feminine" or "petite" enough, especially growing up where all the boys seemed to want the girls who were short, petite, cute etc. now im finally coming into my own, but sometimes that thought is still there that leads me into a binge (like today)

    Yes, I feel this way too! It's actually a relief to hear other tall women feel the same...
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I felt this way when I was heavier. I always thought that my shorter petite friends were prettier and more feminine than I was. But now I'm fit and thin I'm happy to be tall - clothes really do look better on taller people. We can sport large purses and wear clunky shoes and not look silly. I found out at the doctors the other day I'm really only 5'10 1/2 and it made me a little sad...

    I rock a pixie cut, my legs are miles long and I'm proud to be a tall girl!

    I'm going to a wedding this summer and the shoes I'm looking at are at least 5". My date is 5'6. He told me to rock it...
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    definitely at 5'11 I just wish I was... idk dainty. Fragile looking. Its like I want to be the cheerleader but I'm trapped in a linebackers body! I'm so with ya'll with this one!
    Wow! You took the words RIGHT out of my mouth! Except I'm more like 5'9 and used to play rugby so change "linebacker" with "prop".
    I do try to to wear skirts, dresses, heels, jewerly, and cute blouses to help me "feel" more femine. When I was heavier, I felt more like a drag queen and trust me my broad shoulders, short hair, no hips or defined waist, and 38Fs weren't helping me feel more like a woman. Luckily I lost some weight so I now feel more comfortable dressing up. YAY!
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    I felt this way when I was heavier. I always thought that my shorter petite friends were prettier and more feminine than I was. But now I'm fit and thin I'm happy to be tall - clothes really do look better on taller people. We can sport large purses and wear clunky shoes and not look silly. I found out at the doctors the other day I'm really only 5'10 1/2 and it made me a little sad...

    I rock a pixie cut, my legs are miles long and I'm proud to be a tall girl!

    I'm going to a wedding this summer and the shoes I'm looking at are at least 5". My date is 5'6. He told me to rock it...

    Soooo glad you said that about your 5'6'' date. My husband is 5'7'', and loves when I wear heels. I think the weight is the only thing that makes me feel "manly". I can't wait to lose this weight and feel like a supermodel on my husband's arm!!!!