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Done with MMOs.. Anyone else?



  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I've come to the conclusion after playing both WoW and EVE Online that there simply is no way to experience endgame content in MMOs while maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle.

    110% agree. It's not impossible but very difficult. The social aspect of MMO's was my biggest draw. I get bored playing by myself quickly. I like the teamwork aspect of working together to take on difficult quests and bosses. All of this requires time. I at most could do 2-3 hours a week. Weekends are a no go for me either since I work them.
    I heard Star Wars might go free to play?

    I might pick it up if that's the case lol

    This was the last MMO I played. Started when it got released and stopped in late March. I love Star Wars but unfortunately I lost interest. I can only play the solo content for so long before I get bored. I have a couple of IRL friends I could join to do group stuff but they had much more time to play than I do and leveled much faster to the point that grouping was no fun.
  • proudgamer
    proudgamer Posts: 18 Member
    I have tried a Ton of MMOs and the only one I keep coming back to is DDO (Dungeons and Dragons online) as it is very casual and solo friendly, depending on the race/class combination that you pick. I play for an afternoon once or twice a month.
  • RavenhairedWoman
    RavenhairedWoman Posts: 661 Member
    I honestly was only ever attracted to the social aspect of WoW and the fact that I could turn my brain off and just quest/grind/farm. It was a huge unwinding tool for me. But then it started to eat my life because I had no life or friends outside of the game (my own issues there). So when drama kept popping up and my friends started leaving I ended up tossing in the towel too. I was never very good at figuring out what gear I needed because I just didn't care that much. When I raided I basically had guildies or exes put together a "shopping list" and I would go out and buy/farm/instance the crap out of things until I got what they told me to get. I am good at following directions but I never wanted to be the best player ever.

    I've been kicking around the idea of going back (only to re-roll on a different server though). I would only be a completely casual player now though considering that I am working full time and about to start going to school again in my spare time. After you add in the gym and time with friends I won't have much time for WoW.

    So I agree with you but because I enjoyed the social/grinding/farming/questing aspects of the game I might go back eventually just to have that turn brain off and unwind time.
  • ValkyrieFD
    ValkyrieFD Posts: 83
    I played WoW since classic and finally quit last year. After seeing I had a full year of REAL TIME logged only on my main, I knew I simply couldn't do it anymore. I am super competitive and loved raiding, but the stress, commitment, and time sink made me realize I had to step away. I am an obsessive and competitive gamer and have to beat everything, it it's really hard to "beat" an MMO.

    I played SWTOR but only did the story on a couple classes then walked away. I was super proud I didn't get sucked into the end game.

    I love end game content of MMO's, but the bottom line for me came to there are so many other things I can do with my time that is better spent. I mostly play FPS now on consistent basis (but no where near MMO time) and buy all the RPG's and spend a week beating then- then I walk away. <3
  • Absidey
    Absidey Posts: 116 Member
    It depends how your time is divided up, and how you need to play the game to enjoy it, but I wouldn't say it's impossible to play end game content and have a healthy, active lifestyle. I'd agree you can't do end game on the bleeding edge of content, but I co-lead a guild and we raid end game content just fine.

    I have a 2-year-old, and I'm not super social, so raiding Friday/Saturday nights is fine for me. If I weren't raiding, I'd still be at home, because my daughter is asleep and I'm obviously not going to leave her home by herself and I don't really have stuff I want to do sans husband. The raid is about 3 hours, and right now only Friday night.

    Outside raid, I play maybe another 4 hours for farming or crafting? We've divided up responsibilites for herbs and fish, so I can herb/fish half an hour a week and our raid is covered on consumables. Since I play after my 2 year old is in bed, so I don't miss any time with her. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week, again, mostly after Kate's asleep. I play Kinect games and take Kate to the park semi-regularly, and we usually do walk around kind of stuff on the weekends during the day. I periodically go do 5Ks with a friend, and I'm trying to get up the courage for a regular rock-climbing gym visit with another friend.

    We don't have a crazy active lifestyle, certainly, but that's at least partially because we want Katie to be able to do whatever we're doing. I still keep a clean house and work full time.. I don't think I'm neglecting anything? So don't think you have to give up MMOs to be healthy and active.
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    I stopped playing for a while for a second time. Not really for health reasons, but more burnout/family responsibilities. I plan on signing back on soon to level up a toon in the new MFP guild and to play MoP. I've been playing Zelda: Skyward Sword in the meantime. I think with LFR you can experience end game stuff and still be pretty casual, but I also agree it's hard to be a member of a hardcore progression raiding guild and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    I hate raiding and have probably only ever done a handful in all my years on wow. Dungeons are ok ,but heroics made it more like raiding. Once you get to endgame there's nothing else to do but raid and raiding really does not bring out the best in people.

    Levelling is easy to do whilst only spending a few hours a week online. Once you've levelled and need to get appropriate gear, it gets ridiculous. I can imagine that once you have high level gear that you don't need to spend much time playing. You can just raid.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    I started SWTOR back up but cancelled today, it's lost it's interest for me and I gave up WOW a long time ago after many years of playing.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I play LotRO. When I need a break, I simply don't log in for a couple weeks, and I find that re-sets my enjoyment. It's pretty weird in the casual/hardcore respect... It is casual friendly, and you can get to 75 (max level) completely solo, but you can't get the good gear without raiding. BUT, you can join PUG raids if you want, and if you're on a good server.

    I lead a PUG raid the other day, and only about 5 of the 12 people I started it with finished with me. People couldn't stay for the whole thing, and that was fine. I just found others to replace them, and did it with 11 until we could find people. We understand. Not everyone is in a hardcore raiding kin (I used to be before I transferred servers - I like this laid-back kin better), but still want to raid. I also find these types of raids aren't as intense. I run a super casual raiding atmosphere. I'm too nice to b!tch and yell if something goes wrong, haha. Just figure out what happened, send the person a PM, and move on.
  • Exill
    Exill Posts: 155 Member
    I lost interest in MMOs seven years ago when I realized they're all exactly the same. Make a character, go fight some monsters, get quests to collect something or kill more monsters, get some ugly gear that doesn't match or looks like everyone else, grind, grind, grind... And I'm not even opposed to the grinding (I'm used to leveling in jRPGs and fighting countless monsters, it's fun), but like, there's no drive, nothing to strive for except new gear so you can look cooler.. except everyone your level looks like you anyway. There's no compelling story or characters to drive me towards an end goal, which really there isn't in MMOs. I want so badly to enjoy playing them, but I don't. Just not my thing. I'm sure a big part of it for me, too, is that I have a hard time finding good friends to play with and look forward to logging on with. So I end up playing some big MMO... all by myself. And it's like, what's the point?
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    I never liked MMOs. A bunch of people thinking they're the ***** because they spent all day on the game doing something that takes no skill. At least the COD kiddies can kill me quick and headshoot me :laugh:
  • Permbaby
    Permbaby Posts: 71 Member
    I used to enjoy WOW until I realized that I would never see any endgame content due to the fact that I only played for 30 minutes a day. My money was better spent paying for XBOX Live.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    There's no compelling story or characters to drive me towards an end goal, which really there isn't in MMOs. I want so badly to enjoy playing them, but I don't. Just not my thing.
    Yeah, I can see this in most. One of the reason I like LotRO better than other MMOs is that it's based on the Tolkien story, and they do a great job with the lore. I'm not a role-player, but you really start to feel immersed in the story, and one of the coolest things is running around finding places from the books, and meeting the characters. I giggled for a solid 10 minutes the first time I ran into Tom Bombadil, then again when I ran into Frodo, Gandalf, Lord Elrond, etc. Oh, and even more when I ran into Bregalad, hahaha. Even took a screenshot with him :D
    I'm sure a big part of it for me, too, is that I have a hard time finding good friends to play with and look forward to logging on with. So I end up playing some big MMO... all by myself. And it's like, what's the point?
    I don't play with any RL friends. I go out and make new friends by grouping and joining a kin (guild). I've made some super awesome friends that way. Just like here on MFP, you get what you put into it socially.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i could totally balance raiding (yes, at endgame) and being healthy along with pvping with friends. raiding for 7 years. its weird not doing now (although that is because cata is ****) its like part of me is missing.

    just takes some planning.
  • merlinm21
    merlinm21 Posts: 2 Member
    I currently play Everquest 2 and raid 9pm-12am est mon,tue,wed,thurs and have no problem getting things done
  • Exill
    Exill Posts: 155 Member
    I'm sure a big part of it for me, too, is that I have a hard time finding good friends to play with and look forward to logging on with. So I end up playing some big MMO... all by myself. And it's like, what's the point?
    I don't play with any RL friends. I go out and make new friends by grouping and joining a kin (guild). I've made some super awesome friends that way. Just like here on MFP, you get what you put into it socially.

    That's what I meant, though, like, finding people in the game who I enjoy playing with. When I first started playing online games--Ragnarok Online and FFXI--I had no problem with that, maybe because back then when people played online games they played them to play with others. But now it seems people just want to play by themselves so most people ignore you or are just jerks. I had a hard time getting into WoW even though I enjoyed playing it because I could never seem to find a community within it.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    that is surprising. any guild i've applied to i've always been welcomed with open arms.. even guilds i wasn't in! i just always had lots of friends on wow.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I used to raid and I've never once been on a raid that didn't pretty much demand 3-4 hours of your time. Now that I've gotten used to playing games where I can just walk away when my dog needs a walk, or only play for an hour at a time without suffering any sort of consequences (or anyone else suffering because of me) when i log out mid-game, there's no real going back.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I'm sure a big part of it for me, too, is that I have a hard time finding good friends to play with and look forward to logging on with. So I end up playing some big MMO... all by myself. And it's like, what's the point?
    I don't play with any RL friends. I go out and make new friends by grouping and joining a kin (guild). I've made some super awesome friends that way. Just like here on MFP, you get what you put into it socially.

    That's what I meant, though, like, finding people in the game who I enjoy playing with. When I first started playing online games--Ragnarok Online and FFXI--I had no problem with that, maybe because back then when people played online games they played them to play with others. But now it seems people just want to play by themselves so most people ignore you or are just jerks. I had a hard time getting into WoW even though I enjoyed playing it because I could never seem to find a community within it.

    Then you're playing the wrong game(s), or on the wrong servers. I've never had a single issue with that. I switched servers (with a friend), and instantly made tons of new friends. After I ditched that friend (issues), I've now made a slew of new friends, simply by grouping and being social. Heck, I made one new friend because we hang out in the same area and one day I randomly struck up a conversation with him. People on my server (not my old server, but this new one I'm on - servers can also make a huge difference) are constantly pugging groups, and it's been really easy for me - someone who prefers to fly under the radar and only talk to people I like - to make lots of friends. 'Course, LotRO is also known for having one of the nicest MMO communities out there, or at least that's what I've heard from people who have regularly played other games.
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    I never got into MMOs for that reason, i like to stop playing my game and you know the game stops as well. And also i like the joy of completing a game
  • Hate MMOs, and totally agree with this guy ^^. They're just all the same, at the end of the day. I greatly prefer a game that has a decent 2-player mode, and almost no one is making them any more. It's either 1 player or the whole freakin world is on your screen. Ahhh, for the good old days... <looks soulfully out the window and the wobbly image starts - enter flashback sequence...>

    I also don't get off on PVP, although I confess, I am still playing (on and off) DC Universe online, just because, well, it's SUPER HEROES!!! (You'll never guess who my main character is modeled after...)
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    I played Dark Age of Camelot back in the day when it was kind of the de facto MMO and the first to offer a Realm vs. Realm based combat experience. I had about 2 years into that and I quit. Then I got hooked into WoW for maybe a year, never

    You had me at Dark Age of Camelot <3 . lol I played for like 8 years then went to Basic Training. Since then i've played very little. I have 2 toddlers, go to school full time, workout a lot and have to maintain a house. I miss RvR soooooooo much

    DAOC :cry: Now the count is 2 other people who know what I'm talking about :sigh:. Spent about 3-4 years there, hubby spent about 6-7 yrs there.
  • GeekyGirlLyn
    GeekyGirlLyn Posts: 238 Member
    I keep wavering between done and not. I quit wow twice for a year each time but I keep getting dragged back. And now with Mists coming out and my guild doing Hardmodes Im sucked in fridays and saturdays from 6-9. I just dont have the willpower to give it up I guess. I could be spending that time doing more stuff with my real life friends or working out! Just have to wean myself off I hope
  • Absidey
    Absidey Posts: 116 Member
    I played Dark Age of Camelot back in the day when it was kind of the de facto MMO and the first to offer a Realm vs. Realm based combat experience. I had about 2 years into that and I quit. Then I got hooked into WoW for maybe a year, never

    You had me at Dark Age of Camelot <3 . lol I played for like 8 years then went to Basic Training. Since then i've played very little. I have 2 toddlers, go to school full time, workout a lot and have to maintain a house. I miss RvR soooooooo much

    DAOC :cry: Now the count is 2 other people who know what I'm talking about :sigh:. Spent about 3-4 years there, hubby spent about 6-7 yrs there.

    DAoC was my first MMO. =D
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I honestly was only ever attracted to the social aspect of WoW and the fact that I could turn my brain off and just quest/grind/farm. It was a huge unwinding tool for me. But then it started to eat my life because I had no life or friends outside of the game (my own issues there). So when drama kept popping up and my friends started leaving I ended up tossing in the towel too. I was never very good at figuring out what gear I needed because I just didn't care that much. When I raided I basically had guildies or exes put together a "shopping list" and I would go out and buy/farm/instance the crap out of things until I got what they told me to get. I am good at following directions but I never wanted to be the best player ever.

    I've been kicking around the idea of going back (only to re-roll on a different server though). I would only be a completely casual player now though considering that I am working full time and about to start going to school again in my spare time. After you add in the gym and time with friends I won't have much time for WoW.

    So I agree with you but because I enjoyed the social/grinding/farming/questing aspects of the game I might go back eventually just to have that turn brain off and unwind time.

    This is basically me too, except that I knew my own gear and how/where to find it, and most people came to me for gearing up questions! It truly was the social aspect of the game that made me play, and it helped me unwind. I loved the farming feel of the game and that with my group of friends, I could do *anything* in the game and still have a freaking BLAST doing it because my friends were so amazing. Ahh the days of titanium farming and laughing so hard I couldn't see the nodes through the joy-tears.

    I've flirted with the idea of going back but I just can't justify it when most of the time I'm alone playing. I miss raiding, I miss my friends, I miss the socializing and the laughter and the amazing conversations.
  • LadyVivica
    LadyVivica Posts: 84 Member
    I have played all the major MMOs from FFXI to WoW to SWToR from beta to release...and I will be playing GW2 but if that fame fails too, I'll give up on MMOs too...
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