Low Carb Away From Home?

sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
One of my girls ended up having her appendix out a couple of weeks ago. It had burst during surgery so it ended up being a 4 day stay to rid her of all the infection. During that time I focused on her instead of my diet (and by diet I just mean food choices, low carb is a lifestyle for me by now), so I just ate the trays of food the hospital brought me instead of trying to stay low carb. I didn't touch any of the carbage people sent for us, and didn't accept the fast food offers from anyone, just ate what was on the trays and skipped some of the many carbs on it.

Gained a bunch of weight...like 15 or so.

I'm well on my way back down, but it has me wondering what I could do better next time (and with several special needs kids, there's always a next time). I really would rather not have to send people for food for me all the time, so what kind of stuff could I pack? There's probably a fridge, but I don't really like the idea of storing my food in a shared space...I'm weird like that. Atkins bars tend to stall my progress, but even that is better than gaining.



  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
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  • sd515
    sd515 Posts: 8
    I love string cheese, beef jerky and small packs of nuts for travel munchies. As far as fast food type offers, many chains will make a burger or chicken sandwich with lettuce wrap instead of a bun, and some offer decent salads with grilled chicken and cheese. Hospital food is very high carb in general. The dieticians that oversee the meals subscribe to the food pyramid theory in most hospitals that I have worked in. If the hospital has a bariatric program, ask for some of their options - they usually have very low carb protein drinks, SF jello, SF pudding etc. Hope this helps! -Deezy
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    why not eat fast food?
    it is the easiest when you're traveling. or not traveling. i love it.

    say mcdonalds.
    i get 2 mcdoubles, no bread, no ketchup, no cheese (bc i don't like plastic cheese taste, but sometimes maybe a half piece is nice) add mayo, extra pickles, on a bed of lettuce. they put it in a little bowl, and it's really convenient.
    switch it up, do the same thing with a grilled chicken breast.

    you should have told the hospital you needed diabetic friendly meals!
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    great answers, thanks!
  • ZipperJJ
    ZipperJJ Posts: 209 Member
    I went to a 48-hour lock-in (no refrigeration) and brought the following:

    - Beef sticks
    - String cheese
    - Peanuts
    - Cherry tomatoes
    - A little Glad container of ranch dressing
    - Celery sticks
    - A little Glad container of all-natural peanut butter
    - A little Glad container of black olives
    - Atkins Advantage Peanut Butter protein bars (19g protein, 240 cals)
    - Atkins shakes
    - Sugar-free Jello pudding cups and Jello cups
    - 20-oz diet Cokes (for the caffeine - I had to stay awake!)

    I also stopped on the way and got a huge salad with eggs and meat and ranch dressing from the grocery store. I ate that by the end of the first night, before it had a chance to get too warm.

    I also drank about 3 gallons of water over the weekend.

    That's how I'd pack for a long weekend away. Whenever I go someplace that I'm not sure if I'll be able to eat, I take a bag with Atkins bars, peanuts, beef sticks and cheese sticks.

    I also am never afraid to eat anywhere that serves burgers and just take off the bun. Red Robin, Jimmy Johns and Five Guys have this as menu options. Wendys has no problem leaving off the bun (and they have salad). Burger King double cheese is great and cheap, I just take off the bun myself. Applebees has a fantastic and huge chicken cesar salad.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Every other Sunday my boyfriend and I go to play board games at the local board game store and we're typically there all day. I like to bring a little lunch/soft sided cooler with us so we don't have to leave for food (when playing games that can be several hours to all day in length, you don't want to miss when a new game starts and not get in!). Lately I've been packing hard boiled eggs or egg salad, turkey or ham and cheese sandwiched with lettuce and mayo/mustard, cut up veggies, dip, berries, string cheese, cut up celery/bell peppers/cucumbers. Last time I even made some broccoli salad (typical recipe, but subbed splenda for sugar and just ommitted the dried cranberries or raisins that would normally be in it). Green salad works too.