is this why I feel so heavy & blah now?

DaysFlyBy Posts: 243 Member
Anybody see/use this TDEE calculator:

It seems like it would be more accurate since it asks more specific activity questions. According to this my TDEE is 240 calories/day less than on Scooby! It's setting my TDEE is roughly what Scooby would have me at the 15% cut. Maybe this why I feel so fat, heavy and sluggish now? Am I overeating?? :grumble: It's all so confusing!


  • Cmadridk
    Cmadridk Posts: 9
    Scooby's site gave me 1840 (with a 15% cut).

    This site gave me 1763 (with 15% cut).
    Yet it reccomends I cut by 500 calories...almost exactly 25% of TDEE which is way too much to sustain (for me).

    So my calculations make only an 80 cal difference between these two maybe it has more to do with how you calculated your activity.
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    Anybody see/use this TDEE calculator:

    It seems like it would be more accurate since it asks more specific activity questions. According to this my TDEE is 240 calories/day less than on Scooby! It's setting my TDEE is roughly what Scooby would have me at the 15% cut. Maybe this why I feel so fat, heavy and sluggish now? Am I overeating?? :grumble: It's all so confusing!

    that calculator is harder for me to use- i have no idea how much time i spend sitting vs walking, etc. i don't know. everyone here swears by scooby so i'm just trusting the process and going with that!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I found that calculator harder to use as well because every day is different for me.

    But I put in an average day without weight lifting and it gave me a higher number than scooby by about 150.

    The important thing to remember is that all of these calculators are estimates. It will be more accurate to stick with one number for 8 weeks and see what your body is doing and then adjust up or down from there.
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member

    The important thing to remember is that all of these calculators are estimates. It will be more accurate to stick with one number for 8 weeks and see what your body is doing and then adjust up or down from there.

    Yup! Consistency is key!! Also, when doing a reset, that heavy, blah feeling seems to be one of the symptoms that appears in the first few weeks and is later replaced with lots of energy. Stick with it, you're on the right path.
  • Mistymath
    Mistymath Posts: 146 Member
    The IIFYM calculator minus 500 was within 15 calories of my 20% TDEE cut from Scooby. I think it's really all in how you calculate your activity.
  • DaysFlyBy
    DaysFlyBy Posts: 243 Member
    Well right now I'm only burning 2000 cal/wk according to MFP, which breaks down to something like 286/day, so I may exercise 6-7 his/week but I'm not burning high calories. Someone on another thread said to get your sedentary TDEE and add to that your avg daily burn and use that as your TDEE which gives me 1849, still a lot lower than what I have been eating. I'll get my Polar FT4 hopefully on Wed and hopefully get a more accurate/personalized burn estimate for a week and rework the math and stick with whatever it works out to. I'm quite sure I had overestimated my TDEE though and that's why I'm seeing fat rolls where everyone else is seeing water swelling/bloat. Doh!!! Nothing like taking giant leaps backwards. :P
  • ji225
    ji225 Posts: 89 Member
    I gave this site my numbers, and it said my tdee was 1950 - oops - well I have been eaitng 2300 including exercise! I then changed the activity numbers wuite a bit in favour of far more heavy workouts and it stayed the same on 3 revisions, so I dont think it can be that accurate! Well hoping not, as otherwise I will be gaining a pound every few wks lol!