Putting the scales away!

kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
I dont think I will last at my metabolism reset unless I stop weighing myself. I started this weight journey 6 years ago in August and have been a daily weigher...so this is going to be hard! Ive decided not to weigh myself again until August 1 altho i will take measurements.....bit scared on August 1 i will have gained like 20 pounds lol but gonna try this and hope im strong enough to resist them :)


  • shirellp
    shirellp Posts: 12
    I am a daily weigher too! It's one of the first things I do in te morning. I need to take a leaf out of your book and throw away the scales. I don't think I can last till August but I will set myself the challenge to put them away till next Monday. Let u know how I go! Good luck to u!!
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
    im with ya! wasnt going to weigh till July, ut now im pushing back to august 1. scale sucks
  • each_day_stronger
    each_day_stronger Posts: 192 Member
    It's torture, but I feel way better not weighing myself.

    In order to know if EM2WL is working I have to actually think about how I FEEL health-wise, rather than what my scale is telling me which is difficult but rewarding. When I moved into my new apartment I actually chose not to bring a scale with me. So I can only weigh myself at my parents house every few weeks.

    I feel like now that I'm four weeks into Eat more and I've upped my exercise levels, I must have at least lost a pound and I'm dying to check, but at the same time I remind myself that I am so much more than any number on a scale and that my body deserves food and exercise regardless of how much weight I'm losing. UGH so hard.

    Kudos to y'all!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I was a daily weigher but it was playing too much with my mind,... So a friend challenged me to take a week off, and I did.. since then I have at least been able to go back to weekly weigh ins... but I would love to avoid it for a month
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    I'd been weighing in every Friday, but after starting the reset it messed with my mind too much. So, I'm waiting until July 25th (the end of my 8 weeks) before getting back on the scale. I'll probably be horrified, but I'll get to start my cut the next day!:smile:
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    I dont think I will last at my metabolism reset unless I stop weighing myself. I started this weight journey 6 years ago in August and have been a daily weigher...so this is going to be hard! Ive decided not to weigh myself again until August 1 altho i will take measurements.....bit scared on August 1 i will have gained like 20 pounds lol but gonna try this and hope im strong enough to resist them :)
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    We must have started same day,,, June 1? I'm up 7 1/2 lbs so far, think I'm going to exercise more or cut at 5wks. I wasn't a vlcd'er but no carb, lots of carbs, no carbs, lots of carbs. When it was 4-5 lbs, I could deal. Now I think I better do something different, I don't wanna have to lose 10 to get to my original fat weight!
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    No I am actually only on day 5....August 1 is 1 week after my next cycle finishes so i figure thats a good time to look, So far i have gained 1.3 kilos so about 3 pounds.
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Wow, how did u lose the major weight ? Nice!
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    You can so this ... i haven't jumped on for weeks and i have 2 weeks to go till i do ... once it has been put out of site i actually felt better. i still measure and seeing results there but the scale is just a stupid number anyways.

    You got this!!!!!!!

  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    Prior to this part of the journey i pretty much lost it all by calorie cycling eating 1800 cals per day...exercising 4-6 days per week...and eating clean :) Its worked well...but this last 10 kilos (20 pounds) is being a bit of a bugger! Hope this EM2LW helps :)
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    wow 85kg lost?!?! that's amazing!!! congrats on your success til now!! i'm sure the last bit will fly off soon!

    as for the scale...i think its a great idea. i was driving myself crazy weight myself at the beginning of my reset, i ended up telling my husband to hide the scale while i was at work one day.

    i'm weighing in again and taking measurements when i start my cut on 7/1. from then on, i'll weigh-in, every other week.

    good luck!!!