hi all

hi everyone!

This is my first post on here, usually im a lurker and read posts but think its time i actually took the plunge and said hello :)

Ive never really been an active person and over the past few years i have started to get a bit of a belly on me! so ive decided its time to change and the C25K program seems the best way forward :)

I am currently on week 4 of the C25K, to be honest i have just this moment got back from run 2!
Its been a fun experience so far up until now :/
I started having problems on the 3rd run of week 3 with my left leg, i have gotten used to the usual aches and pains but this one seems to be bothering me a bit.

It starts on the left side of my shin and eventually begins to feel like pins and needles, it then travels down to my foot and toes,
its not so bad when im running but as soon as i stop running and begin the walking intervals it does begin to bother me!

i really dont wanna put it to one side and forget about it or use it as an excuse not to go jogging because so far i am loving getting out and actually achieving something for myself!

Im at a point on whether i should continue on with week 4 or perhaps drop down a couple weeks and work my way back up but im unsure at the moment.

any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

thanks again,



  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member

    My first thought is of course a shin splint. Try taking some Advil before you head out, and then icing the shins when you get home. See if that helps. Also, if you're not doing so already, STRETCH before and after.

    I've had a HORRIBLE battle of the shin splints. I ended up having to take a week and a half off- not even any walking!!

    If the Advil, ice, and stretching don't help, you may want to see a Dr.

  • Danzavar
    Danzavar Posts: 8
    hey Aimee,

    My first thought was a possible shin splint as well but as its something i have never dealt with or experienced before i cant really say! im on my off day today but ill say how it goes tomorrow and if its still the same ill try with the ice as soon as i get back and see how that helps.

    the only stretching i do before is a 5 min brisk walk (if that counts) but as soon as im done i do as many different types of stretches as i can which :)


  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member

    The stretching before helps SO much. If you go to the cool runnings site, they have th stretches for runners. You should check it out. I printed it and saved the page on my phone.
  • buckeyegirl0103
    buckeyegirl0103 Posts: 194 Member
    Welcome Dan-
    I have had some pain as well in my left leg- only mine starts in the thigh and travels up to the backside. I am hoping to get some good running shoes soon...I have heard really good shoes that are fitted for you are a must! I went to my local run shop and got fitted- now I am saving for them.

    I am supposed to be doing W4D3 tomorrow. I have been off for 4 days though due to not feeling good- (fibromyalgia flare up from something else) so I am hoping it won't be too bad tomorrow!

    Stretching, stretching and more stretching is a must!!
  • Danzavar
    Danzavar Posts: 8
    i think ill give the stretching before i head out a try tomorrow and see if that helps, ill head over to the page now and have a gander, thanks for that :)

    hey Buckeyegirl, i have a pair of running shoes that I've had for years, unused, there not the greatest pair but i have been eying up a new pair for myself but they are a tad bit pricey so im saving up for them!

    good luck with your run tomorrow, i cant wait to get out and finish mine :D