Need men to translate date code...



  • RunningDirty
    RunningDirty Posts: 293
    I call bull shenanigans.

    Men analyze just as much as women do! I hear it all the time and my brother is a huge mull-it-over guy. When he finally realizes he's not getting anywhere he asks me WTF is this chick doing and then I tell him the same thing I always do: stop dating snooty bishes.

    My dog is only half blind.

    I'm off duty so I can express freely without editing myself.

  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Did he steal her dog in an attempt to meet her (aka get laid?)
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    Wait, what was this thread about again?

  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I have known "mull it over" guys but not "mull it over quietly" guys.

    Also, I'm a little bit irked by the suggestion that if a woman is upset over something a man said, she is necessarily overanalyzing. Maybe he's being a self-centered prick and she's had enough of his BS. There comes a point, when you really care about a person, where you start thinking about how your words and actions affect that person. It's called mental and emotional adulthood. Having a penis and being "simple" does not absolve you of any responsibility for the words that come out of your mouth.
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    I have known "mull it over" guys but not "mull it over quietly" guys.

    Also, I'm a little bit irked by the suggestion that if a woman is upset over something a man said, she is necessarily overanalyzing. Maybe he's being a self-centered prick and she's had enough of his BS. There comes a point, when you really care about a person, where you start thinking about how your words and actions affect that person. It's called mental and emotional adulthood. Having a penis and being "simple" does not absolve you of any responsibility for the words that come out of your mouth.

    I don't disagree with you, but the Op here and in many cases female OP's very early (2-5)dates start asking he said x or y what does that mean. Just like all men are not big dumb animals hell bent on destroying women, not all women over analyze. However in this forum we seem to see a lot of over analyzing early on in the process.

    But having a penis and being simple is pretty damn fun! Even if we do have to grow up at some point...
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I like sun dresses. :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I call bull shenanigans.

    Men analyze just as much as women do! I hear it all the time

    I agree... I was hanging out with a friend, and he told everyone in the place how he really liked me by I get on his last nerve because I over-analyzed EVERYTHING. Funny thing is, he himself analyzed things more than any guy I ever spent time with (besides my ex)...even down to how much time each of us should talk when hanging out.
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    Did he steal her dog in an attempt to meet her (aka get laid?)

    I don't steal dogs but I do try to get laid, and I won't apologize for that!
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I have known "mull it over" guys but not "mull it over quietly" guys.

    Also, I'm a little bit irked by the suggestion that if a woman is upset over something a man said, she is necessarily overanalyzing. Maybe he's being a self-centered prick and she's had enough of his BS. There comes a point, when you really care about a person, where you start thinking about how your words and actions affect that person. It's called mental and emotional adulthood. Having a penis and being "simple" does not absolve you of any responsibility for the words that come out of your mouth.

    There is a difference though between trying to find hidden meanings or "code" in normal conversation and a person being rude,callous or hurtful.

    That is usually obvious and not really in the same context as the thread.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    It's nice to see this thread take on a life of it's own. :laugh:

    The conundrum is do we over-analyze and perhaps misinterpret things in the beginning? Or do we ignore possible red flags and then get the head slap later when if we had PAID ATTENTION we would have seen the signs? :noway:

    She had another date...and I think at this early stage my interpretation is he comes on strong and must burn out fast. Don't know. Only time will tell...she likes him, she's having fun. She's going to tell him to slow his roll. And we'll see.

    Thanks for the interesting debate.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    It's nice to see this thread take on a life of it's own. :laugh:

    The conundrum is do we over-analyze and perhaps misinterpret things in the beginning? Or do we ignore possible red flags and then get the head slap later when if we had PAID ATTENTION we would have seen the signs? :noway:

    She had another date...and I think at this early stage my interpretation is he comes on strong and must burn out fast. Don't know. Only time will tell...she likes him, she's having fun. She's going to tell him to slow his roll. And we'll see.

    Thanks for the interesting debate.

    This statement gives me a question I would like to use as a separate thread,do yo mind if I quote it?
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    It's nice to see this thread take on a life of it's own. :laugh:
    Thanks for the interesting debate.
    It's always like that, but it's actually quite cool! :laugh:
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    It's nice to see this thread take on a life of it's own. :laugh:

    The conundrum is do we over-analyze and perhaps misinterpret things in the beginning? Or do we ignore possible red flags and then get the head slap later when if we had PAID ATTENTION we would have seen the signs? :noway:

    She had another date...and I think at this early stage my interpretation is he comes on strong and must burn out fast. Don't know. Only time will tell...she likes him, she's having fun. She's going to tell him to slow his roll. And we'll see.

    Thanks for the interesting debate.

    This statement gives me a question I would like to use as a separate thread,do yo mind if I quote it?

    Spinoffs welcome.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    It's nice to see this thread take on a life of it's own. :laugh:
    Thanks for the interesting debate.
    It's always like that, but it's actually quite cool! :laugh:

    Yes it is. :drinker:
  • tom1834
    tom1834 Posts: 34
    Concur. just because he's dated "A LOT" doesn't mean he he's a serial dater, he could have just failed to make a deeply meaningful connection.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    Concur. just because he's dated "A LOT" doesn't mean he he's a serial dater, he could have just failed to make a deeply meaningful connection.

    Yes, you TELL someone you dated "A LOT" if it's just an innocent comment. It comes across more as a warning. Personally.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Concur. just because he's dated "A LOT" doesn't mean he he's a serial dater, he could have just failed to make a deeply meaningful connection.

    Yes, you TELL someone you dated "A LOT" if it's just an innocent comment. It comes across more as a warning. Personally.

    It depends on the overall context.

    "I have dated a lot,but am looking to find something long term"

    "I have dated a lot and like the attention"

    "I have dated a lot so if you don`t meet my wants quickly I don`t need you and will move on"

    What was the flow of the conversation in which the statement occurred?
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    It's nice to see this thread take on a life of it's own. :laugh:

    The conundrum is do we over-analyze and perhaps misinterpret things in the beginning? Or do we ignore possible red flags and then get the head slap later when if we had PAID ATTENTION we would have seen the signs? :noway:

    She had another date...and I think at this early stage my interpretation is he comes on strong and must burn out fast. Don't know. Only time will tell...she likes him, she's having fun. She's going to tell him to slow his roll. And we'll see.

    Thanks for the interesting debate.

    For me, it's hard to say what I think without hearing the actual conversation. Some of it could be what Carl said above me, and some of it could be "i date a lot, so don't be surprised when you find out I have other girlfriends/ditch you right away." For me, it would depend on the vibe i'm getting.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Yes, you TELL someone you dated "A LOT" if it's just an innocent comment. It comes across more as a warning. Personally.

    The last year or so I really didn't date. I was pining away for two of my guy friends who both let me know about 4 months ago that I'd never have a chance. I set up a profile and since then have averaged 1-4 dates per week, most one-and-dones. Some 2-3x and two guys more than that. I'm not saying that to brag, but just to say this guy probably has dated WAY more than me, and even *I* have told guys I've dated as kinda a hint that I don't see anything long term with him or a warning that there's plenty of other guys to choose from and I'm not desperate enough to put up with boorishness or disrespect.

    So, if a guy told me that after we'd gone out once or twice, I might still go out with him just for fun. But even if I'm open to something developing, I'll keep in mind that he probably doesn't see anything long term with me.

    Oh, and I agree with Mom2rh... in my (limited) experience, the guys that come on really strong, really fast also burn out really fast and suddenly.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Hey I just re-read what I wrote, and I hope you didn't think I was implying something wrong with your friend. I was really just trying to say it's probably the guy's warning that he's not gonna be Mr. Relationship.

    I'm curious... what did your friend think? Did she have a nonchalant opportunity to ask for clarification?