Day 7 - June 26th- Cleanse America

taylor0204 Posts: 357 Member
Happy Day 7!!!


  • urbanmasala
    urbanmasala Posts: 95 Member
    Happy Day 7 to you, too, Taylor!

    I'm still hanging in there with the cleanse and I'm enjoying the experience. It's so much easier for me this time around. I'm actually amazed that I haven't had any major cooked food cravings. I haven't even bothered trying to log my food since most of what I'm eating would require me to put in whole recipes, but I'm doing very well. My weight is actually going down, which I expected and I'm happy about that. I had gained a few pounds about a month before this cleanse started and I've lost them all and the cleanse isn't quite over yet.

    This cleanse has really served to get my eating habits back on track. I was actually a little apprehensive before the cleanse started because I wasn't sure I'd be able to go all raw for 10 whole days, but things are going much better than I anticipated. There are only 3 days left and I'm looking forward to finishing strong.
  • taylor0204
    taylor0204 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi there :smile:

    Day 7 is complete. I find myself doing well with raw foods (juices, smoothies, fruits and veggies) during the day but find dinner time to be a challenge. It is hard for me to eat cold foods so I find myself simply eating a salad. I do love how I feel so I would like to continue so I need to figure out the appropriate dinner options.

    As for weight loss, I said I would wait until the end of the 10 days and see the results. I have noticed a lot of bloating since eating raw.

    I am so glad the cleanse is helping you get things back on track. We have made it through the most difficult days so the remaining days will be a breeze.