Where to start?

stfuandrun Posts: 106 Member
So I just ordered this madness and I'm stoked to start when it comes (next week-ish I'm guessing). However, here is the deal. I run every day and do Jillian's NMTZ ever other day. I have been doing NMTZ for 5 weeks so I feel like I have a pretty good base as far as strength goes. Should I still start on the workout 1 & 2 dvd's or should I jump ahead to 3 & 4? Have any of you just avoided the cardio DVD and done other cardio? I run so much (30-35 miles a week) I probably don't need to implement any other cardio.

Oh, and this is my first post in here so hey! Ha. Thanks for any advice!


  • stfuandrun
    stfuandrun Posts: 106 Member
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    You can try 1&2 with her step up modifications and see. My guess... You will want to move onto 3&4.

    I don't do the cardio videos. I run 3-4 times a week instead.
  • azwaa
    azwaa Posts: 81 Member
    Start at week one with heavy weights, if it is easy, move to week 3. I just finished 30ds and wish I hadn't as much time on week one and two.
  • stfuandrun
    stfuandrun Posts: 106 Member
    Awesome. I think I will do just that. I'm thinking I will want to jump ahead pretty quick. I am so looking forward to starting!