Welcome to the Challenge!



  • ViDexSha
    ViDexSha Posts: 46 Member
    I just gained 3 lbs back from what I lost over the las few weeks...So this challenge is perfect timing. I will need to lose 6.5lbs...as my startign weight today is 160.
    Bring it on!
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you are looking for support...as I can also use a few myself! :)
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,319 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Kathy and this is my first challenge. I just started Jillian Michael's Body Revolution. I think this challenge will help keep me motivated to get my 6 days of exercise in with Jillian. I'm ready to give this a try. Let's do this!
  • Hello All!!! I am now at 216, so my 4% is 8.6! I'm ready to start, no more waiting untill tomorrow!!! Add me as a friend if you like for support and motivation! We can do this!!!
  • Hello; my name is Martha. The challenge to lose 4% of my current weight means losing 10 lbs. I won't say this is easy because any amount of weight to lose can be difficult; however, I know I will succeed. Since October of 2011 to the very day, I have lost 30 lbs. I didn't change my eating habit until February of 2012 and I'm so glad I did. Changing my eating habits has helped in my weight lose. In previous months getting motivated to exercise has been my problem. Within the last two weeks I have started yoga for 17 mins 4 days a week, pilates 10 mins 4 days a week. My desire is to walk and eventually jog on my treadmill for at least 15 mins 3 days a week. Being motivated to do this is my greatest hindrance.
  • BetheLight
    BetheLight Posts: 18 Member
    HI! My name is Melissa and I would like to lose 4% as well. By the end of October I'm going to have six-pack abs so this challenge will be a great motivation to keep up with my goal. I weigh 136 lbs, so my goal is to lose 5.4 pounds by the end of July!
  • scottkoz20
    scottkoz20 Posts: 18
    I'm in

    I'm Scott

    4% from today would be 15.6 pounds... yikes
  • MissJessicka
    MissJessicka Posts: 3 Member
    That means 10lbs for me to lose! We can do this!! :-)
  • Hello! Losing 4% means that I will have to knock off 5.84 pounds...so 6-pounds in July. That should be doable!! So, come on weight loss!! :laugh:
  • kbarto1
    kbarto1 Posts: 3 Member
    This is fun! I've never joined a group before, so I'm excited - 1st group, 1st challenge! My starting weight for this challenge (as of this morning) is 153.8. 4% for me is 6.1 pounds. If I lose that I will only be 2 pounds away from my goal weight of 145! This will be a great motivation! I, too, have vacation planned in August and this will be an awesome way to start it off! Thanks for putting this together!
  • Hello my name is Lori and I am hoping to complete this July Challenge. I have about 7 lbs that I need to lose and that is just the beginning of my weightloss goal. Please keep me in your thoughts and push me to lose these 7 lbs!! Thank you
  • danyeld619
    danyeld619 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Danyel and my current weight is 190. I am aiming to lose 4% for July which would be 7.6 lbs. I really need this challenge to get me started again. I have been unmotivated lately and after searching for days this seems to be just what I need! I am exctied to get started. Good luck to everyone!
  • NanzyBoek
    NanzyBoek Posts: 151 Member
    Hello I am super excited to join my first group challenge...my starting weight today is 245 and I not sure how to calculate 4% I get 12 then hit the equal sighn and get 20. Can you help please... Thanks
    9.8 pounds
  • NanzyBoek
    NanzyBoek Posts: 151 Member
    I am in! I have to loose 8pounds. 2 pounds per week hmm. Cant wait for the daily/weekly challanges for motivation
  • Ok...I am in. I set up this site over a year ago but my sister just started it so it's motivation for me to kick her azz! I will see what the scale says in the morning and start from there. Or does this start on Sunday? I hope this will be the start I need since every time I have started a weight loss program in the past - I do well in the beginning...get confident (AKA lazy)...gain it back and then some!
    I am at my highest weight ever in my life and am hating it. Seriously.
    See ya'll tomorrow.
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Hi everyone!!! My name is Raquel and I am 28yrs old, married for almost 7yrs and a mom to a 6yr old boy and a 2.5yr old girl!!! My current weight is 139lbs so 4% of that would be 5.5lbs but i will aim for the full 6lbs!!! Good luck everyone!!!
  • hilly215
    hilly215 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi all! My name is Hilary. My last weigh in (yesterday) put me at 231.6. So my target for July would be 9.4 pounds...but let's just make that an even 10, why don't we? :wink: Good luck all!!! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Hi everyone! I'm new here and decided to join in the group to stay motivated.
    I have to lose 3,4 kg and if I got it right it makes about 7,4 lbs... (Yeah, I'm not so familiar with that unit.)
    Good luck for you all.
  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 577 Member
    Hi everyone!! I'm Monica.....looking forward to this challenge with you guys....I really need some motivation to get back on track. I am hoping to lose 4% by the end of July....that would be a 6 lb lose for me....so I'm hoping you guys can keep me on my toes!! :]

    Would love to have mfp friends from this group....anyone is welcome to "friend" me! :smile:
  • step906
    step906 Posts: 1
    hi everyone! my name is stephanie and i am currently 176lbs. 4% would mean i will have to lose 7lbs. I know I am capable of doing that and I will give it my best. good luck to all!!!
  • ftydd
    ftydd Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm Lisa and I am very excited about this challenge. My 4% goal is 8 pounds. Good luck to everyone!