how often do we use it

beebee0925 Posts: 472 Member
I got the DVD yesterday and I looked at it today and I was wondering how many times per week are we supoosed to use it. It didn't say nothing about that on the DVD.


  • krayzeekris
    krayzeekris Posts: 20 Member
    I did a little research. Supposed to do it every day for 30 days. 10 days on level 1, 10 days on level 2, and 10 days on level 3. The website I was on did say that if the first level is too hard, to stay on that level until you're comfortable to move up. Also, if you want to lose the 20 pounds that it claims is possible, you have to do it twice a day, once in the morning, and once in the evening. I'm going to do it only once a day. that is plenty for me. I've never done a work out routine without days off, so that will be challenge enough for me. I might do it twice once in a while if I want to eat cake that day or something though. :)
  • DarkFlutter
    DarkFlutter Posts: 408 Member
    I had planned to do it every weekday. Weekends off.
    Mainly because I share the house (aka TV) with my husband and a roommate.

    I will actually be starting on excited!

    Kristin: Didn't realize you had to to do it twice a day to get the 20lbs...that kinda puts a damper on it before even starting.
    O well...guess we'll see what happens.
  • chickenshit4
    chickenshit4 Posts: 49 Member
    I read it was a minimum of six days a week.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    It sounds crazy, but I'm hoping to do it everyday, if I'm still alive. haha.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    I did a little research. Supposed to do it every day for 30 days. 10 days on level 1, 10 days on level 2, and 10 days on level 3. The website I was on did say that if the first level is too hard, to stay on that level until you're comfortable to move up. Also, if you want to lose the 20 pounds that it claims is possible, you have to do it twice a day, once in the morning, and once in the evening. I'm going to do it only once a day. that is plenty for me. I've never done a work out routine without days off, so that will be challenge enough for me. I might do it twice once in a while if I want to eat cake that day or something though. :)

    Whaaat. Dang. That sucks. haha. Obviously I didn't read that, soooo...the 20 lb thing might be a little overzealous. haha I'm hoping in all honesty and reality, at least 5 dropped and MAJOR inch loss!
  • amurdaugh2010
    I started it a few months ago, and i kinda started seeing a diffrence after four days. Im going to up my handweights by 1 lbs every time I change a level, and if I can, Ill do it twice, but Im just hoping now that i quit my second job that ill have time to do it once! By the end of july, I'm hoping to lose some inches off my waist. Right now I'm at 38, I kinda want to be 35 or lower. Idk I just wanna fit into these size 8 old navy shorts without having to squeeze in them like I do now. lol