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  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member

    I'm Jodye. I have done SW a couple of years ago, but work pressures made getting to class impossible and despite good intentions I didn't carry it on at home. I'm in a different place mentally now though so giving it another go. I'm using my old books and updates as I see them in the magazine and trying to set my diary up inSW style.

    Look forward to getting to know everyone

  • AllyC3388
    AllyC3388 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Alex, 24 years old from West Yorkshire.
    I have never done sw before but I have been convinced to try it seeing so many people have succeeded.
    I have lost 14lbs this year by counting calories but find it very restricted.
    I am going on holiday in 10 weeks and want to lose as much weight as I can in this time.
    I have 40lbs to lose so I know I won't lose all of this but I am goin to have a good go at it. Fingers crossed. Add me if your also following slimming world.
    Good luck every one :)
  • Spriggan
    Spriggan Posts: 8
    Hi i'm Liz in Cornwall.

    I am re-starting SW tomorrow for absolutely positively the last time - health issues mean I must succeed this time and not give in when I get bored.

    I have about 8 stone to lose.

    I am following the online program rather than groups as I find there is less pressure than a group.

    Look forward to "meeting" you all
  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    health issues mean I must succeed this time and not give in when I get bored.
    I am following the online program rather than groups as I find there is less pressure than a group.

    Long shot but maybe the pressure would do you good in order to keep going and not give in when you are bored?

    Welcome to everyone who is new here. Been a while since I was a frequent visitor here. Life has got in the way and I have allowed it too. I am determined to get back at it though. Had a successful day today so far and intend to make it a successful week followed by month followed by two etc. Good luck to all you newbies. Add me if you like
  • Debsxxx
    Debsxxx Posts: 28 Member
    Joined SW a few months ago, and have been making steady progress. I'm a vegetarian, so been following the green plan - but need to focus more, otherwise I keep losing and gaining the same lbs!

    Have come back to MFP as found it good to use before - everyone so friendly! :happy:

    How do you all record your food diaries if following slimming world? Would welcome some ideas?

    Feel free to add me if you like! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    How do you all record your food diaries if following slimming world? Would welcome some ideas?

    Look at my food diary I have changed the headings to suit slimming world. I also have my cals set high so I don't keep going over. As we all know slimming world is not about cals.
  • Debsxxx
    Debsxxx Posts: 28 Member
    Aaaah thanks, have done the same with my headings now - it's all making sense! :smile:
  • Hi everyone :D I'm Krystal. I started slimming world on the 17th january 2012 at 19 stone 9lb. I had wanted to lose weight for a long time but simply didn't know how. I was eating salads but smothering them in cheese and salad cream to make it taste nice. Grilling and oven cooking food but not partically healthy food so i wasn't getting anywhere. I was struggiling to breath while climbing stairs and at the park with my kids i would become breathless after playing with them for only 10 mins :( End of december my nan died and i went shopping to get some funreal clothes. Looking at myself in just my underwear in that full lengh mirror i felt sick and so angry with myself. I confided in a friend and she told me that her sister had been going to slimming world for 4 months and had lost 2 stone so for myself and my children i tryed it. Today i weigh 14 stone 5.5lb. I have lost 5 st 4lb in 21 weeks :D Still got work to do but i'm getting there xxxx
  • JPO1980
    JPO1980 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, I'm Jayde, Lost 4 stone about 5 years ago (before I got with my boyf) put about 3 of it back on, lost about a stone and a half over the last couple of years...
    Started SW in April and have lost 17.5lbs so far (the .5 is important lol) I joined because my sister has been getting good results.
    I don't go to group because its just not my thing, so some support on here would be great.
    I am using MFP to keep a food diary and journal - I am an emotional overeater so it is good to go back and look at what my triggers are.
    I am following Extra Easy, as it allows me to cook meals that my boyfriend eats too! He fluctuates between 10.5 and 11 stone @ 5ft 11 no matter what he eats!
    My main motivations are: wanting to try for children within the next year (I am 32 in August); wanting to be able to shop in high-street shops!
    I have 5.5 stone left to go...
    Sorry if i've rambled a bit! Totally open to friend requests!

    Jayde xx
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    Hello, I'm Claire, just joined SW last week. I have never been so hungry and finding it very difficult to adjust to to be honest! I don't like Muller light yogurts so I bought some Onken low fat natural yogurt but according to the website that has got Syns in it. I'm not used to eating so much carbohydrates and sugar so I'm wondering if that is what is making me so hungry. If anyone has any advice on free foods, such as brands of yogurts, please let me know! Also, are only certain foods listed on the website? I was looking for Avacado but it kept saying there were no results.
    Always happy to make new friends on MFP as well by the way.
  • JPO1980
    JPO1980 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi claire

    Which plan are you following red/green/extra easy?
    I am following extra easy - but keeping the carbs relatively low, as carbs and specifically sugar make me really hungry.
    The Onken Fat Free Natural is syn free, unfortunately Onken added sugar to their recipes earlier this year so believe it is now about 5.5 syns per big pot.
    My fav yoghurt is Asda chosen by you Fat Free Rhubarb and Vanilla - Syn Free and about £1 for a 450g pot!
    I think you're spelling Avacado wrong - I think its Avocado - try that

  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    Hello, been doing extra easy but I;m not sure it suits me. Going to try the original (red days) plan next week as it seems to be less carbs. I boughtt he magazine and there was an advert for Coconut milk in there so going to check that at the meeting tonight- skimmed milk is too sweet and sugary for me! I bought some weightwatchers dessert style yogurts that someone else recommended. To be honest I'm expecting to have put weight on when I go and get weighed tonight.
  • x5ot
    x5ot Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I joined slimming world online 2 weeks ago (I don't go to meetings). I'm also using MFP to track food and exercise. I'm 34, married with 2 young children and have about 2stone 7lbs to lose. I'm determined to be very disciplined about this so fingers crossed it will come off and stay off! Having done virtually no exercise for about 2 years I have recently started sessions with a personal trainer and am working out (cardio) 3-4 times a week. I lost 3lbs in the first week but stayed the same last week (not sure why?). I'm following extra easy and as I cook from scratch most of the time it's pretty easy to follow. My weigh-in is Thurs morning :)
  • Mammykimbo
    Mammykimbo Posts: 14
    Hi guys, I'm Lisa - originally from Yorkshire but now living in Bedfordshire with my lovely hubby & 2 gorgeous girls.
    I lost 3 1/2 stone with SW but mistakenly stopped going in the summer & put a stone and a half back on :( I'm now back in group & absolutely love the plan & ethos of it. Having 2 girls almost 13 & 10 I think it's important they know what a healthy eating plan is.
    I've always been 'a big girl' & struggled with my weight. I was hoping to be thin at 40 but seeing as that's in 3 weeks I haven't much hope!! Since going back to SW I've pretty much stayed the same which I think is down to the unlimited free foods & having no control - I think I'm going to look like a grape!! So I decided to look at the calorie content of the food I was actually eating & was shocked!! Finding the MFP app & this great site is brilliant, I can track my food & still have the support of people in the same/similar situation as me. I'm not ready to leave SW, it's been such a huge part of my life & I've made such great friends, but will be able to see how I get on with a little more self control from restricted calories.
    I would really like to loose 2 stone during my 40th year !!
    Good luck to you all, I look forward to our 'chats'!!
    Lisa xx
  • Mammykimbo
    Mammykimbo Posts: 14
    Gosh I'm amazed to see that so many people are "following" the SW plan but counting the calories too. I'm so pleased I've stumbled upon this group as I felt such a fraud going to my SW group but not admitting to anyone that I Was actually counting calories!! I guess I was like Lisa and I was having too much "free" food and when you realised how many calories you're consuming it really makes you realise.

    I am loving the control I have with MFP however do not have the confidence to quit my SW group. Support on here is fab however support from people in the group is also very valuable.

    Hopefully we will be able to get advice/support from each other. My normal weight in is Wednesday evening however I'm popping in tmw morning just for this week.
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Hi, I have joined slimming world 3 weeks ago, tonight will be my weigh in scary class cause i think i've put on. I'm following Easy Extra.

    Wk 1 Lost 5lbs
    WK 2 Lost 1ls (Star week)
    Wk3 SCARY!!!

    So, i've had a bit of a rollercoaster with weigh loss, lost alot with MFP, then an extra stone with WW and then gain much (luckily not all) back last year. I'm back motivated and joined slimming world, so lucking for friends. I still log my food and exercise on MFP, its just so handy. But it would be really great to swap receipes with other slimming worlders!

  • Hello! :)
    I'm Elisabeth!

    I tried Slimming World a year ago, and, although I had more energy and looked so fresh and bright, I didn't lose any weight. Truthfully, I don't think I put as much determination into it as I could have.

    I've been calorie counting for a month now. I'm well within my calories for today, but I've eaten processed foods constantly and feel really tired constantly. I'm hoping after a few weeks on SW I'll have a bit more energy :)

    I plan on following mostly original days, with a few green days here or there!

    I'd love some SW friends on here if anyone's looking for SW pals :)
  • sadowska
    sadowska Posts: 7
    Hi I'm Karen, I have 3 stone post-baby to lose having dropped 5lb on slim fast (but it took 5 weeks and I can't keep it up!). I'm a bit nervous of sw because I'm eating so many calories on the plan (logged on mfp) but I'm going to try and trust it and ignore the calories. Im also on orlistat fat blocker pills, and I'm going to hypnotherapy next week to see if they can stop me obsessing about food! I'm going to the gym 3 times a week as well so I'm throwing everything at this which has the unfortunate side effect that it takes over my brain...
  • kazala
    kazala Posts: 115 Member
    Hello everyone!
    Im Kaz. I joined SW online last week, just before a weeks holiday DOH! Starting tomorrow properly. Have tried before but I find it hard to get my head around. I cant go to groups as theres arent any locally. Online is my only option. Support from you guys would be great too :)
    Syn free breakfasts is my issue. I need to go through all the stuff & recipes & plan my meals for the first week I think, to help me get my head round it a bit more!!
    Im 35 & got 2 stone to lose for my wedding in May :) xx
  • stephm112
    stephm112 Posts: 297 Member
    Crap it I've just gone and written a new post introducing myself. Serves me right for not reading things properly haha.

    Anyway I'm Steph, 24 from London. So far lost 56lbs over the past year on a low fat diet using MFP. Still have 20lbs to go but have been gaining and losing the same 2lbs since March. Joining slimming world tomorrow morning and will carry on going to the gym 3 times a week. Hopefully slimming world will be the thing I need x