introduce yourself



  • gobichick
    gobichick Posts: 16
    Anyone else balancing consuming enough calories to maintain supply and trying to exercise to be healthy? Thanks in advance. I can't wait to meet some people.

    I have had that problem too....Eli is 9 months and still breast feeding although he is eating 3 meals a day on top of breastfeeding so my supply has gone down quite a bit just because of that. I am having a hard time telling if my supply has dropped because he isn't nursing as often or if I need to up my calories. The only reason I notice the drop is because I pump, Eli has yet to seem dissatisifed after or during feedings. I think the calories you consume each day is a number you have to play first I tried the 1200 calorie diet that came with my Turbofire and was I knew right away that I needed more. Listen to your body...if you are hungry then eat. That has been hard for me because I have been ingrained to think that the only way to lose weight is to not eat as much. I think the best thing you can do is eat until satisifed and make sure that the foods you are eating are healthy.
  • gobichick
    gobichick Posts: 16
    Still breast feeding, cloth diapering, bed sharing off and on with my 3 year old (he sleeps in our bed most nights, but it starting to move back into his room), baby wearing, natural child birth advocate and overall natural parenting.

    Nice to meet another natural child birth fan!
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    My name is Michelle. I am almost to the 6 week point from my c section having my son, baby Frank. I have approximately 30 lbs to lose in order to get to my goal weight, which is about 5 lbs less than I weighed pre pregnancy. I was an avid runner before I got pregnant but wasn't really healthy. I smoked and drank moderately, which I know doesn't make sense as a runner. I just couldn't give up the vices...but I ran two marathons, 5 halfs, and countless other races. SO now that I don't smoke or drink like I used to, and I am excited to see what my body can really do under optimal conditions. I just went to the gym yesterday and I have a lot of work to do to get back into shape. But I am breastfeeding, but mainly pumping as of the past few days. I go back and forth. Some days I mostly nurse, while others I will mostly pump. It's going well, supply is good. I never realized how much of a commitment it is, but I should be able to keep it up through the end of the summer.
  • KnitChick89
    KnitChick89 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi!! My name is Brittany and I will be 23 on Easter lol. I am a stay at home mommy of 2 beautiful little demons, just kidding, they're actually very well-mannered... well, my 2 yo daughter is anyway, but my 4 week old son won't let me sleep! Haha!

    To my surprise, I'd gone from 198 (week before giving birth) to 169 in less than 3 weeks! I thank the breastfeeding for that, because I wasn't controlling my portions or exercising yet. It had taken me MONTHS to lose that much with my first (formula fed) and 9 months to lose it all. Hoping to lose all this by my 3rd anniversary in September and get back down to 144.

    I'm from CA, but live in NY with my kids and husband and he just got orders to GERMANY! Whoo hoo! Only problem is, someone said they're scheduled to deploy this year ugggh. >.<

    Feel free to add me as a friend on here! :) *peace!*
  • diaz2012
    diaz2012 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone so happy to find this group..yay My name is Seilyn and i just had my baby on Jan 2 2012 she is now 2 months, im a mother of two boys age 10 and 8, i joined this site MFP to lose the 20 lbs i gained while preggo, I m looking forward to lose those extra lbs which im not happy with, at this moment cant really figure out how many calories to eat havent really lost much and im frustrated can any one help? P.s dont have any friends on site so if anyone would like to befriend me that would be great. (>.<)
  • ednabnana
    ednabnana Posts: 304
    Hey mamas. I am glad that I found this group.

    I am 32, a mother to a 2.5 yo princess. YES, I am still cosleeping. She finally weaned herself December 2011 but she still uses my boobs to sleep. As in she uses one as her pillow & the other her "huggy" bear. I am a full time BSN student & a full time mommy/housemaker/gardener :)

    I was 98lbs. Went all the way up to 137 during pregnancy. I lost most of it & I am now stuck at 115. I am 5'2". My goals are to stay healthy, to eat healthy, to be able to run longer periods, to get away from the same weight (idc if it's to gain weight thru more muscles) & lose this POUCH. My belly looks okay when I am standing but MAN oh MAN, sitting. It goes PLOP! lol

    I get opposing opinions from family & friends. Group A says, I am FAT. Group B says, I am skinny. I really don't give a crap what they say because I have a Group C (I am a part of this group). This group motivates me, tells me I can make this toneles stomach go away, tells me to work hard, tells me to stay positive.

    Feel free to add me. I work hard. I believe in slowly but surely kind of weight loss (or weight gain).
  • MandaNar
    MandaNar Posts: 24 Member
    Hey everyone!! I'm Amanda. I'm 25 and mom of 3 (6yr old boy, 3yr old boy, 5 month old girl). I'm breastfeeding my 5 month old and on a mission to lose. I've lost 20lbs so far! 12 left of my pregnancy weight. My goal is 150lbs (cw 185). Finally getting a groove and ready to be skinny!
  • lemichie
    lemichie Posts: 6
    Hey Mamas! I'm Lauren, 30 year-old mama to three(5 1/2, almost 3, and 8 months) sweet boys. I'm one of those breastfeeding, baby-wearing, co-sleeping, home birthing, type of mamas. I'm pretty new to MFP and happy to find this group!

    I've been pregnant and/or nursing for over 6 years now and am hoping to lose a whole lot of weight. I'm currently a couple pounds below my most recent pre-preg weight, although that number wasn't too impressive to begin with.

    Feel free to add me, I'd love any support I can get!
  • Sentrita
    Sentrita Posts: 26
    Hi, my name is Shantra, and I'm 26years old. My little girl is 10 months old and nursing 3 to 4 times a day. After giving birth I lost 10lbs. I exercised regularly 6 months after her birth and lost another 10lbs. After that no matter what I did, I couldn't lose weight. I changed diet - nothing. I changed exercises - nothing. I gave up in March and gained those 10lbs back. Now I'm trying to get back down to the 180 region but I'm scared I may not be able to get any lower. I have had some friend who said regardless of what they did, they didn't lose any weight until after their 2nd child was done nursing. So I'm glad I'm not alone in that area, but would still like to know what everyone else suggests. Some background that might help: I was anorexic 10 years ago, and thus still deal with the "nervosa" part of it... the part that gets frustrated when no progress is made and tells me to starve... it worked last time. Not healthy, I know... but then, it is a 'nervosa'. Possibly, because of that, I have what another friend likes to call a "lizard metabolism". Just means I need to eat less... that problem goes back the the anorexia nervosa (if I eat less and less, will I eventually lose weight?)

    Contrary to everyone else's ideas on breastfeeding. I know I don't need to eat extra calories to keep up my milk supply. Extra water, yes, calories, no. I've had days when I've forgotten to eat and still had a plentiful milk supply. I also don't have that hunger others talk about. I do have a thirst, though.

    Anyway, just thought I'd introduce myself. :D
  • Hi I am new to the group, I am a 26 year old mommy to 3 boys, 4, 3, & 5 Months. I am an extended breastfeeding, baby wearing co-sleeping mama!!
    Lost 60 lbs w MFP before we conceived Reece, I am currently at -37 still have about 63 more pounds to lose. I am a slow runner, running my second half marathon June 2.
    I am glad to find this group because I am not seeing much loss on the scale while exclusively breastfeeding!! Never giving up though!
    Add me as a friend if you'd like! :)
  • Lola142012
    Lola142012 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi I am fairly new to mfp. I am a mother of one. He's 4 months and his name is Josiah. I am a stay at home mom to a military husband. I want to lose about 18 more lbs. I currently live in Maryland and hoping to go down to Georgia in two weeks for vacation. I am breastfeeding and supplementing because my son is just eating way told much. He is 20 lbs at 4 months!!! Wish I had enough milk but unfortunately I do not. I co-sleep with my baby since birth and love the bond but its going to have to change soon.
  • claire47
    claire47 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm Claire living in Plymouth UK and a single mummy to 22 month old Matilda, she is my world! Matilda and I co sleep and she still night nurses on average 5 times a night and a couple of times during the day, i'm really unsure of how many calories that would burn but i'm lucky that while cutting my calorie intake i've seen no change to my supply, this might just be cus she's a bit older. After I had Matilda I was 158lb, i'm now 139lb and hoping to drop around 14lb more. I'm so pleased to have found this group, not just for support in weight loss, but also because i dont know many breastfeeding mums, so please feel free to add me as a friend! Cx
  • sarapb1
    sarapb1 Posts: 2
    My name is Sara and I have 3 kids, a 3 year old and twin 1.6 year olds. The 3 year old is down to nursing to about once a day and the twins nurse all the time. We have a king sized bed so everyone can fit in our bed at night. I actually weigh less now than I did before I was pregnant. I was 156-158 before my twins and I weighed about 142-145 up until a month ago. The stress and working hours of my job this last 2 months has caused me to turn some unhealthy eating habits. Everyone around me drinks coffee but I turn to soda to keep me going. I think that this has contributed to my new weight of 150 pounts. I want to get down to 135. I am constantly hungry due to the demands of my milk supply but I do not want to gain any more weight. I live in Bethlhelm, PA. I am active duty Navy.
  • castojoy
    castojoy Posts: 2
    Hi everyone! I am new to MFP and this is sort of a last resort for me. I'm 25 years old and have 2 children. My daughter is 4 (starting K this fall!) and my son is 10 months, still breastfeeding, still co-sleeping. I've never been skinny, but always athletic and fit. I used to play hockey and run all the time. Now, between nursing school and work and kids and husband... it's just been so hard! So with my handy dandy new iPhone, I downloaded C25K and MFP. As a family we are mostly grain free, with the exception of some rice and corn (rice chex, corn chips occasionally). My husband does crossfit so I am going to try and do that a couple days a week with him. I am currently at 150 and want to be down to 125/120. Tracking my eating has already been a real eye opener, and I'm hoping that by joining a group it will keep me a little more accountable, honest...and MOTIVATED!
  • Hi All,

    I've already introduced myself a few months ago, but I fell of the wagon and now I'm back. I took a look at what was important to me and how I wanted to go about getting their. I want to lose 50lbs by the time my daughter is 2 in an effort to make my second preganncy a more healthy one. I decided to just focus on Kaydeelyn and nursing for her entire first year, so for the next 13 weeks my goal it to get in the habit of tracking everyday and walking or biking for 30 minutes three times a week.
  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Love this group, since I am am doing both!

    My son is 16 months old, and I am still nursing him. We have a drop-down crib that we have attached to our bed, so he can roll over and snuggle anytime he wants. He only nurses about twice a day: once for a nap, once for bedtime.

    I am currently starting my final month of pregnancy...I'm due August 11th and I'm planning on nursing this one as well. Its a girl, yay! I know its going to be really difficult with tandem nursing, but the OBGYN said it can be done! lol we'll see...

    When I was pregnant with my son, I lost roughly 20lbs during the pregnancy! I joined this website after my son was born and I lost a good 27lbs. I've only gained 10lbs during this current pregnancy, which I think is pretty great! I wasn't really counting calories but after you get into the mindset of eating healthier it just sticks with you. It was always on the back of my mind, just knowing that eating better would help this baby grow!

    I had about 50lbs to go before I was pregnant, so we'll see!! :) But I'm just getting my mind back on track so that I can get my body there after the baby :D
  • Hi. My name is Linny. I'm a single mother of four children, my youngest is 16 months. I breastfeed and co-sleep with my youngest child. I've been overweight for almost 3 years. I lost all my baby weight within 2 weeks but can't seem to get this extra weight to budge. My doctors say I need to lose a minimum of 45 pounds. My goal is one year. So far I'm not making any progress. I can see from my food and exercise log that both bad eating habits and little exercise have led to my weight gain. It's time for a change and I'm lacking willpower and support.
  • My name is Sara and I am the mother of four children (7, 5, 3, 7 weeks). I'd love to find breastfeeding mothers to keep me motivated! I'm always tired, forever hungry, and eating way too much to get me through the day. Love to hear if you have a similar story.
  • My name is Lindsey and I have four children ages 7, 3, 1 and 8 weeks. I am an Army wife of 11 years and we are getting ready to get out and move home to Florida. I gained a lot of weight during my two most recent pregnancies and I wanna lose it. I'm tired of being tired. I feel like I'm starving all day although I must be getting plenty of calories and chubby as I am. lol
  • twinkygoth
    twinkygoth Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, I'm Amy, I live in the UK. Mummy to 2 beautiful girls aged 25 months and 11 weeks.Breastfeeding my first helped me lose all the baby weight (plus an extra stone) but I put it all back on again with #2 and so cross with myself for it. Need to stop using bf as an excuse to eat rubbish!