Let's get to know each other



  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    Hello everyone !! My name is Ashley, I'm 25, 5'7 and I am a proud mother of a very outgoing 3 1/2 year old girl ! After my pregnancy, I hadn't really gained weight but I did get a little more flab in a couple places around my body. Since she is almost 4 and I still have that fat, I am so wanting to get rid of it. I have done different diets through out the years but they have definitively been yo-yo diets. I am ready to move past the yo-yo diets and get my butt in gear. I'm so glad to hear other people stories and see what they are doing to lose weight and what works for them. It is a major motivation !! I'm so looking forward to my journey ahead of me !!

    Welcome Ashley! I've got a friend who had a baby just barely 2 years ago. A few months after she had her baby girl she made the decision to COMMIT to a change. She did C25k, used MFP, ChaLEAN Extreme, Brazil Butt Lift and now shes doing turbo fire. She tells me she is in the BEST shape of her life and down to the size she hasn't been in since highschool. You should see her she looks awesome. So, with that said, I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT TOO! You just have to make the promise to yourself, commit and just do it. We follow the beachbody at home fitness DVDS because I personally find it easy to follow their calendars that come with each program. I need thing to follow and it works out perfect. YOU CAN do it!!! Your already on MFP and that is something I recommend to EVERYONE. MFP is SO important to track those daily cals.
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    Hy guys, it nice to meet u all :) My name is Mia, im 22 years old. I study English and German and im from Europe, Croatia, to be more exact :) Im currently finishing the Turbofire program ( which has helped me a lot, I lost 20 pounds since November 2011 and a lot of cm all around my body) and I am starting Chalean Extreme next week, probably tuesday :D My goal is to loose 2 or 4 pounds and to tone up a bit more. Any experience with CE? :)

    Mia!! awesome!!! I am in the 2nd round of ChaLEAN Extreme, girl you are going to LOVEEEE iT! Turbo Fire is my next program. I'm so excited to see how you enjoy CE. The first round I did was called the Burn Phase. I LOVED this phase because she fires up your muscles, you feel them burning and there is NO way fat could exist where you feel that burn. This phase is heavy reps of 12 with 1 rest day. Now that i'm in the Push phase we are doing HEAVIER (like the heaviest you could possibly lift) weights for total muscle failure but less reps of at least 6-8. I get 2 rest days in this phase. I seriously can't believe how strong I am. I took the picture in my icon in this phase, can you see my shoulders!? i NEVER had those before. It's crazy when I look at my body now and see muscle definition where I never ever ever ever saw it before. I love it. I'm excited for Turbo Fire now tho.
  • minnie_monroe
    Now Im excited about CE :D haha. Good job with the workouts, you really look amazing :) I hope I will end up with the same results as you will, and if you liked CE, you will absolutely LOVE TF because its just funfunfun :D What is the best equipment to have for CE in the Burn Phase, just to be prepared :)
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    Now Im excited about CE :D haha. Good job with the workouts, you really look amazing :) I hope I will end up with the same results as you will, and if you liked CE, you will absolutely LOVE TF because its just funfunfun :D What is the best equipment to have for CE in the Burn Phase, just to be prepared :)

    She uses SELECT TECH weights (those allow you to increase by 1/2 lbs as well) but I have a different version of those weights by Nike (or it may be adidas) i'll have to look. I started out using free weights. You'll want 5's, 8's, 10's, 15's and possibly 20's. Yes you WILL be able to lift ALOT (more then you imagine you can) its amazing how strong she gets you.

    You will also need the thigh toner that comes with the program itself.
  • lbelle987
    lbelle987 Posts: 97
    Hi everyone!

    I am 24, I'm a wife & a SAHM to two (4 & 1.5). I have been doing MFP for awhile now. I love it! My main struggles are portion control (learning this, slowly but surely) and late night snacking on fatty/salty foods. I belong to a gym, and I love it. When I first joined in the winter, I was going every day, mainly to get out of the house. Now that it's summer, I'm trying to balance being outside with the kids & getting to the gym every day. I've been slacking a lot lately and it shows. I'm feeling sluggish and just blah. I'm back at it this week and my goal is to stay committed throughout the summer and get back to being a gym rat :) It's so good for my sanity as well as my body!

    Thanks for the invite to the group, what a great idea!
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    I was a total gym rat too and still have my membership, just havent been back in awhile since I've been hooked on Chalean Extreme at home. Developed great musles and am ready to get back in the gym to switch up my workouts. I have always LOVED the gym. Im glad your here! You have your hands full with your babies so I am proud of you to become that gym rat again.
  • JasmineElaineT
    JasmineElaineT Posts: 43 Member
    Hey, my name is Jasmine, and I am 17 years old. I am just entering my senior year and I am homeschooled. When I was 4 years old I was in a fire, and had a great recovery from that. I had always been tiny, but in the last two years I have gained about 30 pounds. This is due to the fact that I have been sick and the doctors don't know why, so they try various medicines all the time, and I also have thyroid disease. I was in okay shape a couple months ago, but then my boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me and things went downhill from there. Needless to say that I am ready to lose all the weight I've gained and become healthier. I have done Zumba and circuit training plus walking. Not sure what else I could do! I have noticed that as I eat healthy and exercise I am feeling happier :) This is a great group to be in!

    Thanks Jasmine(:
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    Hey, my name is Jasmine, and I am 17 years old. I am just entering my senior year and I am homeschooled. When I was 4 years old I was in a fire, and had a great recovery from that. I had always been tiny, but in the last two years I have gained about 30 pounds. This is due to the fact that I have been sick and the doctors don't know why, so they try various medicines all the time, and I also have thyroid disease. I was in okay shape a couple months ago, but then my boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me and things went downhill from there. Needless to say that I am ready to lose all the weight I've gained and become healthier. I have done Zumba and circuit training plus walking. Not sure what else I could do! I have noticed that as I eat healthy and exercise I am feeling happier :) This is a great group to be in!

    Thanks Jasmine(:

    Jasmine ~ I am so glad you are here too. What a horrible thing to experience at such a young age, I wish you great health. Getting on the right health track at 17 is just amazing to me, and GOOD for you. You are choosing to add years onto your life. Exercising will increase your energy and happiness. I just want to give you the biggest hug because it seems like you have been through alot. Please know, if you ever need me you can always PM me if you need someone to talk too. I wish at 17 I was as mature and as smart as you are. Im happy your here!!!! :bigsmile: