Back to MFP for the second time...

CityGurlA Posts: 11 Member
Hi, All. I'm back on the site for the second time. First time was pretty unsuccessful. People who worked with me were losing up to 3 pounds a week doing exactly what I was doing or less. I'm trying to figure out how to make this work for myself. I am no quitter, so I WILL figure it out. Can you all share some of your success stories and information on how you made this work for you (foods you eat, exercising, whether you eat your extra calories from exercise, etc.)? Thanks so much. I'm praying for success second time around.


  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    Welcome Back!!! And good luck on your journey :-)
  • Dottiesweet
    Dottiesweet Posts: 38 Member
    Hi CityGurlA,

    Welcome Back! This is my second time on this journey as well. I lost the weight the first time but slowly gained it back over the years. This time I am going to lose it and keep it off :). I started the C25K program to begin running again. I also try to eat no more than 1300 calories a day. I usually don't eat back my exercise calories but may use some of them (25%) if I go out to eat with friends. Strength training is my latest endeavor in order to tone up and get rid of these wings that spring out every time I wave at someone. I also love zumba. Good luck on your journey. Remember we are all in this together.
  • thehealthyhippie
    Hi all! I am also back for the second time. I had the same problem with not losing fast enough the first time and feeling discouraged. I actually started going to a holistic doctor to help me find a better weight loss plan. She ran some blood work and discovered that I was hypothyroid. So besides being put on meds for that, she also recommended that I started taking vitamin D3. Here's a good article about the benefits of vitamin D I think that has been helpful! This time around I have also changed how often I weigh myself. I try to stick with every-other week. Sometimes weighing in too often is stressful, maybe try tracking your measurements rather than weight. I eat much better this time around (lots of fruits, veggies and protein) As for exercise, I mainly stick to walking and swimming. Swimming laps burns A TON of calories so if it's something you are comfortable you should give it a try! I feel great and even if the scale isn't showing a substantial change in a months time, my clothes are fitting better! Hope this helps a bit :) Don't get discouraged!