Your Mission... If you you choose to accept IT ;-)

reecie1034 Posts: 58 Member
Hello Mission Takers,
I am really excited about this upcoming challenge beginning NEXT week. I would describe myself as an intermediate walker, and I really enjoy walking; so I will be starting this challenge off with about 3 miles a day. This will be a PERSONAL challenge for me. I know it will not be easy, but nothing Worth doing really is... Although I know everyone will be logging there progress in their diary, it would be great to hear how people are doing from week ro week in this challenge... So please post new topics within this discussion.
I look forward to encouraging and being encouraged by others... Enjoy your 4th of July!!
And HAPPY WALKING to you!!!!


  • toniarandall
    toniarandall Posts: 111
    Count me in. I am really excited to get started. I love walking also and think this would be a great challenge.
  • maden2629
    maden2629 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in. I love to walk everyday.
  • reecie1034
    reecie1034 Posts: 58 Member
    @toniarandall & maden- Thats good to hear.... I know what direction to look in for that extra boost on my "lazy" days.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Count me in. I struggle with walking but feel that this challenge will help keep me motivated and using my treadmill that I purchased yesterday.
  • reecie1034
    reecie1034 Posts: 58 Member
    I occassionally enjoy treadmill walking, but I LOVE the outdoors (except for the heat, the Georgia pollen and the bugs... Lol).... Either way treadmill or outdoors walking.... The point is we are MOVING and creating better SELFs ;-)
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Yes, I like outside but as you said the HEAT of the South !!! Also at my current weight I struggle with walking. This is part of the reason for the purchase so that I can slowly build my endurance even when its toooooooo hot or cold outside.
  • niseybabe
    niseybabe Posts: 52 Member
    Cant in!!
  • reecie1034
    reecie1034 Posts: 58 Member
    I totally understand and support ur effort TArnold....
  • reecie1034
    reecie1034 Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks for joining Niseybabe ;-).... It's fun to be challenged and motivated into a healthier lifestyle ;-)...
  • PinkBuffalo
    PinkBuffalo Posts: 6 Member
    Just started on this site so I'm still trying to figure it out... but THIS is exactly what I need to get going! Thanks for the perfect timing!!
  • Chris52080
    Chris52080 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello all!! I'm so glad I "stumbled" across this group. The timing is perfect too! I've been pretty frustrated lately and trying to get back into working out is very trying. I have a Leslie Sansone DVD which is what I will probably be doing a majority of the time. The last mile in the DVD has resistance and I can incorporate weights into the workout when the week comes up. Good luck to everyone!
  • reecie1034
    reecie1034 Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome to MFP PinkBuffalo,
    And thank you for taking on the challenge.... I will be checking on you along the way :-)
  • reecie1034
    reecie1034 Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome Aboard Chris52080,
    I believe that we can make everyday of this challenge COUNT... It's not going to be easy and we are going to have to find the enrgy and self-will to PUSH ourselves to do this and to be consistent. We will be successful and we will see results. I believe in you an my ability to give this challenge our ALL :-)
  • noneedforspeed
    noneedforspeed Posts: 13 Member
    I'm also intermediate and 3 miles for 6 days \ week is a great challenge. Thanks for starting this.
  • janicemitchellcross
    janicemitchellcross Posts: 134 Member
    I'm in my daughter gets married on the 28th July so this couldn't come at a better time. Wish me luck
  • beckyschanging
    beckyschanging Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Reecie1034! I'm in Braselton Georgia HOT as HE** up here. I'm still in! If anyone needs help calculating distance for their walks, I use Sign up it's free and so much nifty info on your route you didn't even think of! Off we go!
  • reecie1034
    reecie1034 Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks for joining the challenge hp007... I can't wait to see hear how you progress in ur strength, endurance and overall appearance.
    @ JaniceMitchel, I see you have an extra incentive to participate in this challenge.. Congrats on the new chapter your daughter is about to step into... Thanks for joining...
    @ Beckyschangin.. I'm in the Metro-Atlanta area... I have seen Braselton before somewhere, but I am not really sure where it it... But we r gonna try to dodge as much heat as possible and get this walking done safely (without a Heat Stroke or dehydration)... Looking forward to hearing your progress :-)
  • JamieD185
    JamieD185 Posts: 5
    I accept the mission!
    I live across the street from a beautiful park in the heart of Salt Lake City...and I don't take advantage of it like I should. NO MORE! This next 4 weeks, I'm gonna be at the park or at the gym for this challenge.
    Thank you for giving me a short term goal. I wanna run a 5k in November and a 10k race in this is a perfect way to get started.

    I'm about 25lbs overweight. My baby is 1 year old, this coming Monday...and it's time to JUST do it, and lose this weight. I hate the way I look...(my photo is old...before I got pregnant in Nov 2010; I was in the best shape of my life; I'm using it for motivation...because that's how I want to look again..and I was extremely happy and confident about my body.)

    Thanks again for letting me be part of the challenge. I'll be logging in my time on my excercise charts!
  • reecie1034
    reecie1034 Posts: 58 Member
    No Thank you JamieD185 for joining the mission :-) As you log ur progress in your diary, please stop back by this discussion forum occassionally to update us with your progress and offer so words of encouragement for other "Mission Takers" ;-) Chat with you soon!!! And Happy Walking!!!
  • shelldes
    shelldes Posts: 7
    I'm trying to make exercise and healthy diet part of my life and I like walking so this is good motivation to get out and move every day. I'm based in CT so weather for walking is good this time of year. Maybe I'll take a stroll to set the pedometer this afternoon. Thanks for setting this up!