Important stuff will go here one day.
Finish Line :-)
Hello Everyone... And CONGRATULATIONS on completing the 4 Week "Mission Slim Possible" Challenge :-) I hope that everyone who faithfully participated in this challenge have experienced some overall POSITIVE physical, mental and emotional changes within themselves. Furthermore, I hope that this challenge is just the…
Week 4 Day 3
I walked 3 miles today, all at once this time, instead of broken up. I, also, did 75 crunches. I can't believe this challenge is almost over.
Week 4 Day 2
Well, I didn't get my walk in yesterday, so today I was really feeling the increase, after so much time off. I managed 1.75 miles with 4lbs of weight added. I will do my abs later, as well as get in the rest of my walk. Have a great day everyone!
Challenge is Almost Over :0(
Anyone thought of what we could do for August? I like the way that this one was set up with starting with something basic and adding a new tier to each week. I've found I do much better with exercise if I have a program to follow...but I don't know anything about creating something.
The FINALE~ Week 4 ~ Almost There :-)
"The sum of the whole is this: walk and be happy; walk and be healthy. The best way to lengthen out our days is to walk steadily and with a purpose." ~ Charles ****ens We have made it this far, and we all should be proud of our progress THUS FAR!!! But since it's "officially" our last week, let's SHOW OFF just a little by…
This week is not going so well...
Missed my walk in the morning yesterday. Was going to make it up after work...but it was still 100 degrees at 530pm. So that didn't happen. Was all ready to go this morning...and woke up to a thunderstorm. So today's didn't happen. If all goes well, I will be getting a manual treadmill tonight. Then at least I have a…
week3 day 5
2 miles down, and 50 crunches. Hoping to get more activity in later, but for now I just want a shower. lol
week3 day 2
2miles done plus 50 standing crunches. Have a great day everyone!
week3 day 4
Hey everyone! I noticed not many people are posting their daily completion anymore. I don't know if that means we have lost people along the way or not. I keep posting because it is keeping me accountable. I can't believe this challenge is almost done - a little over a week left. Any way, today's workout is done - 2 miles…
week3 day 3
2 miles done and 50 crunches. Hope everyone is having a great week. I am down 2 kids this afternoon so it is quiet here.