CUT Progress After RESET-Tell us your ups/downs!



  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Maybe someone can explain this to me. Do you have to do a reset then do the cut? Then what? Do you still eat at your cut forever or go down to your BMR. I started this EMWL since I have been plateauing for a few months.

    Here are my stats.

    47 Female
    CW 139
    GW 130
    BMR 1329
    TDEE - 15% cut 1750
    I have been eating my TDEE - 15% cut for 2 weeks. I haven't gained anything or lost. I usually do walking videos and recently bought an elliptical. Try to burn 300-400 cals or more a day working out 4-5 days a week.

    Every 6-8 weeks you go back at maintenance then go back down until you are at goal weight.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I started my reset on 4/30. I had to up it Mid May because it was too low. In fact the first week if it I was alternating my calories per NROLFW. I finished my reset on 6/24, but had lost 5.5 pounds during those 8 weeks. So it probably wasn't my full TDEE.

    Last week I started my cut, I won't lie, I have struggled with it. I netted 135 over my weekly total. Which isn't much, but found myself wanting to eat more. I also added the HIIT after my workouts per NROLFW. Who knows what's going on with my body.
    I will weigh in tomorrow.

    I am wondering if I actually did a reset, since I lost weight.

    What is NROLFW?

    NROLFW = New Rules of Lifting For Women, it's a book/workout plan for lifting heavy weights. Many women on here are following it.
  • Lovesummer3473
    Lovesummer3473 Posts: 22 Member
    I started my reset on 4/30. I had to up it Mid May because it was too low. In fact the first week if it I was alternating my calories per NROLFW. I finished my reset on 6/24, but had lost 5.5 pounds during those 8 weeks. So it probably wasn't my full TDEE.

    Last week I started my cut, I won't lie, I have struggled with it. I netted 135 over my weekly total. Which isn't much, but found myself wanting to eat more. I also added the HIIT after my workouts per NROLFW. Who knows what's going on with my body.
    I will weigh in tomorrow.

    I am wondering if I actually did a reset, since I lost weight.

    What is NROLFW?

    NROLFW = New Rules of Lifting For Women, it's a book/workout plan for lifting heavy weights. Many women on here are following it.
    Thank you :)
  • sandra0818
    sandra0818 Posts: 8 Member
  • rr85114
    rr85114 Posts: 104 Member
    THANK YOU OP for creating this thread -and thank you admins for making it a sticky!

    I had been eating at cut for 2 weeks (from 18 June). Saw the same half kilo come and go. Although I wasn't sure if I'd lose weight if I stuck with it, I got inspired to just do a full TDEE reset anyway. So as of Monday this week, I'm now eating TDEE (although Tues and Wed I consistently went WAY over TDEE thanks to impending TOM). I keep chickening out and literally going into my MFP app and changing my daily calorie goal back to cut. But no. I need to fully commit. It's terrifying though!

    I'm so looking forward to hearing all of your successes! Please keep us all posted!
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    THANK YOU OP for creating this thread -and thank you admins for making it a sticky!

    I had been eating at cut for 2 weeks (from 18 June). Saw the same half kilo come and go. Although I wasn't sure if I'd lose weight if I stuck with it, I got inspired to just do a full TDEE reset anyway. So as of Monday this week, I'm now eating TDEE (although Tues and Wed I consistently went WAY over TDEE thanks to impending TOM). I keep chickening out and literally going into my MFP app and changing my daily calorie goal back to cut. But no. I need to fully commit. It's terrifying though!

    I'm so looking forward to hearing all of your successes! Please keep us all posted!

    Haha about changing your calorie goal. I can relate! Come over to the reset thread. You'll have a ton of support there!
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Well, after 5.5 weeks doing the reset, I am starting my 10% cut today. Kiki had said that 4-6 weeks was the minimum and had listed signs to look for that meant your body was ready to cut. My weight gain had stabilized for a few weeks and I no longer felt stuffed or bloated. I could easily get in all my TDEE calories and even felt a little hungry once they were all used up.

    I definitely increased in inches all over (will measure tonight after work) and went up a total of 10 lb. However, 5 of those pounds I had just lost from the time I joined MFP in April-mid May. So, I regained those 5 plus another 5 = 10lb total. The first few weeks were HARD!!! But, by the end of week 3, I finally felt okay mentally. Even with the weight/inches gained, I still fit into my size 12 pants. They are just snug now where they had been a little loose before.

    I will be checking in here to update how things are going. Hubby and I are trying to make sure we still get in our exercising 4x/week (1x cardio and 3x lifting).

    We are all about to see great things happening in our bodies!!! Yeah for all who are making positive health changes while still eating more!!:flowerforyou: EM2WL ROCKS!
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    I have completed my 12 week reset, (was on VLCD for years) and am just dropping to a 15% cut this week. I gained 9lbs but lost inches because I am doing NROL4W. I will let you know...
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Just finished 8 weeks of reset and I will start my cut on Monday. I will also start to add in a little more cardio which I had reduced during my cut to give my body a break from the beating I had given it for the last year and a half. Because I will be working out a little more than I did during my cut, I will probably eat at a 10% cut instead of 15% and the extra cardio should make up for that other 5%. Hopefully I will start losing at that! Fingers crossed!
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    started my 10% cut today.. will see!!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Well I've been at TDEE for eight weeks or is it nine...still in meso 3 of STS so I will stay at TDEE a little while longer but look forward to keeping up with this thread...didn't quite make my numbers today...getting back in swing after vacay.
  • Tahlij
    Tahlij Posts: 31 Member
    Started my cut Monday - we'll see
  • flygirl516
    flygirl516 Posts: 2 Member
    I did 3 1/2 weeks of reset (+ 4 weeks of eating whatever I wanted..) and cut -15% on Monday. Before that, I was on a VLCD for MONTHS. I gained 10 lbs in those 7 1/2 weeks. So far, the scale has only moved a tiny bit, but I didn't drink nearly enough water yesterday, so I'll step on the scale tomorrow and see how I'm doing. I'll see how I do for a few weeks. I may do the 4 weeks cut, 1 week TDEE, or something like that if I seem to have trouble.
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    I am about one week into my cut! Some days good and others not so good! I have learned this week what I need not to buy so that it will be easier for me to stay on track! :laugh: I have also gone through a few days of bloating! Ugh!!

    I haven't weighed in cause I am scared I will be discouraged!

    Exercise wise I plan on three days of cardio and two days of lifting! :bigsmile:

    Have a good Friday peeps!
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks for sharing your stories ladies! I am about 3 weeks from my cut and love that I can learn what to expect from you all.

    Happy Friday!
  • AngelDog1
    AngelDog1 Posts: 89
    I'm a bit frustrated. I've been having a hard time eating just my cut. First tried 15%, then went to just 10%, and finally as of yesterday, just decided to change my goals again and go back to TDEE. And I've been ravenous if I don't get all my TDEE calories. I was never really on a VLCD though beforehand and I started eating my TDEE since mid-April. Maybe I have my TDEE figured out all wrong???? I only have one more week before vacation, so I decided that am going to stay at TDEE until I leave. I won't have access to log in while I am away, so I will focus on trying my 15% cut again when I get back. But the good news is that I think I have lost 0.5" from my hips???? I'm not even sure of that though since know it's difficult to measure in the exact same spot everytime. Sorry, don't mean to complain.
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I started a 10% cut as of friday.... ive lost 600 grams (1.3 pounds) so far :) I did tho lower my exercise category as i was in the strenuous category and i dont quite believe i really fitted in there despite the numbe of hours.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Since returning last Tuesday though I was supposed to be eating tdee I was just so busy and not hungry I was eating cut. I planned to finish meso 3 at tdee but I've been at it for 9wks and plan to bulk in fall, so if I don't cut now it will be next yr before cut again... total of 5lbs gained... during trip I went up 7lbs in water weight where 6lbs flew off already....really I believe only a real 4lb gain with tdee for 9wks and 2% bf drop. So let's see what cut brings...wlll keep ya posted!
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    I'm a bit frustrated. I've been having a hard time eating just my cut. First tried 15%, then went to just 10%, and finally as of yesterday, just decided to change my goals again and go back to TDEE. And I've been ravenous if I don't get all my TDEE calories. I was never really on a VLCD though beforehand and I started eating my TDEE since mid-April. Maybe I have my TDEE figured out all wrong???? I only have one more week before vacation, so I decided that am going to stay at TDEE until I leave. I won't have access to log in while I am away, so I will focus on trying my 15% cut again when I get back. But the good news is that I think I have lost 0.5" from my hips???? I'm not even sure of that though since know it's difficult to measure in the exact same spot everytime. Sorry, don't mean to complain.

    I'm afraid that this is going to happen to me when I go to cut. I'm really enjoying eating at my TDEE. That being said, I still have some days where it's hard to make it all the way there. I think those are days when I've eating more filling, higher fiber foods. So perhaps that's something to look at? Also, what about starting with the smaller cut and then dropping the other 5% once you're feeling better eating at the 10% defecit?
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I'm a bit frustrated. I've been having a hard time eating just my cut. First tried 15%, then went to just 10%, and finally as of yesterday, just decided to change my goals again and go back to TDEE. And I've been ravenous if I don't get all my TDEE calories. I was never really on a VLCD though beforehand and I started eating my TDEE since mid-April. Maybe I have my TDEE figured out all wrong???? I only have one more week before vacation, so I decided that am going to stay at TDEE until I leave. I won't have access to log in while I am away, so I will focus on trying my 15% cut again when I get back. But the good news is that I think I have lost 0.5" from my hips???? I'm not even sure of that though since know it's difficult to measure in the exact same spot everytime. Sorry, don't mean to complain.

    I'm afraid that this is going to happen to me when I go to cut. I'm really enjoying eating at my TDEE. That being said, I still have some days where it's hard to make it all the way there. I think those are days when I've eating more filling, higher fiber foods. So perhaps that's something to look at? Also, what about starting with the smaller cut and then dropping the other 5% once you're feeling better eating at the 10% defecit?

    When cutting we have to shift our eating a little, maybe once again shoot for a little more lower calorie foods, so yogurts cheeses lower fat content instead. Less nuts, maybe a big salad with lean chicken to eat more but less cals so you don't feel too deprived cutting...,and protein protein protein.