Grateful to Find OA on MFP!!!

ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
Hi, my name is VeganChica12, and I am a compulsive overeater!

I am SOOOOOOO glad to find that there is this OA group, and fellow OA member on MFP.
My story in a nutshell:

I have been a COE since early childhood, teen years filled with diets/bingeing/drugs/codependence/etc.
Came to OA out of desperation in 2005. Got a sponsor, worked Steps 1-9, lost 65 pounds, maintained that for a couple years.

Thought I was "cured" and no longer needed OA. Relapsed.

Back in the rooms for a couple years now, "abstinent" for quite some time but still not losing (losing very slowly).
Family member turned me on to MFP. I realized this is not only a great way for me to track my food, but also a great way to SHARE my food my making my diary public.

However, I have a healthy amount of caution with MFP--and this is why i sought an OA group on here--my disease wants me to get OBSESSED with restricting, reading other people's diaries (and mentally taking their inventories!), participating in very non-porgram message board discussions.

MFP is a great tool, but no substitute for my Higher Power. I want to see MFP as what it is: one small facet of my three level recovery. want to work more on the spiritual too :)

thanks for letting me share!


  • I am also thrilled to find OA on MFP!

    I will have one year of abstinence on the 18th of this month, but I know my food plan has to change. My weight loss has pretty much stopped. In fact my pants indicate that I may have gained a few pounds. Not bingeing or eating any of my 'red list' foods, but portions are too large.

    I know calorie counting will help. And recording what I eat. I'm far enough away from restricting to try this way...I think. I am not allowing myself to look at other people's diaries. And I am going to give my sponsor my username and password.

    I have had enough recovery to know that I can be honest when using these tools.
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    Hi madmarilyn---

    i relate to so much in your post: being abstinent (no trigger foods, not binging), yet still above ideal weight--it's a hard place to be in, b/c u start doubting yourself and your recovery (at least, i did).

    so far, MFP does jive with my recovery principles. but THANK YOU for sharing about not looking at other's diaries. i am going to admit, I have been stalking other's diaries: reading them, making judgements, comparisons (all in my mind, of course, but that's where the disease lives).

    do i have the courage and the willingness to abstain from looking at other's diaries?
    i will commit to that for today, and maybe i can keep committing to that one day at a time :)
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    I am also thrilled to find OA on MFP!

    I will have one year of abstinence on the 18th of this month, but I know my food plan has to change. My weight loss has pretty much stopped. In fact my pants indicate that I may have gained a few pounds. Not bingeing or eating any of my 'red list' foods, but portions are too large.

    I know calorie counting will help. And recording what I eat. I'm far enough away from restricting to try this way...I think. I am not allowing myself to look at other people's diaries. And I am going to give my sponsor my username and password.

    I have had enough recovery to know that I can be honest when using these tools.

    A year of abstinence is awesome congrats!! I too am glad to find OA here!!

  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    Marilyn, I wanted to congratulate you on your one year of abstinence. I can't wait until i get there as you can read by my profile picture. I was very happy that there is an OA site and keep hoping that it will start to get busier. I am a member of recovery group and have been working the program for a little over one month. I have had one month of abstinence and am hoping I never let it go again. This is a great place to go with others who know and understand what this disease means and importance of not getting obsessed with losing like we were obsessed with food which got many of us into the situation of even needing these boards. Thanks to all of you for being here.
  • GuruRas
    GuruRas Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing your experience, strength & hope.

    I share your concerns about "obsessing" over the details on food out here in MFP. For me using MFP let's me *not* focus on the food, but more on nutrition and the steps. I've been using MFP for almost a year and use it as part of my tools for abstinence.

    Wishing you peace and joy in freedom from compulsive overeating,

    I'm looking for OA MFP buddies!
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    hey guru--

    glad to hear that MFP has been a part of your foodplan/abstinence tool for so long--rock on!
    i am going to a meeting tonight. HP has used MFP to bring me to a new place of willingness in my abstinence :)
  • GuruRas
    GuruRas Posts: 17 Member
    A big Congratulations to you madmarilyn on your year!!!

    As we say, Keep coming back...
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    So glad to see an OA group here!!
    Hi everyone, my name is themuseinme and I am a compulsive eater!

    Ive been to a few meetings several ys ago.At that time the nearest group was an hour away.Read the books, did first step but never got a sponser. Been thinking about finding a group now that I moved and live in a town with a few groups.But only got as far as finding the meetings and times!

    Finally decided to do something about both my weight and compulsive eating about two months ago.
    Joined MFP begining of June.Its been awesome to find a likeminded community and to track my food etc, and get so many tips and cheerleaders etc.

    Feel I need OA as i am still obsessing about food. not binging and yoyo dieting since joining MFP but need help to learn how to diet and exercise but not be obsessed. The first few weeks of MFP i was reading a book by geneen roth and remembered to start my day turning things over etc. But stopped two weeks into it.

    Sure pray i can lose my weight then maintain it and do so without obsessing.
    Nice to meet everyone and will find group soon.

    Are there any workbooks anyone would reccomend- OE based or just compulsive eating based?I learn from books well especially workbooks with affirmations etc.

  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Bump. Will read later and come back
  • iPaw17
    iPaw17 Posts: 5
    I am so glad to find it here, as well.

    Thank you for your post.

  • writing out my binge food list sponser and dr agree this is where I am to start.. this is a horrible thing to deal with..l:glasses:
  • julesoa
    julesoa Posts: 68 Member
    Hi I am Julesoa and a compulsive overeater. I have been in OA and at face to face meetings since October 2011 and abstinent. From my starting weight of 22 st 10 I am now at 15 st 8. My abstinence is 3 meals a day with nothing in between (3-0-1) and I avoide my trigger and binge foods sugar, whites and high fat foods. Up to recently though I havent really weighed and measured food portions just stuck with what seem to be 'moderate' meals and that has worked ok. But I've been aware that to reach a healthy body weight eventually my food plan might need to change and that that would probably mean some weighing and measuring. I am having to ask my HP for willingness here! Another OA member who I know has been sharing about calorie counting and every time she said it felt that it might be something I should look at, although I was pretty reluctant!! I really dont want to get into obsessive diet head and I know I have to focus on my recovery not my food.
    But I have signed up to MFP and am going to use this for now and see how it works for me. I hope that this can just be a way to manage my abstinence and weight loss. I am sticking to 3 meals a day and the other parts of my plan but this way I reckon I have the facts as to my protions sizes.
    I am very pleased to find other OA people here because I know that I can never do this alone and I hope we can all support each other in our recovery. I am happy to have friends :)
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    My name is Maddy, and I am a compulsive overeater and sweets addict.
    And I am THRILLED (and grateful) to have discovered OA on MFP!!!

    About me: I came to OA for the first time in 1990 (wasn't ready), returned in 1993, got recovery, lost more than 30 lbs ..
    and then ...
    life intervened ...
    in too many ways, both good and challenging ...
    and I come to where I am today.
    Living in a completely different region of the country from where I was when I got recovery.
    100 lbs heavier than I was when I first came into OA.

    I will always be grateful for the emotional and spiritual recovery I experienced.
    However, I really have to recommit to the tools and steps that enabled me to gain control over my compulsive overeating.

    So: today is the third day of my initial abstinence commitment, which is simple:
    Eat fewer calories than my MFP food plan permits.

    I'm a big believer in three things I learned from OA:
    1. Do what I CAN do, not what I think I SHOULD do.
    2. Not a good idea to SHOULD all over myself.
    3. Baby steps.

    I haven't weighed myself yet since starting this ... when I have the courage, I shall.

    Cheers, everyone!
  • iPaw17
    iPaw17 Posts: 5
    Happy Anniversary - a day early!
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    Checking in ... I finally figured out how to configure MFP so that it has the totals I need in order to lose weight successfully. I am definitely seeing my tough points ... the places where I have to really work the Program to make the abstinence work. but every day, my food plan is getting cleaner and cleaner. I am maintaining my no-goodies abstinence (no cookies, cakes, pies, ice cream - occasional candy [ONE piece] and small sorbets OK) - on my 10th day. I have not lost any appreciable weight, but I am experiencing the clean feeling of peace I get knowing I am abstinent. It's been a long time, friends ... and it's nice to have it back.
  • did a phone meeting last night listing to a collective group of people with th esames struggles. is wonderful to hear.. talk and saok in the info really helps me. to stay focused:drinker: thanks for your support OA
  • julesoa
    julesoa Posts: 68 Member
    Glad you are here, welcome home!:smile:
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    Erk. Lost my abstinence over the weekend. My predilection for toy food did me in. It's not important! Argh ... and I gained back the 2 lbs I lost and then some. OK, today is another day. Onward.
  • julesoa
    julesoa Posts: 68 Member
    Erk. Lost my abstinence over the weekend. My predilection for toy food did me in. It's not important! Argh ... and I gained back the 2 lbs I lost and then some. OK, today is another day. Onward.

    Coming back is the key! And someone said to me that on an OA watch the only time would be "Now"! :flowerforyou:
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    Thank you ... yesterday I still had blowback from my abstinence loss ... overate. I'm still figuring out how I can eat and be satisfied (or learn to live with NOT being satisfied!). It is work, for sure. But Program does not work unless you work it ... so I'm working it!