


  • kvissy
    kvissy Posts: 205 Member
    CF-ing since middle of last November.

    Push Jerks--5x110lb, 1x130lb
    Sumo DL High Pull--3x210lb, 1x235lb
    DL--3x215lb, 1x245lb
    Bench Press--1x110lb, 3x100lb
    OHS--4x85lb, 1x100lb

    Still working on it!
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Started CF at the beginning of January:

    CF Total:
    2/17/2012 - 355 (Back Squat: 125#, Press: 55#, Deadlift: 175#)

    Back Squat: 135#
    Front Squat: 125#
    Deadlift: 185#
    Strict Press: 55#
    Snatch: 75#
    Floor Press:80#
    FGB: 203 reps

    My back squat, press, snatch, and FGB are all old stats like at least 2 months old.
  • CWSpiegel
    CWSpiegel Posts: 114
    I'll post my post-hernia surgery PR's. Had the surgery in early April 2012, so been back at the box about 2 months.

    I'm 5'7", 163 lbs

    Power Clean: 165
    Squat Clean: 135
    Push Press: 130
    Strict Shoulder Press: 120
    Power Snatch: 130
    Back Squat: 165 (This could easily be higher, but I go easy cause of the hernia)
    Front Squat: 140
  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    strict press pr today, 65# (up 5 from the last testing)
  • rainbos
    rainbos Posts: 75 Member
    I've been addicted since April, going about 3 times a week, as much as my single-full-time-working-motherhood will permit.

    Looking through my book, I'm still light on most PR's. I haven't really determined my limit for one rep on most lifts yet. Some days we don't do strength max reps. My coach is strict on form - gotta go deep on squats and power up the lifts, finishing clean at the top, otherwise it doesn't count. And I'm working on that. Every single rep needs to be in good form.

    Back squat 95. Push press 80. 75 bench press 75. Snatch 40. Deadlifts 105. Hang power clean 65. Clean jerk and push press 70. Push ups 25.
  • aggiejane07
    aggiejane07 Posts: 23 Member
    Started at the beginning of May. I only know a few max reps.

    Deadlift 155
    Press 60 (oh what I would give to be able to use my legs on this one - t rex arms just don't cut it overhead ;)
    back squat 105

    Haven't done any snatches, cleans or jerks in a while but I've been improving in leaps and bounds going 5 days a week in two months so hopefully I will have an idea of those soon :) If I'm doing them in a multi rep wad, I'd say 45lb but I would think i could do significantly more than that for a one rep max.
  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    deadlift pr up from 95# to 125#

    we finish CFT testing this week, I'm up 55# overall from my total in May :)
  • Jguard18
    Jguard18 Posts: 16
    Thrusters 5 Rep: 95
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    DL - 127.5 kg (281lb)
    backsquat - 97.5kg (215lb)
    bench - 60kg (132lb)
    snatch - 45kg (99lb)
    c&j - 60kg (132lb)
    strict press - 45kg (99lb)
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I've been at it since April this year and so far I'm up to...

    DL 225
    Back Squat 195
    Front Squat 165
    over head squat 65 (Balance and flexibility issues, but working on it)
    Clean and jerk 115 (I think)
    snatch 85

    5 strict pull up or chin up. I can string together 10 kipping pull ups in a row

    I can do one strict hand stand push up but I usually do an ab mat and kip them for reps.

    Haven't tried toes to bars but I can do a few knees to elbows.

    I made it on the board for one of the bench mark wods at my gym too. I did Karen Rx'd in 9min 14sec. I was also so close to doing Josh Rx'd but my over head squat sucks so I dropped 10lbs from the weight.

    Karen Is 150 wall balls (20/14) and

    21 OH Squats (95/65)
    42 Pull-Ups
    15 OH Squats
    30 Pull-ups
    9 OH Squats
    18 Pull-Ups

    I did this one in a little over 20min so kind of slow, but it was tough!
  • aggiesrar05
    aggiesrar05 Posts: 335 Member
    PRed a 185 3rep max dead lift yesterday!! I was excited. I probably could have gone heavier but didn't want to kill myself before the WOD.