Who follows 40/30/30 for macros?



  • escobar80103
    While I don't follow this concept, I have some ideas on how you can get more grocery bang for your buck. I wait for the protien shakes to go on sale (see your local flyers if you can or look online). I also cut coupons for them when I see them. Also since in my area they are not big sellers I wait till my grocery store marks them down and buy what I can. Eating healthy can be really expensive. I have my own garden for fresh vegies and I also have chicken for eggs. Check out online where your local food bank is, often they offer programs for fresh produce and commodity boxes based on income. Lots of Americans are hurting these day, so they are a great resource for assistance. Look for local food pantries also. Another option is the dollar store or etc: they often have good deals. For more ideas google eating healthy for cheap or something like that for more ideas.
  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
    It's what I have set and I get it perfect someday and a bit off others. But aslong as I hit 1g protein per lb body weight I'm happy, which is 28% and I find that fine.
  • Joanne_8595
    Joanne_8595 Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks escobar, but my income level doesn't qualify for those programs. Our income has been frozen for quite a few years, but food, gas, and everything has increased a LOT. Even though we have been responsible with our money each year things get tighter and like my husband said, that's a whole tank of gas. I am also working towards becoming debt free, so I put as much towards them as I can manage. It's mostly just personal choices, but recently we discovered we need a new roof which we is going to make everything even tighter. We also didn't plan on a total freeze to our income or the huge increases in gas and food.
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I try and aim for as high as protein as i can but usually fall about 50 grams short. (im still getting about 130-150 grams per day but my target is 208) the more i focus on that the better the scales are the next day, Ive noticed especially if i have a piece of cake or soemthing carbie like that i tend to have a small gain.
  • slowturtle1
    slowturtle1 Posts: 284 Member
    Thanks for your replies! I will look into the greek yogurt, and look through your diaries to see if I can spot anything else that would help with my numbers. I just was told last night that continuing to buy the protein powder when our budget is tight is really not an option. My husband usually has a real hard time saying no to me, so I know that it is because money is tight and not because he wants to deprive me of something. The last few years have decreased our income substantially, and next year even looks worse. If things don't improve it might be mac n cheese, ramen, and hot dogs like we did when we were young.

    I'm like you...I really hate processed foods and powders, etc. The Greek Yogurt has helped, but I rarely get 30%. My nutritionist encouraged me today to use the protein powder and focus more on getting the 30% protein, so I'm going to give it a shot, but I think I'll also try eating more beans and legumes. They are cheaper, tastier, and also low in fat and high in protein (and fiber). I remember growing up we were always tight on money and we ate a LOT of beans and rice. I'm thinking that was not such a bad idea! ;)
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    I have mine set at 30/35/35. I don't stress over it though. Usually end up balanced at 33/33/33 ish.
    Honestly, I strive to get my protein in and let the rest fall where it may. Truly I don't pay much attention to macros.
    Get my protein, veg, fruit, healthy fats and limit grain carbs. Works for me. Oh ...and dark chocolate macro. I pretty much hit that dead on every day : )

  • Joanne_8595
    Joanne_8595 Posts: 64 Member
    Didn't realize Greek yogurt had so many grams of protein! I also remembered reading somewhere that wheat gluten is high protein, 1/4 cup has 25 grams! Not sure what I could put it in besides bread, but might experiment a little since I buy it in bulk for bread baking. Yes, i make 100% whole wheat flaxseed bread, mostly because most store bought white and whole wheat flours make my husband really sick. Fresh ground flour doesnt though! Its lucky that bread baking is one of my loves!

    Making up some black beans right now, and maybe some pinto tomorrow to add to my menu too. Peas are also pretty good source of protein, so that's added to my list. Most things are pretty high in carbs to, unless you stick to meats. That's just what I'm finding looking at various diaries. I figure that I will try to add some of these to my snack times and see how it goes. We raise our own chickens for eggs so that will help some. You all have such good ideas.
  • Joanne_8595
    Joanne_8595 Posts: 64 Member
    I have mine set at 30/35/35. I don't stress over it though. Usually end up balanced at 33/33/33 ish.
    Honestly, I strive to get my protein in and let the rest fall where it may. Truly I don't pay much attention to macros.
    Get my protein, veg, fruit, healthy fats and limit grain carbs. Works for me. Oh ...and dark chocolate macro. I pretty much hit that dead on every day : )


    Yes, the dark chocolate macro is easy to make! My weakness is Ghiradelli 60% cacao chocolate chips!
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Oh. Specifics on protein. Im not a huge meat eater ..but I do eat meat. Chicken, turkey, lean beef once in a while. My staples are tuna, eggs, egg whites, cheese, chicken, cottage cheese. will make lean ground beef "steaks", turkey meatloaf. Fish, shellfish if im out. Natural nut butter. Nuts. Greek yogurt. Make my own protein shakes after workouts. Snacks ...make my own protein balls. I do well with my protein now ...just have to think " protein first". I don't like Greek yogurt, but I've learned to eat it. Usually make a parfait. Berries, yogurt, nuts and dark chocolate. Very filling!

    Just a few ideas, I'm sure I've forgotten something really good : )

    Edit : BACON!!!!!
  • Joanne_8595
    Joanne_8595 Posts: 64 Member
    Just wanted to update you all, since you took the time to give me such good answers! I actually came to the conclusion that it was cheaper to buy the protein shake from Costco, at 50 cents a serving than to try to add different meats to my diet. I am still increasing my portions of meats, eggs, nuts, greek yogurt, and cottage cheese. I however armed myself with the knowledge that it was less expensive to buy the shake than to further increase some of these and absolutely stuff myself simply trying to get enough protein. I then talked to my husband about it and got him to understand that in order to have a healthier happier and thinner me I needed to have the extra protein in my life, and since he loves me he agreed (of course) and I ordered some from Costco this morning! It's a little high on calories and carbs, but it gives me 32 grams of protein per serving and this will help me reach the 30% I need in a day!

    Thanks again for all your help!!
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    The 20 grams is a typo, I meant percent. My diary is open also, and I think I am reaching about 20% every day without the protein shake. I am wondering, the actual grams of protein I am getting is close to 100 grams a day, with the protein shake subtracted. I just don't see how I am going to raise my protein levels without it costing a lot of money. I also don't eat soy products because they mess with my hormone levels, which is not fun. I know they are cheaper than the whey based products, but just not worth it to me.

    I noticed also that when I do eat the 30% protein that my other numbers do line up pretty well. I also feel so much better. Life is hard sometimes.

    pretty sure whey protein (if you get a basic simple product not one of these name brand premium products which are a total rip off!) is actually cheaper than soy?

    Anyway, in terms of cost per gram of protein, whey protein is actually the cheapest source of protein you can get. Obviously don't rely on it for the majority of your intake, but they are useful as a top up.
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    I am awful at hitting my macros. I go over on carbs daily, under on fats daily, and occasionally get my protein in. I'm doing a full reset and eating 2655 calories- so my goal is 199g of protein a day. I eat a lot of fruit so my carbs are always over; I don't really know how to not eat carbs but still get calories in! Maybe this is why I've gained so much weight on the reset (well, I haven't weighed myself since starting the reset, but when I first started 'eating more' (so eating back exercise cals around TDEE -15% cut) I gained 7 pounds, so we'll see what damage the reset did)...too many carbs?
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I am awful at hitting my macros. I go over on carbs daily, under on fats daily, and occasionally get my protein in. I'm doing a full reset and eating 2655 calories- so my goal is 199g of protein a day. I eat a lot of fruit so my carbs are always over; I don't really know how to not eat carbs but still get calories in! Maybe this is why I've gained so much weight on the reset (well, I haven't weighed myself since starting the reset, but when I first started 'eating more' (so eating back exercise cals around TDEE -15% cut) I gained 7 pounds, so we'll see what damage the reset did)...too many carbs?

    less fruit more lean meat.
  • Joanne_8595
    Joanne_8595 Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks! I have also increased my portion sizes for meat and added a few other things. The shake helps me up my protein levels enough to help give me energy and stamina to get through my exercises. :)
  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
    Another thing to consider as far as cost is that improvements in your overall health will lead to lower long-term health costs as well! That doesn't necessarily make it easier to deal with replacing that roof today, but it might help to think about it more with an eye to the future.

    I'm at the point where I'm going to break down and buy protein powder, too. I'm just not very excited about it--have to force myself to drink it. It's not to the point where I gag or anything, but the prospect elicits a big sigh. I'm used to thinking of food as pleasure, so in a weird way it almost feels like a "waste" of calories (I could be eating chocolate!).
  • mturgeon05
    mturgeon05 Posts: 204
    Another thing to consider as far as cost is that improvements in your overall health will lead to lower long-term health costs as well! That doesn't necessarily make it easier to deal with replacing that roof today, but it might help to think about it more with an eye to the future.

    I'm at the point where I'm going to break down and buy protein powder, too. I'm just not very excited about it--have to force myself to drink it. It's not to the point where I gag or anything, but the prospect elicits a big sigh. I'm used to thinking of food as pleasure, so in a weird way it almost feels like a "waste" of calories (I could be eating chocolate!).

    Go to: http://www.dashingdish.com/2010/03/i-cant-believe-its-not-a-milkshake/

    Seriously the greatest protein shake recipes (chocolate included!). Life's too short to be choking down nasty shakes :smile:
  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member

    Go to: http://www.dashingdish.com/2010/03/i-cant-believe-its-not-a-milkshake/

    Seriously the greatest protein shake recipes (chocolate included!). Life's too short to be choking down nasty shakes :smile:

    Oh, awesome! Do you make this with an unsweetened whey protein? I haven't seen much out there that doesn't have something (sucralose/stevia/whatever) in it. I can do stevia if I have to, but I generally don't like such things--I'd rather use just a bit of honey.
  • mturgeon05
    mturgeon05 Posts: 204

    Go to: http://www.dashingdish.com/2010/03/i-cant-believe-its-not-a-milkshake/

    Seriously the greatest protein shake recipes (chocolate included!). Life's too short to be choking down nasty shakes :smile:

    Oh, awesome! Do you make this with an unsweetened whey protein? I haven't seen much out there that doesn't have something (sucralose/stevia/whatever) in it. I can do stevia if I have to, but I generally don't like such things--I'd rather use just a bit of honey.

    I use Optimum Nutrition Vanilla Ice Cream-so flavored. Play around with it and see how it tastes the way you want them. Sooo good!
  • Joanne_8595
    Joanne_8595 Posts: 64 Member
    First, just a warning, the costco whey protein is advertised as 32 grams per serving with 100 servings in each bag. It actually takes two scoops to get 32 grams of protein and in order to figure that out you have to read the fine print buried on the nutrition label. Still an ok price per gram of protein but not near the "deal " I was expecting.

    I always mix my powder with milk, gives me an extra 8 grams of protein, makes it taste a lot better, and If I don't I wont drink any milk àt all. I use vanilla flavored and add stevia liquid hazelnut flavor. Tastes pretty good that way. Use that flavor for the Greek yogurt too. :)
  • NewInnerStrength
    NewInnerStrength Posts: 25 Member
    If you like fish and seafood, that's an awesome way to get some protein in! Same with chicken! Eat a bigger piece than you normally would, like maybe 6-8 oz if you can. Not only will it increase your protein substantially but, with fish, you'll get the added bonus of healthy fats!

    Quinoa is also an excellent source of protein! Beans and nuts, too. You can make an excellent and delicious quinoa salad using beans. Oh and I make this amazing chicken and cannellini bean salad with greek dressing that is out of this world and loaded with protein!

    There are plenty of ways to do raise your protein in a clean manner....you just gotta be creative and think outside the box sometimes!!

    YUMMMYY QUINOA!! Now THAT is bang for your buck right there!