New to this site..

I could lose 100 lbs, but I'm aiming for 75, which would put me at 150. I have had hypothyroid for 4 years and it was just diagnosed a few months ago. Apparently over 4 years ago, my levels were really low, but the doctor who ordered the blood work never told my PCP, it wasn't until a few months ago when I made a doctor appointment because I was trying to lose weight and I gained a lb... that I found out I needed to be on medication. Today is my first day on my new diet. I currently have a sprained knee, so I won't be exercising just yet, but as soon as it heals, I plan to do 5+ days a week. It's time to get this weight off. I've just been let down time and time again with this thyroid issue, and I came here so I don't feel so alone. Anyway, thanks for reading and hope to make some friends here :)


  • Trutra
    Trutra Posts: 131 Member
    Good luck, it is possible to do this with hard work. I know what you mean about doctors. Mine neglected to tell me last year that my thyroid levels were still up. Tried to lose weight for 6 months with no success. I eventually went to the dietician, only to have her pull bloods and find my levels were wrong. Wouldnt have wasted 6 months if I had known that last year.
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    SithChicky - welcome and YOU CAN DO THIS. Be sure and be your own advocate and insist your get as much medication as you can for your levels. Even a slightly underactive thyroid can make it impossible to lose weight.

    Fifteen years ago a doctor told me i just had deal with the fact that I had to only eat 500 calories a day to lose weight. Now I have a doctor who tells me how I feel is more important than the lab results, and he keeps me on the lower end of normal. It's worth fighting for your thyroid rights!