How to log c25k as exercise?

millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
I'm just starting out on the c25k program - my first run will be tonight!! I'm wondering how to log my runs in my exercise diary? As i won't be running for the whole 20 mins I don't want to over estimate my calories burned.

I've persuaded my boyfriend to do the program with me with the promise of steak for dinner when we get in! A good incentive for him and protein for the muscles.

Any advice on running with a partner? or just advice in general :)


  • Tandis729
    Tandis729 Posts: 6 Member
    I log the amount of minutes running and the amount of minutes walking. So, today was 15 minutes of jogging, and 18 minutes of walking :) Good luck!
  • buckeyegirl0103
    buckeyegirl0103 Posts: 194 Member
    I use a heart rate monitor- I start it at my 5 minute warm up and stop it when I finish my cool down stretches.
  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
    I use a pedometer app that also tells me my average speed, current speed, distance, and time.

    I log the time and my average speed (which is between 3.3-4 mph most times).

    If you look at my diary, you can see what I mean.
    JIGGLYbellyPUFF Posts: 81 Member
    I use the runtastic app.
  • jnicole90
    jnicole90 Posts: 31 Member
    I run both my c25k app and mapmyrun to keep up with my calories.
  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    I typically run one of the following two areas: HS track or a park loop. The HS track is .25 mi loops and I use google maps to determine the length of the run in the park. I note the time and distance for the entire c25k run for the day and determine the average speed. This is the number I log in my exercise diary. The mfp exercise database considers anything under 5 mph walking. The choices are in half mph increments so it is not as accurate as I would like but it provides a ball park calorie estimate.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    I'm just starting out on the c25k program - my first run will be tonight!! I'm wondering how to log my runs in my exercise diary? As i won't be running for the whole 20 mins I don't want to over estimate my calories burned.

    I've persuaded my boyfriend to do the program with me with the promise of steak for dinner when we get in! A good incentive for him and protein for the muscles.

    Any advice on running with a partner? or just advice in general :)

    So how's it going? Friday is day 3, right? Me too, I also started on Monday. I wanted to know for sure my calories so this week I got a Polar FT4 heart rate monitor.
  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    Thanks guys! I will be sure to download those apps n test them out :) Can't afford a HRM so will have to stick with a slightly vague calorie burn.

    It's going well thanks cobracars! I've done 2 runs so far, but going swimming tonight and running tomorrow, just so there's not such a big gap between w1d3 and w2d1on monday. How are you finding the program? I never thought I'd enjoy running but c25k is converting me!!
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    7:00am here in Chicagoland and I just completed Day 3 of Week 1. 16.5 minutes per mile, burned 298 calories.
    I go 2 miles, even tho the C25k app is done before I'm back to the house. I did 35 minutes total, but about 10 minutes of that was just walking back to the house.