OMG!! I Am So Excited

Thank you for joining the group!!

I am so excited about doing this program and am glad you have decided to join.

Now, I know people have busy lives but PLEASE try to be somewhat active in the group and let us know how you are doing and how you are progressing, even if it's once a week. Everyone will be moving at their own pace, which is the reason I have decided that the topics for each week will be the date instead of Week 1, Week 2 etc. Everyone will not be at the same place at the same time. Plus, I realize people will be using different plans/programs. You never know if something you say may encourage or motivate someone else.

I am committed to being here for the duration, even if I have to talk to myself!! (Please don't make me do that...LOL) I hope this group will provide you the motivation and support you need to help get you to your next goal if not your ultimate goal. As with anything on MFP, none of us are medical professionals. So please do as you see fit.

Wishing you much success!!!!



  • jsunshine220
    jsunshine220 Posts: 109
    Received this from someone on MFP. Thought I would share it.

    did C25K two years ago and it changed my life. I am now training for a half marathon. Stick to it, it works if you have to repeat a day or weeks do it. Remember that stretching after wards is just as important as your run. If your shins start to hurt make ice in dixi cups they are great for icing down and messaging shins.

    Good luck! Happy running!
  • cstratton78
    cstratton78 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm excited to be staring as well. I tried once previously and didn't follow through. I want to see it through to the end this time and celebrate with all of you as you reach your goals as well!!
  • jsunshine220
    jsunshine220 Posts: 109
    Welcome CStratton78. I am glad you are excited and we WILL reach our goal. Glad to have you!!

  • taylor0204
    taylor0204 Posts: 357 Member
    Good luck ladies:smile: