
myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
"Visualize what you want out of life and think big. Don’t feel undeserving. We're all deserving of living our dreams—some of us realize it and some don't. You’re not doing anyone any favors by living small. Embrace these truths and step up. The world is waiting."

Jillian Michaels


  • patiblue
    patiblue Posts: 44
    My apologies to the author of this quote becuase I don't know who wrote it....I've said it to myself every time I whine about going to work out.

    "You regret NOT working out, but you never regret a workout!"
  • Shelleybonz
    Shelleybonz Posts: 27 Member
    When you are sweating from doing 30DS, that is your fat crying! BRING ON THE TEARS!!!
  • Shelleybonz
    Shelleybonz Posts: 27 Member
    another good one from Pinterest....
    Of course it burns, but complaining about it won't help you look good naked.
  • myohana4
    myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
    "The most amazing people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle and have found their way out of the depths... Keep working hard... Keep a positive attitude and a winning smile... You are worth all your hard work!"

    Don't know where I got this from but I love it!