Anyone Interested In Starting the Couch to 5K Program?



  • jsunshine220
    jsunshine220 Posts: 109
    Im in... I hope I can keep up. I have never been a runner but want to be.

    Welcome!! And don't worry about trying to keep up with everyone. We are all moving at our own pace and some people had already started the program and are ahead anyway. Simply do what you can and let us know how you are progressing!!

    To the finish line we go!!!!

  • jsunshine220
    jsunshine220 Posts: 109
    I'm in.... I have already been running (jogging/walking alternating) but not really following the C25K program. I have the app on my phone and will start following that tomorrow with W1D1. I used to be a long distance runner in high school 20 years ago, and have attempted it off and on the past couple years but never made it to the full 3.1 miles. My goal is to complete a 5K (run the whole thing) in September.

    I reached my breaking point in February 2012 and started really taking my health and fitness seriously the last week of Feburary. Since then I have lost almost 30 pounds and have at least 20 more to go to reach optimal weight. I use MFP faithfully to track calories and net carbs.

    I am currently doing a hybrid program of Beachbody's TurboFire (for cardio) and P90X (for strength) and running every other day in addition to that. I am determined to make this happen and look forward to the support of this group!

    Congrats on what you have accomplished so far!! That is awesome!!

    I'm glad you are able to do P90X because, just looking at the infomercials, scares me!!! And then I had the nerve to get Insanity!! I think I was insane when I bought it!! LOL I tried that thing one time and it's been in the box ever since!! Maybe I will pull it back out one day.

  • jsunshine220
    jsunshine220 Posts: 109
    I'd like to join also! I just completed Week 1 of C25K. I will be moving on to Week 2, Day 1 on Tuesday.

    Welcome!! And if you can share some words of wisdom for those coming behind you, please feel free to do so!!!

  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi, I'm planning my first run tonight! Bought myself some decent running shoes this weekend and I'm determined to see the program through, even if it takes longer than 9 weeks!
  • KathyMarie1970
    KathyMarie1970 Posts: 68 Member
    I'd like to join in. I use 5k runner. I completed it in May and ran my first 5k but I had to walk some. I did my second 5k July 4th but walked most of it. I run reall slow and fall apart mentally and just give up on myself. I decided to go back through and rededicate myself to running. I would love to join you guys. I've signed up for a 5k in October and I want to run the whole thing!
  • cstratton78
    cstratton78 Posts: 7 Member
    Well, isn't this kismet? I joined back up today with MFP to start tracking my food and exercise, wanted to get started on the C25K program... and here you all are starting today. How perfect is that? Count me in too! :smile:
    I'll be following the program and starting W1D1 this evening.
  • jsunshine220
    jsunshine220 Posts: 109
    Well, isn't this kismet? I joined back up today with MFP to start tracking my food and exercise, wanted to get started on the C25K program... and here you all are starting today. How perfect is that? Count me in too! :smile:
    I'll be following the program and starting W1D1 this evening.

    That means you were meant to be here!!!! :wink:

    Happy trails!!!
  • lillianelise
    lillianelise Posts: 49 Member
    I will be doing week2day2 tonight. I'm looking forward to it.
  • KellyR72
    KellyR72 Posts: 51 Member
    Well, I am a little ahead of you all as I am on Week 4, day 2, but would be happy to join as I can use the encouragement!
  • ASeaton76
    ASeaton76 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in.... I have already been running (jogging/walking alternating) but not really following the C25K program. I have the app on my phone and will start following that tomorrow with W1D1. I used to be a long distance runner in high school 20 years ago, and have attempted it off and on the past couple years but never made it to the full 3.1 miles. My goal is to complete a 5K (run the whole thing) in September.

    I reached my breaking point in February 2012 and started really taking my health and fitness seriously the last week of Feburary. Since then I have lost almost 30 pounds and have at least 20 more to go to reach optimal weight. I use MFP faithfully to track calories and net carbs.

    I am currently doing a hybrid program of Beachbody's TurboFire (for cardio) and P90X (for strength) and running every other day in addition to that. I am determined to make this happen and look forward to the support of this group!

    Congrats on what you have accomplished so far!! That is awesome!!

    I'm glad you are able to do P90X because, just looking at the infomercials, scares me!!! And then I had the nerve to get Insanity!! I think I was insane when I bought it!! LOL I tried that thing one time and it's been in the box ever since!! Maybe I will pull it back out one day.


    I have been looking at Insanity as possibly my next program, but my favorite so far is TurboFire!!! Love the cardio burn!

    I just came back in from 35 minute jog/walk and was able to do almost 4 minutes of solid jogging and it felt great.
  • momof2sparrows
    momof2sparrows Posts: 9 Member
    I found the group and I am game for joining in on the fun. My ultimate goal is to run one of the fun run 5Ks since I just can't find the fun in plan old running. I started the program with my iPod App about a month ago but left it behind at my Mom's house and haven't done anything since. I will pick it back up this weekend and plan to do my first run Friday. I guess I will start over again even though I left off at Week2 day 1.
  • RandleBoyz3
    RandleBoyz3 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm new to the group and have never done this before. Please fill me in before the new week starts.
  • jsunshine220
    jsunshine220 Posts: 109
    Hello everyone! I'm new to the group and have never done this before. Please fill me in before the new week starts.

    Hi RandleBoyz3,

    The majority of the people in this group are doing the Couch to 5K. It's a group for people who are trying to get past walking and move into jogging/running. Some people in the group are working on 10K's.

    If you do a search for Couch to 5K, you will find several programs. I use the one on They also free apps on your cell phone that can be used as well. They especially come in handy if you plan on running outside or on a track. They let you know when to walk and run.

    Everyone is working at their on pace to get to the 5K mark. The discussion board is used to post accomplishments and/or thoughts about how things are going. You can also post questions, if you have any, or whatever you like.

    Please join us if you so desire!!

  • TraeP
    TraeP Posts: 68 Member
    Hello, I would like to start this with you all also. I have dowloaded the app to my cell c25k and can't wait to get started.
    Am I to late or is it ok to just jump in now??:smile:
  • meszi
    meszi Posts: 1
    Hey there - I'd love to join in too! I'm set to do W2D3 today - so far so good :) I'm using the app on my phone and most often running on a treadmill (sometimes outside if it's not too hot).

    I used to run up until about 4 years ago and have kicked myself since for stopping. I've tried to restart a few times without luck ... I think being a part of a group will be very helpful this time around. Goal is to run an organized 5K on September 30th.

    Good luck everyone!
  • jsunshine220
    jsunshine220 Posts: 109
    Guys, it's never to late to join us. It doesn't matter where you are in the program.

    We have some great people in this group. I hope you will find the support and encouragement you need to help with your weight loss journey.


  • LyLMyssChaos
    LyLMyssChaos Posts: 2 Member
    I am starting the C25K tomorrow and I was wondering how you are crediting yourself for the workout in MFP?
  • jsunshine220
    jsunshine220 Posts: 109
    I am starting the C25K tomorrow and I was wondering how you are crediting yourself for the workout in MFP?

    Hi and Welcome!!

    I created my own excercise under Cardio. I also have a HRM that I wear. So once I have done my workout, I will log the time and calories burned based on my HRM in my excercise diary.

    I think that's what you are asking. If not, please let me know.

    Thanks for joining. Good luck!!
