Heart Palpitations and Keto weight loss

saintsfanatik Posts: 68 Member
I have been experiencing palpitations. These have come out of nowhere, and have lasted about one week. They have me getting light headed. I periodically had them before I began my keto eating plan--my poor heart was giving my huge body the middle finger for making it supply all of its blood and oxygen needs for so long. Then, I would only have them if I had a huge amount of sodium ( like, a double-portion of pork rinds, or a lot of sugar during a cheat meal).

This is freaking me out a little. The last time this happened to me, I felt poorly for a couple of days, and they ran a whole battery of tests, all of which came back normal.

Has anyone here had such an episode come over them, and if so, what did you do/eat/etc. to alleviate them?


  • Sounds like you have a mild arrhythmia, just means a slightly irregular heartbeat. They usually have certain triggers(caffeine, too much salt, etc) so if you can narrow down when it happens you might be able to avoid whatever is causing it. I never was able to figure mine out, had it for 10 years before starting keto, and it's not bothered me since starting, although I go months without episodes sometimes. So long as the doctors don't find anything wrong you can just consider it one of those little quirks, but it's kind of scary when it happens because it can feel almost hard to breath when it happens. :)
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    I find after almost exactly a year on Keto, that if I stand up too fast, I get spots in my vision and get dizzy, but that's probably just not from enough water or sodium. Low blood pressure, maybe.

    I haven't had the palpitations, though...
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    I get the spots in my vision/dizzy also if I stand to fast.

    I have noticed tho that I have had problems with anxiety/heart beats real fast etc. I am not sure exactly what the problem is :( Its only once in a while but when it happens it scared the crap out of me! I am also prone to being a tad bit of a worry wart and can work myself up very easy so Im not exactly sure if its keto or just me.
  • etzhadaat
    etzhadaat Posts: 3
    It's pretty common that someone will talk about this on r/keto, it's probably potassium deficiency.