General (and possibly silly) question...

When starting the C25K program is it best to do it on flat lands as opposed to trying to run up and down hills? I'll be doing this around my neighborhood and there are a ton of hills so I wasn't sure. Thanks!


  • Kelwalks4
    Kelwalks4 Posts: 56 Member
    When starting the C25K program is it best to do it on flat lands as opposed to trying to run up and down hills? I'll be doing this around my neighborhood and there are a ton of hills so I wasn't sure. Thanks!

    I like doing C25K on a treadmill and I am running it flat. I guess if I needed more of a challenge I would add hills. If you can handle it, I think hills are a great thing to add. :smile:
  • Ang_from_Colorado
    Ang_from_Colorado Posts: 55 Member
    I get stupid shin splints so I'm thinking doing it flat for the first few weeks is my best bet lol Thanks though!
  • jsunshine220
    jsunshine220 Posts: 109

    I prefer flat, for now. Just like Kelwalks4, I do mine on a treadmill on a zero incline.

    There was a group that did the C2K before and some people did increase the incline and I don't think they had any problems...but I can barely do it on a flat surface so I'm not gonna push my luck!!! LOL