Here we go!



  • cvsnglmom
    cvsnglmom Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! I'm so glad to be invited into this group! I was using MFP a few months ago, but wasn't very consistent. I need to get back on track! I updated my starting weight (and yes it went up a few pounds!) and I'm starting again. I look forward to the support from you all....I sure need it!

    I am a single mom. I have a son who is 18 and just graduated from high school and a daughter who is 14 and will be starting high school next month.

    I joined a running club in January and have been exercising my butt off. Pretty much at least an hour of exercise or running every day except Sundays. You would think I would have lost weight, but I haven't. Which tells me it's all my diet. My doctor did tell me 80% of weight loss is diet and only 20% is exercise. I think I've got the exercise part down!

    I look forward to being in this group!
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    :heart: JULY 9th - JULY 14th :heart:

    Hello everyone!

    Here is the next week's guidelines/workouts! I will keep the following set up - M, W & F are strength, T, TH & S are cardio, with Sunday being a rest day. As always, this is just a guideline, not set in stone. :tongue:

    MONDAY 7/09:
    2 sets of 15 each:
    Butterfly crunches
    Torso twists
    Bird Dogs
    Split Squats
    Toes Touches
    2 30-60 second Planks

    TUESDAY 7/10:
    20- 45 minutes of cardio - walking, running, biking, etc.

    WEDNESDAY 7/11:
    2 minute Bear walk
    75 jumping jacks
    40 crunches/sit ups
    30 squats
    10 push ups

    Break it up any way you want!

    THURSDAY 7/12:
    30 - 45 minutes of cardio - push yourself - try a new video, walk/run a little further/faster, etc

    FRIDAY 7/13:
    Tabata Workout
    A Tabata workout is 20 second of exercise 10 second rest. YOU MUST HAVE A STOP WATCH TO TIME THIS!! This will only be an 8 minute workout! EASY DAY!!!
    --- It will be 4 repeated exercises 4 times -- 20 second workout and 10 second rest for a total of 8:00 mins
    1. Jumping Jack
    2. Squat with shoulder press:
    3. Jump Rope
    4. Modified or true push ups

    Cardio - your choice of 30 minutes of exercise. Weather permitting, try walking to/from on of your errands today!

    And a few side challenges (optional)
    - Drink 8 glasses of water daily
    - Track your cardio and strength minutes this week, so you can increase them next week!
    - Please list 3 of your favorite exercises, and 3 of your least favorites...using for future torture! LOL!
    -Please friend anyone on the team that you are not already friends with. Friendship and support are key to this group!

    How did everyone do this week?
    Did you make your week goal?
    Any comments or suggestions for me?

    One last comment - on my last group, we weighed in on Sundays. If you would like to, we will do the same here!

    Have a wonderful week!!:flowerforyou:
  • jdubay
    jdubay Posts: 2
    Sundays weighins are good...i will be subbing burpees for pushups for tabata..just a suggestion.
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Oh no!! Someone said 'Burpees'!! :noway:

  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
    Hello Gang...finally a chance to have a little time to's been SOOOOO LONGGGGG...I've spent a LOT of time with my grandson who is now 7 months old...he's just the cutiest!

    Today the weather was went for a 3 mile walk...took an hour but it was just nice to have some time to do SOME THING FOR ME...

    I plan to put in some exercise time this least 30 mins a day...that's my promise to read my bible to workout for 20-30 mins a day...and drop in on my MFP FAMILY....

    Wish me look I always say....WE'LL WIN IF WE DON'T QUIT!

    WE ARE ALL WINNERS!:flowerforyou: :love: :smooched: :blushing:
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Saturday/Sunday check in -

    I did 1.38 miles on the treadmill yesterday. It was supposed to be an 'outside ' walk/run but it was way too hot here! Nsilly me, didn't check my miles for the week and ended up 0.35 miles short of my goal! :noway:

    So, I will have the same 10 mile goal this week. I would love to have more running in, butnwe'llmsee since itsnsupposedmto be in the high 90s and up to 100 here thru the week!

    Weigh in - 129.4, down 0.8!! Yay! My goal for this month is 1/2 lb per week!

    Have a wonderful Monday!
  • Mlounds
    Mlounds Posts: 1
    Hey there! Thanks for the message. I think I am going to attempt the Monday lunges, modified push-ups, etc. Just wondering, I probably need a bar to do the triceps work, is that correct? I haven't lost any weight with just the cardio stuff I am doing... so I will start the strength exercised you suggest.
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    @Mlounds -The exercises posted do not require a bar. They are your own body weight or dumbells. If you don't have dumbells, use canned veggies, water bottles or any 2 items you can hold while doing the exercise

    Good luck - glad you are with us! :flowerforyou:
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    It has been a good day. I got 48 minutes of cardio in plus our strength workout. I had to look the split squat up on youtube because I had forgotten what they were. I have fallen short on the water today, which is a shame considering I have overdone the sodium. I vow to do better on that front tomorrow. :wink:

    Jackie, congrats on the weight loss! :drinker:
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member


    GIVING THANKS TO MY LORD FOR YET ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL DAY...:flowerforyou: :love: :smile:
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Hello! Monday check in -

    Exercises done AND I got in 30 minutes of walking! Yay!

    Thanks Cheryl! How was your time with g-babies? Lose anyone? :laugh:
  • seeinglean
    seeinglean Posts: 12 Member
    Monday check in
    Lots of inspiration here. On Monday I managed to put exercise out of my mind while I took care of bills before I went to work the 12-9 shift. Taught a class so I was on my feet for about two hours. Today - a nice clean slate waiting for me to add to it!
  • ehilgenberg10
    ehilgenberg10 Posts: 79 Member
    I've been not feeling so hot so I've been using that as an excuse to not do so well, but I got a little bit of a workout in yesterday and I am cleaning my parents house tonight (and it's not a workout to some, but they don't clean like I do...If I'm sweating the whole time and sore the next day, it must be doing something). Hopefully I'm getting back on track.
  • LizFo
    LizFo Posts: 34 Member
    Tuesday cardio: about a 45 min, ~3 mile neighborhood walk with our dog. I'm dragging this week with a case of the grumps, so had to kick myself out the door! Feeling better now. :tongue:
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    I got my cardio in on a very challenging walk track just outside the town where I work. I was the only person there today, with the exception of the men who were mowing. It has very steep hills and very little flat track. I almost passed out the first time I walked there because I was determined to get 45 minutes in or else and it was almost the "or else".

    I had a great time over the weekend with my 2 grandkids. I fell asleep on the couch holding the baby the 4 year old woke me up asking me if I was praying. :laugh: Guess the bowed head confused him.

    Tomorrow is an all day long continuing education class. I don't enjoy those but I worked too hard for my license and extended designation to lose them over a lack of ce. I plan to pack my lunch and go for a walk, even if it is only around the parking lot on my lunch hour.

    Good night everyone.
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
    Well another day that I was able to give Mr. Fatty the business...take that Mr. Fatty...

    I hope everyone had a wonderful day.

    Jillian Michael - 30 Day Shred Level 1
    Walking outside 60 mins - Avg speed 2.78 mph - 2.78 miles

    Have a Great Night! :love: :happy:
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Hello everyone! :flowerforyou:

    It was 100 here:noway: , so I opted to do a Leslie Sansone Walk video inside! 4 miles done! It was hard cuz it felt just as hot inside after a few minutes! :laugh:

    Hope everyone is doing well this week! Have a great Wednesday!
  • sportiemom
    sportiemom Posts: 14
    have not done Monday's workout but went to the gym for an hour while I dropped of my son to baseball camp which is not close to home so had to hang around that area. So found a gym close by and workout on the treadmill for 1 hour, jogging and walking. Did 4.25 miles and burned 420 calories.

    Did the same today. Went to gym and did 4.5 miles and burned over 450 calories on the treadmill.

    I will be at the gym all this week while my son's at camp. Too hot to jog or walk around the field. So far, have not been home long enough to do any of the assigned workout for this week but I will catch up all of those exercises on one day this week.

    Eating habit is okay. My weakness is chips and with being at the pool and the beach the past few days, there's always chips around. So I need to kick that habit! It throws off my goal. I eat well most of the day but somehow I come across these bad chips and I still eat some. One good thing though...I'm eating a smaller portion of it!

    Well hope everyone has a great rest of the week. Stay cool!
  • femmemusicale
    femmemusicale Posts: 76 Member
    Tuesday cardio: about a 45 min, ~3 mile neighborhood walk with our dog. I'm dragging this week with a case of the grumps, so had to kick myself out the door! Feeling better now. :tongue:

    Sorry to hear about your grumps, but glad to see that you pounded down some pavement instead of pounding down some calories! ;-p

    One of my favorite quotes is that the "cure for everything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea." I love that. For me, it is totally true - any of those three and I'm back on track pretty readily.

    Hang in there, and I hope you are feeling chipper again soon!