7-10-12/Daily Chatter for the Menopausal Mad Hatters

Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
Snoozie and I thought we would set up DAILY log to chatter on ,so chatter on......


  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Thanks for starting Tuesday's thread, T2! :bigsmile:

    I've hooked up my morning IV of coffee; going to catch up on a few posts from yesterday then come back to post for today.. can't wait to hear how everyone is doing!
  • kssnyd65
    kssnyd65 Posts: 23 Member
    Funny Snoozie.... got my coffe going this AM also! Going to head out pretty soon and hike up the creek (we live in the boonies) with my camera and see if I see anything interesting, for a change of pace from my exercise!!! Probably won't burn too many calories but I will be out and moving! Hope everyone has a great Tuesday :)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Well, Im actually feeling pretty good about me this morning… I actually made it through one full day without falling offside.. (although its possible I got up in the night and ate something.... I found a cracker in bed… (haaaaa kidding people.. kidding!!)

    I HAVE to go get my walk in.. if I don’t do it now, I know I’ll just blow it off, so I’ll be back in a while to see what’s up with everyone today….. a few quick notes tho

    Dawn.. the wine glasses are over at the bar (please..could there NOT be a bar in a room of menopausal women?) Just remember to add those damn calories for it to your log LOL… grrrrr! Congrats on your losses since January.. you’ve done great!! And no worries on the mood swings and evil thoughts… we know exactly what ya mean.. I laughed at someone yesterday (I think it was Melissa?) who said every time her kids or husband open their mouths… evil thoughts abound LOL)

    Anita – nice to meet ya! Yup.. hydro wires across the world can pinpoint where each of us menopausal ladies are on the map LOL!!

    Slim Linda - I actually laughed out loud reading your post; could just picture all those a/c items going at once LOL!! YOU are an inspiration to the rest of us who are finding it so hard now to lose any weight… 14lbs during menopause ??? I bow at your feet… well, too many fat rolls in the way for me to bow just yet… but so glad you’re aboard!

    Pearl – haven’t been to the UK in decades so nice to have someone from the other side of the pond along side!! Awesome on the weight lifting.. let us know how the keep fit class goes??

    Kssy: You have inspired me to head down to the marina this morning for my walkies... beats the hell out of looking at traffic and houses and it's only a short drive.. so thanks!! And hey.... it isn't about how many calories you burn.. it's about getting into the habit of MOVING our parts every day.... so rock on (and share a few pics when you get back!)

    Ok.. can't find my sneakers... guess I can't walk.. (see?? I am awesome at excuses..)
    Oh.. they're by the door... note to self....
  • Brendanow
    Brendanow Posts: 9 Member
    Today is going to be better then yesterday!!! so glad I joined your Menopausal Mad Hatters group - coffee done and on my way out to do some walking....thanks "Snoozie"....
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    Ok I have had my coffee and have had my walk. Got smart on the before I finished my last .5 mile I turned the ac down to 71 degrees so it would be cool when I got back in. Best Idea I had all day. But it has just started. :laugh:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Well, I'm here but just barely......I don't do the coffee thing, unfortunately. sounds like a good thing to get you going. I do drink it, but I don't think it's called coffee when I get through with it. : ) Looks like it's going to be a busy day here. I'll try to pop on at breaktimes, to catch up on the Mad Chatter. Lots of good wishes sent your ways.....G
  • charip
    charip Posts: 55 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!
    A beautiful sunny morning here in Nova Scotia. Just bought a new laser all in one (tired of buying ink that dries up in an inkjet), so thought I'd take a few minutes to install it before I started the loads of laundry I want to get hung out on the line today. Let's just say it wasn't quite as easy as I had envisioned..... it's been THREE hours, and a huge pot of coffee....and it still isn't working!! Back to Staples it goes tomorrow, LOL, enough frustration. Just going to head out the door for a walk, hope that relieves some of the stress. Hope you're all having a great day!

    Morning Charip!
    (I'm not sure if this is gonna work.. I hit edit.. so we'll see what happens lol)..

    I was born in Halifax, so I feel a kinship already LOL! You are a better woman than me trying to even tackle that printer, after 3 hours I'd be armed with a hammer and it's life would be over LOL. Hope you have a great walk, and hanging laundry has gotta be some serious calorie burning - awesome!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Woo Hoo Brenda... !!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Ok I have had my coffee and have had my walk. Got smart on the before I finished my last .5 mile I turned the ac down to 71 degrees so it would be cool when I got back in. Best Idea I had all day. But it has just started. :laugh:

    LOL C!! I wish I had thought of that before I went out!! Just cranked the sucker up ... but I'll have my head in the freezer til it kicks in!

    WAY TO GO on getting in your walk...!!!! It's only 10:30 in the morning (where I am anyway) and you've already got a success for the day! congrats!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    T2 - hope its not too crazy at work today.... any plans on dealing with the cafeteria selections?? Remember you did awesome only going with ONE tender yesterday - I know how hard it is to have to eat the offerings of a cafteria... so wishing you the best!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    31 Menopausal women ... trying to lose weight.. in one room.... there isn't a man alive brave enough to enter this place :laugh:

    Well, went out for my walk this morning, and it was a tough go today... felt good when I left, but 20 min in I thought I was gonna die.. ok, well... lay down on the ground and wait for the paramedics at least.. I even checked my watch three times cause I was sure it was broken.. the time just dragged for some reason and yet I went to the waterfront and it was a much nicer area than around my place.. so I don't know what happened.. however.. I kept going and struggled through an additional 10 minutes.. last few were admittedly not as fast as the first, but I'm okay with that.. I MOVED today..

    and... I don't know about the rst of you (or where everyone is lol) but I find oftentimes as women, we are brutally hard on ourselves and far more critical of ourselves if we hit a bump ni the road, then we would ever be on our friends or family... we seem to be our own worst enemies at times, we'll forgive everyone else for anything, but god help us if we slip on a diet, or don't seem to have enough time for everyone who wants a piece of us.. we tend to get down on ourselves so easily (in my humle opinion anyway.. )
    so.. for me.. I've decided every day, I'm going to claim an IPOM. An "I'm Proud Of Me" (IPOM) to celebrate one small accomplishment that I'm proud of every day. I'll learn from my mistakes, and look for advice and encouragement from the hatters when I'm struggling.. but by god I'm gonna say yay me at least once a day, because we all deserve to be proud of ourselves every day.. so I hope the rest of you will claim an IPOM and celebrate any and every success too!

    MY IPOM - I didn't blow off my walk, and even added 10 minutes to my goal... YAY ME!!!
  • flipflopsintx
    flipflopsintx Posts: 26 Member
    Just finished my 20 min 1.2 mile walk today. I am sooo thankful for the clouds and cool breeze. I almost didn't walk today but forced myself to do it. My husband didn't walk with me because the DISH repair man is here so I walked to music on the IPOD, which helped as much, a nice quick beat to keep up with worked just as well.

    I was under on my calories by about 250 yesterday, which I wouldn't advise, I was very hungry before I went to bed. So I had a glass of water instead, I wouldn't recommend that either, I had to keep getting up during the night to releive my bladder. NOT FUN!:grumble:

    Today I'm going to try to add more fiber and protien, hopefully it will keep my feeling fuller. I have to work tonight, 5pm - midnight, which means I won't get home until after 1 am. I'm hoping I'll be too tired to think about food by then.

    **My tip for those of you who are just starting the walking thing.
    1.) If you don't have a walking partner get one, human or animal. If that isn't possible get some type of portable MP3 player - music works just like a companion.
    2.) Map out your route - I live in a subdevelopment that has 1 acre properties. I drove my car to map out one mile, then 1.5, then 2.
    3.) Start slow and work up - start with the one mile and just walk at a leisurely pace. BUT - walk the mile. Mine has slight inclines and declines so I go to the left one day and to the right the next. Variation keeps it interesting. By the end of week one get that mile down to 20 - 15 min. Beleive me, it is doable. Then repeat it the next week.

    Hope that helps, it's working for me.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Great tips FF.. THANKS!
    and doing the walk even though hubby couldnt come must be a huge IPOM for you!! Congrats!

    I had the same problem with actual hunger last nite... (not that I'm familiar with actually feeling hunger lol) but I think I'm going to have to up my calorie count to 1200 a day.. I had a piece of LF cheese and a couple of crackers around 8pm, and I was still under my calorie count for the day (only 3 calories left LOLOL).. so I was okay with eating it, but will have to pump up some extra veggies during the day as well to keep me going.. guess I should make a list and head to the produce section lol...
  • flipflopsintx
    flipflopsintx Posts: 26 Member
    Ok I have had my coffee and have had my walk. Got smart on the before I finished my last .5 mile I turned the ac down to 71 degrees so it would be cool when I got back in. Best Idea I had all day. But it has just started. :laugh:

    That is a fabulous idea - I live in TEXAS and though it's been cooler (upper 90's) this summer than last, it's still hot. Which is one of the reasons why I drag my big old butt out of bed at around 7-8am and walk before doing anything. My problem is that my husband is part of the "thermostat police" :grumble:
  • Kellysmom78
    Kellysmom78 Posts: 81 Member
    My day so far?.......asleep at 10, woke at 12:30, awake till 3!! :mad: No exercise this morning, grand baby got here at 7:30. Made coffee to weak, :sad: kid to whiney:cry: and body sore from working out yesterday!:ohwell: Oh yeah....gonna be a good day!!:noway:

    Flipflops...where in tx are you? I'm in southeast tx.

    **** REPLY ****

    Kellysmom: thanks for the keyboard wash - I was chugging water when I read your post, and burst out laughing with a mouthful of water!! OMG.. who could ask for more, huh?? And you gotta know.. if your day STARTS that way... its only gonna get.. better... yeah.. thats it.. better... :noway:

    I feel for ya... specially with the sleep part.. between mentlepause and shiftwork, I've given up on sleep.. I just have varying amounts of nap time LOL.. AND if there's any truth to the saying misery loves company, my butt is killing me from my walking.. (yeah I know.. most people would be their legs or back.. but me?? the hindquarters are moaning)

    And running around after a grandchild counts as exercise!! Soo woo hoo..

    If you start getting homicidal thoughts tho... come to the hatters.. we'll talk ya down lol
  • 1slimlinda
    1slimlinda Posts: 44 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! You are all so much fun. I can't wait to read whats coming next! Well, I have Zumba under my belt today and yes IPOM! I wasn't going to go until I opened up the Mad Hatters group and could not think of a reason why I should not. I started out in April with the thought that I was going to give myself 12 weeks to prove to myself that I could be consistent with something.....I still for some reason cant remember to take a vitamin every day! I passed the 12 week mark and I started to get compliments and comments like"Are you losing weight , you look good". That kept me motivated and I have managed to change how I eat and have made exercise built into my every day . (I refuse to give up a good burger or chocolate) I feel guilty if I dont exercise. Not only that , but my body NEEDS it now. I have made a habit of logging my food, something I never dreamed I would be doing, which forces me to think about how those calories will fit into my calorie budget. I am weak on the weekends so if anyone has any advice for me I will certainly take heed. I keep an internal positive voice that helps to keep me pushing forward(.Kinda like Richard Simmons haha) I love how my body is changing and I love to throw together some healthy food with lots of spices and flavor. I dont just eat anything anymore cause I have to log it. I am thrilled to be here with you! Stay positive ! Do this for you! Have a great day! Linda
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    T2 - hope its not too crazy at work today.... any plans on dealing with the cafeteria selections?? Remember you did awesome only going with ONE tender yesterday - I know how hard it is to have to eat the offerings of a cafteria... so wishing you the best!

    I only had 1 Chkn tender...... with water. I'm watching sugar when I can. : ) Yeah!!
  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    Hello all you beautiful Ladies~ My name is Kimberly and I live in Montana. I am loving this group and you all are a hoot! I must apologize before hand that I am struggling to keep up with everyone, as I am way busy here at work. I am a legal assistant and work for 4 demanding attorneys. Seriously, don't they know I have other things I would rather be doing? Ha!

    So please don't give up on me. Congrats to all of you who got your walks in this morning...and Zumba! Zumba is my punishment of choice and I go to class 4 nights a week after work.

    Keep on keepin on ladies. Eat healthy, keep moving! There is no stopping us now.

    HUGZz to All

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    woo hoo T2!!!!!

    CLAIM your IPOM Woman!! thats awesome, just going with the one tender, AND having water.. and keeping an eye on sugar ??

    Well done Gail!!

    Small changes lead to big ones... so way to go!!!

    :drinker: (that's WATER I'm drinking ... ;o)
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    Good morning ladies! I'm at the dentist with my 14 year old, who is getting a cavity filled, which costs $120. I told him next time I'll do it myself with dad's drill! I had one of those nights when I couldn't stop eating, and I didn't even eat anything I really enjoyed (ugh). The scale was up this morning which is a good reminder of the consequences of my porcine behavior!

    Snoozie, I love the IPOM, and will make every effort to have one every day too!

    flip, I think our husbands were at thermostat police academy together! Last night I woke up so flipping hot, and the thermostat said 75! I grabbed my pillow, went down to the living room and cranked the AC down to 70 (different zone), and had a nice sleep. This morning he asked me why I left... Because I was HOT you idiot! I'm always hot, why don't you get that?

    Got my bike ride in before the dentist, headed to work and then my 16 year old's baseball game. Hope to check in with you ladies tonight when I'm at my computer, and I have a real keyboard!

    PS Made 2 gallons of coffee concentrate yesterday. If you like iced coffee, check out thepioneerwoman.org for the recipe!