
Hi girls,

First of all I just want to introduce myself. My name is Ashlee and I'm 20 years old from the beautiful Central Coast, Australia. I'm currently an Operations Officer working for ING Direct but an aspiring makeup artist - will be attending the Academy of Makeup in Sydney starting September and will be a qualified MUA at the end of November. I hope to then get a job in retail makeup while starting my own business.

I want to lose weight to raise my self confidence, look better, have access to cuter clothes, get fit and be healthy. I've never succeeded to lose more than 20 kilos and keep it off, I need to lose 44 kilos (43.9 to be exact!) to be in the middle of my height's healthy weight range.

My weigh in day is on Wednesday - however, feel free to weigh in whatever day you like as long as it's weekly.

Please feel free to introduce yourself below. Can't wait to meet some beautiful girls and lose some weight! :happy:


  • angTp21
    angTp21 Posts: 9 Member

    My name is Angela, but my friends call me Angie. I'm 20 years old from Santa Cruz, CA. Currently a college student aspiring to be a veterinarian, but working on getting my anthropology degree while completing the necessary classes to get into veterinary school.

    I want to lose weight because I want to run again. I used to run cross country in 8th grade until the end of high school (12th grade), and haven't been running sense. Crazy as it sounds, I love running and miss everything about it but unfortunately have none of the stamina that I used to have before.

    The lightest I've weighed after the age of 16 was probably 168 or something. Don't quite remember though!

    And I personally don't necessarily believe in the BMI. Weird, I know, but feel free to inquire more about it. But I do want to lose weight not only for running but for further confidence in how I look, and be healthier so I can live a long and fruitful life :)

    I usually weigh in every morning right after I wake up and use the bathroom, but occasionally I'll skip a day. My "check-in" day is every Saturday: this day is used to see how much total weight I lost and what I need to adjust or change.

    Current weight: 193lb (so 87.5 kg)
    Goal weight by September 19th: 175-180lb (79.3 -- 81.6)
    Ultimate Goal Weight (hopefully by end of December/Beginning of January): 145 lb (65.7 kg)

    I usually use lb, but will be happy to convert it to kg if needed.

    Hope to meet all you amazing people and cheer each other on during our trip to healthy living :)

  • angel823
    angel823 Posts: 190 Member
    Hi! my name is Angelica but everyone calls me Angie or Angel.
    I am 20. Soon to be 21. Im attending a vocational college almost half way through my LVN Program.

    I LOVE joggie. So Angie ur not crazy. In high school i always wanted to do sports but had to play mom. Now im finally deciding to go down this journy. I need to loose weight. For me. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin.

    Hobbies. Im a total nerd. Love reading. Singing playing guitar. And have recently descovered i like counting calories. I think im becoming a fitness junkie lol.

    So far ive lost 10lbs more or less since starting MFP started at 225lbs and am down to 215lbs.
    Goal weight 160 before winter comes around
  • spectranna
    spectranna Posts: 7 Member
    Hello :) My name is Sarah. I'm a 3rd year university student in Kentucky. I enjoy various sports including martial arts and archery, but since I mostly study I'm pretty out of shape for martial arts. So, that's why i'm here, to get back into shape and just be over all more healthy.

    I am addicted to reading (when I get the chance). In high school, I was the kid walking through the crowded hall reading just to finish a good book (dodging through everyone else haha ^_^) I'm an anthropology student; learning about cultures and languages now so that I can teach my students when I become a teacher on down the road.

    I'm 20 at 5'9'' and 168 lbs. I think my main problem is I eat the correct portions, but my calories just don't make up to my goal. I have to eat junk food just to reach my calorie goals and then I usually just walk them off later going to class and clubs (i don't have a car). According to My Fitness, I'm putting my body into hibernation lol.
  • Amy110488
    Amy110488 Posts: 2
    Hi all,

    My name is Amy, I'm 24 and am trying to lose the final 5kg to my goal. I'm from the Newcastle area and am at the end of my studies in becoming Primary Teacher. I'm quite excited, I start official teaching after the current school holidays (providing I pick up some work within the area as a relief teacher).

    The goal is to get to 57kg before summer (aching to get into a bikini and look smokin' hot just to make hubby's jaw drop) :love:

    My current weight is 62kg
    My goal is 57kg.

    Like some of you I am a runner, I love it. It burns up so many calories so quickly, plus its awesome 'me' time with an awesome soundtrack blasting in my ears. I feel like I'm a fantastic runner when it comes to running on a treadmill, however when it comes to running on the natural ground, I'm slow and sluggish. I hope to improve on this.

    Anyway looking forward to getting to know you all more.

    Bring on the light competition!

    Amy xo
  • ro90
    ro90 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi girls, my name is Roisin and I'm from Ireland. I'm currently studying midwifery in Dublin and will be a qualified midwife come September!

    I want to lose weight to feel better about myself and to fit into my favourite jeans again! I enjoy running also but mainly do it on a threadmill in the gym as the weather here is not the best! My goal is to lose 26lbs/drop a dress size.

    My weigh in was this morning.
    SW: 158.3 (71.8kg)
    CW:156.7 (71.1kg)
    GW:132.3 (60kg)

    I love this group, thanks for creating it!
  • FhoShplunk
    FhoShplunk Posts: 34 Member
    Hiya! I'm Liberty, from Indiana, US. I work part-time as a youth professional and love it. I love to read and watch movies (Yes, Rock of Ages was awesome!!) and I volunteer for our local NPR station.

    In high school I played soccer for a year and got down to about 138, but since then I've done nothing but gain. In the last 5 years since being married (I'm 23 and got married young) I have gained about 50 pounds. I started a serious diet for the first time in my life at the beginning of the summer and have so far lost 17 pounds, and am already fitting into clothes from a couple years ago I've been hanging on to. :D I usually weigh in on Friday or Saturday, depending on my schedule.

    Current Weight: 211
    Starting Weight: 228.2
    Goal Weight: Under 200 by September, 175 by Christmas
  • scubaheather
    scubaheather Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    My name's Heather and I'm from Buffalo, NY. I startred my journey with weight loss about 2 years ago and I'm still fighting to win! I started off at 242lbs and currently I'm at 165lbs. My overall goal is to be between 135-140, and I have a mini goal for myself to lose 10lbs in the next month because we're going to Vegas August 10th!

    Weight loss has been a constant struggle for me my entire life... and over the past 2 years I've really believed in myself and gained the confidence I needed. I'm like a brand new person, and I love it!
  • mezzosoprano89
    mezzosoprano89 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Rachel from Ohio, I'm 22 and currently in college studying voice performance (opera specifically). I'm 5'6'' and my starting weight was 185 lbs, I'm down to 163, and my goal is to be in the 140's, or to just look great at my size, hoping to lose at least 10 more pounds though before starting to maintain.
  • SammyW89
    SammyW89 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I'm Sammy, 22 (nearly 23) from Essex in the UK and i'm currently working as an early years practitioner. I have recently moved in with my boyfriend and have basically been cooking too much food and snacking too much. I realised this when I went to wear the dress I met him in 2 years ago and it wouldn't do up. I think i'd been pretending that my dresses and clothes had been shrinking in the wash rather than me getting bigger.
    I'm hoping to be back in that dress by his birthday at the end of Sept.. and generally feel and look good by winter.
    My mum wants to walk the moonwalk marathon next May so the weight loss and new fitness regime will help me before i start the serious training in autumn!!

    Now living with my boyfriend i've moved away from my family and friends, need all the online support i can get to get me through the cravings and temptation!

  • meganb616
    meganb616 Posts: 15
    Hey everyone! My name is Megan. I am 21, from Michigan, U.S. I am about to take my state exam to become a certified nursing assistant. I plan on going back to school to become maybe a nurse? still undecided :ohwell: lol.

    I have been overweight since I was about 7. I am normally a very confident person until someone brings up the topic of weight or I go to the bar or beach and see all these thin little things lol. I spend tons of time with my friends and going out, I think that is one of the biggest challenges of eating healthy.

    Starting Weight: 243.0lbs (110.2 kg)
    Current Weight: 228.0lbs (103.4 kg)
    Goal Weight: 143.0lbs (64.9 kg)
  • Hey, i'm bri. I'm 21 years old. I am married and a criminal justice major in college. I currently weigh 180 and would like to weigh 120-125. I am a size 14 and would like to be a size 8. I want to lose weight so that i'm healthier, look better, and in good shape before I go to police academy. I've been overweight most of my life. I am currently at my heaviest weight I have ever been. I'm not proud that I let myself get this heavy but I can always change that which is what I intend to do. I don't want to be too skinny because I love my curves. So I think an average healthy weight would look best on me. I think my biggest challenge will be dieting because I am not the healthiest eater. Lol.
  • Hey! Im April from Pittsburgh, PA. I hold a bachlors degree and am going for my masters in the Spring. I've struggled with weight all my life! Feel Free to add me as a friend :)

    SW: 250
    CW: 247
    Goal 150 by next April
  • well my ultimate goal is to be healthy looking and more attractive :)
  • Hey girls, I'm 21 and my name is Nikole. I'm married with no kids (unless you count the cat, who weighs as much as a small child) and currently working full-time at a cell phone store. Planning on going back to school sometime within the next 7-ish months, probably for paralegal.

    I currently weigh 185, down 20 from my heavy weight. I don't really know what size I am to be honest with you, but don't really plan on shopping for anything new until I'm back down to a 7-9 in junior's sizes. My goal weight is 140-145, depending on how I look. I've been up and down and up and down and up and down as far as weight goes over the past 6-7 years. When I moved in with my hubby, I gained the bulk of my extra weight. I've lost a portion of it several times over the past years but never all of it and always gained back what I lost. This time, I'm gonna lose it all and keep it off. =)

    I'm doing the keto diet, and Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred with some side cardio for a workout. I've lost 20 lbs since the end of May, so so far so good!
  • mollydt
    mollydt Posts: 19 Member
    Hey girls!

    My name's Molly, and I'm 20 years old! I live in Washington State (will hopefully be moving to Seattle soon!), and I'm in between colleges at the moment.

    I'm 5'3", and I currently weigh about 143, and my goal is to get down about 105. I used to be a size two, and would love to get back down there.

    Right now, I'm mostly trying to get my diet back on track. I work in a Thai restaurant at the moment, so that has contributed a lot to my weight gain, but I'm focused again. I'm eating more raw foods, cutting way back on my sugar and fried food intake.

    My exercise routine at the moment isn't much - I mostly just walk to work a couple days a week - but I'm going to start jogging with some coworkers starting Wednesday morning, and once I move, I've got a gym and a Bikram yoga studio all within a few blocks of my apartment.

    My weigh in day is Tuesday mornings! Feel free to add me as a friend!

    SW: 145 (65.8 kg)
    CW: 142.6 (64.7 kg)
    GW: 105 (47.6 kg)
  • tatianalouissa
    tatianalouissa Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    So excited to have joined this group!!! I have only one friend on MFP lol. My name is Tatiana. I am 22 years old from Miami, FL. I have been trying to lose weight for what seems like forever, however, since May 5th I decided to "change" my lifestyle. I joined weight watchers and just recently join MFP again to track calories as well. (I weight in on Saturdays)

    I am 5'7" and have lost 17 pounds since May. (I started at 182 YIKES) and I am looking to lose around 30 more! I recently signed up for a 1/2 marathon to force myself to commit to exercise! I run every othr day at 6am and go to the gym for various other cardio in between. I love spinning! I used to be a workout fiend and then college happened and alll the weight piled on.

    I look forward to getting to know you all and motivating each other!!!
  • angel823
    angel823 Posts: 190 Member
    I usually weigh in every Saturday Im trying to cut it down to every other saturday.
  • Hi Girls!

    My name is Tess and i'm 20 years old. I live in Salt Lake City, UT. I've been studying fashion design here and i'm loving it!

    I don't have much weight to lose but to me it feels like a lot right now. I was very thin for most of my life until last year. I gained 30 lbs. and have felt pretty uncomfortable with my body. I started out at 150 lbs. When I found MFP I had gotten down to 141 lbs. and right now i'm at 138 lbs. I would like to get back to where I was which was 118 lbs. That's really when I felt my very best and had the most energy. I was very active and i'm trying to be that way again. I want to be empowered and really push myself!

    I want to get fit for a lot of reasons. First and foremost, I know I deserve to feel absolutely beautiful does everyone! I'm in a wonderful relationship and I would like to feel more confident so I can stop worrying about the way I look and start enjoying it even more. I want to feel good in my clothes again. I'm very excited for that! I also want to see how much I can accomplish and how long it will take. That may sound weird but it's fascinating to me how you can change your body so drastically just by eating the right foods and exercising.

    One more thing I could say about myself is that i'm a vegetarian. In fact, my diet is mainly plant-based. If anyone has any good vegetarian or vegan recipes, I would love to try them!! :) I'm not sure how great mine are but if anyone wants to trade, i'll do my best! haha.

    I'm really happy to be a part of the group and hope I can get to know everyone!

    My weight in day will be Wednesday.

    Tess :D
  • Hi! My name is Kaitlyn, I'm 19 years old and a college student and Roosevelt University in Chicago, IL. I have ALWAYS been a curvy girl but since high school I have gained quite a bit of weight and would love to get back down to 140ish (My ultimate goal). I am currently 205. My boyfriend of 3 years is my biggest motivation. He pushes me (but not TOO hard, you know) about working out. We go on walks almost every night, even though he gets home at 10:30 from work and is tired. I walk almost 2 miles when I do go outside. I am lucky enough to have a boflex and a stationary bike. My favorite is the stationary bike though. Working out while sitting at home and watching tv or being on my kindle? YES PLEASE! :laugh: My biggest issue is eating the RIGHT things. I am always busy, so I don't eat a HUGE amount, but its just eating the right things is the problem.
  • Hey Kaitlyn :) Thanks for joining!