7/11/12- Day Two of Menopausal Mad Hatter Chatter

Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
Hi, Mad Hatters!! I know you all had a great day, yesterday. No matter how bad we think we might have done, we are still doing great things. Don't sweat(sorry) the small stuff. Didn't Snooozie rock the page with that photo of me in all my moods!! I don't know how she knew. Have a wonderful day chattering back and forth. I'll be off most of the day, again.


  • PearlGrey
    PearlGrey Posts: 23 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Wishing you all a calm, cool, compliant day. Going to an exercise class tonight with ladies from work - it will be interesting to see if I can keep up with them.
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    OMG! Love the postive vibes I see here and just got to join in. I am 52 and went thru menopause 4 years ago with little to no symptoms (ok you can all send me the evil eye). By far the hardest part I have had is this loosing weight, it is soooo much harder.

    Here is my recent Blog post

    Has exercise made me delusional? (Edit post)
    Posted on 07/07/2012 by bisland
    I think I am getting a little concerned about my mental status. I mean something just can not be right. When I started this fitness thing last December it seemed I had never been able to stick to any kind of diet or exercise program for more than a couple of weeks. Sure I could loose 5 lb maybe 10, but that was it. Any New Years resolution was broken by the end of January and here I was starting with MFP the week before Christmas. Surely I was setting myself up for failure.

    Some time between December 18th and New Years I kept reading about peoples post about something called c25K. I did a little research & thought hey maybe this could make the treadmill a little more interesting and keep me motivated. I never imagined I would finish the program as even back in my school days I finished every run last in my class and here I was 35 years later at 52 yo going to try and run.

    I did my first 5K about a month ago and finished smack in the middle of the field of runners. Now I am thinking about setting a goal of a triathalon next summer by training at the Y over the winter for the 1/2 mile swim and starting to cross train on my bike now on my non run days. Surely I need to see somone about these thoughts something must be seriously wrong.

    Look foreward to chatting with everyone
  • mercinursi
    mercinursi Posts: 17 Member
    Good morning Hatters! Getting ready to start my day with a little torture at PT and then a treat with a massage! I start back to work Monday and we are trying to make sure I am as functionally normal as possible. LOL! That is what they tell me as they reduce me to a puddle of pain. Seriously, it is painful but they are a great group of encouraging people who work very hard at reminding me I'm my harshest critic.
    After that, meeting a friend from work who is going to update me on the mess I will have to deal with next week returning to work. Not to mention the teenager who got her four wisdom teeth pulled yesterday, that will need some babying. The birthday we have to celebrate and all the other wonderful surpprises the day has in store for me. :happy:

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day and if you are in the heat you stay hydrated! Her in the sweltering Ga, you just have to go outside and drink the air. :laugh:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Mad Hatters!!

    No hot flashes this morning.. woo hoo it’s gonna be a GOOD day!

    I feel pretty good this morning; a little “lighter” even if only in my head LOL.. but I’m not going to weigh in more than x2 a week now.. I’ve always been a “hop on the scales” every morning kinda gal, but am trying to break that habit as it’s not just about the pounds this time, it’s about getting healthier all around. But I want that little chick on my ticker to start moving so we’ll see how long I can hold out before sdragging the scales out!

    My back is a little sore today; I’m not sure if it’s from all the recent walking.. or sitting on my butt for a couple of hours last nite on the boards LOL.. prob the latter!! I’m going to wait to do my walk til tonight I think tho.. as I have to sit in the car for a few hours today and I know from experience.. I’m stiff as a board already when I try to get out.. then again.. its gorgeous out right now.. I could head down to the lake for a “quickie”.. you know you’re getting old when a “quickie” refers to walking.. sheesh.. :sad:

    I’m taking my senior friend I sorta look after (84) out for a drive in the country and lunch somewhere; I’m not worried about my food I can find something relatively healthy I’m sure. But today’s goal for me is to make BETTER choices.. although I was under my calorie count for yesterday, WHAT I ate were not the best choices. But I recognize it and am not looking for perfection, just progress every day. And as life is what it is, it’s a habit I’m trying to get into.. all about trying to make better choices every day, all the time, no matter what the occasion or location or whatever.. So looking forward to seeing how well I can do today in reaching my goal!! :bigsmile:

    Ok.. im gonna throw on the sneaks and pop down to the lake before I talk myself out of it.. I can always go for a stroll tonite again to loosen up the stiff muscles…! See ya’ll in a bit and have a GREAT day Hatters!!

    Remember to claim your IPOMS too!! :drinker:

    T2: Thanks for starting us up again – you rock!!! How did it go with the cafeteria choices yesterday???

    Flip Flop… hmmm that is a dilemma.. go with your gut and maybe leave it where it is for a few more days, then re-evaluate whether to drop it? LOL @ hubby… maybe the cat will be snoring too loud for him to hear you sneak out???

    1slim: got a good chuckle out of the “sleep well.. hmm then again look who I’m talking to” line… thanks for starting my day with a laugh!

    Lesley: laughed out LOUD at the could be worse - doing time for the 6lb crime – I’m thinking prison tattoos for us would probably be sofa cushions on our arm?? Don’t mess with the MMH’s!! Have a good day in the freezer lol.. and yes… of COURSE it was a man that said that…. LOL!
  • lorielou111
    lorielou111 Posts: 30 Member
    Morning Mad Hatters!!

    No hot flashes this morning.. woo hoo it’s gonna be a GOOD day!

    I feel pretty good this morning; a little “lighter” even if only in my head LOL.. but I’m not going to weigh in more than x2 a week now.. I’ve always been a “hop on the scales” every morning kinda gal, but am trying to break that habit as it’s not just about the pounds this time, it’s about getting healthier all around. But I want that little chick on my ticker to start moving so we’ll see how long I can hold out before sdragging the scales out!

    My back is a little sore today; I’m not sure if it’s from all the recent walking.. or sitting on my butt for a couple of hours last nite on the boards LOL.. prob the latter!! I’m going to wait to do my walk til tonight I think tho.. as I have to sit in the car for a few hours today and I know from experience.. I’m stiff as a board already when I try to get out.. then again.. its gorgeous out right now.. I could head down to the lake for a “quickie”.. you know you’re getting old when a “quickie” refers to walking.. sheesh.. :sad:

    I’m taking my senior friend I sorta look after (84) out for a drive in the country and lunch somewhere; I’m not worried about my food I can find something relatively healthy I’m sure. But today’s goal for me is to make BETTER choices.. although I was under my calorie count for yesterday, WHAT I ate were not the best choices. But I recognize it and am not looking for perfection, just progress every day. And as life is what it is, it’s a habit I’m trying to get into.. all about trying to make better choices every day, all the time, no matter what the occasion or location or whatever.. So looking forward to seeing how well I can do today in reaching my goal!! :bigsmile:

    Ok.. im gonna throw on the sneaks and pop down to the lake before I talk myself out of it.. I can always go for a stroll tonite again to loosen up the stiff muscles…! See ya’ll in a bit and have a GREAT day Hatters!!

    Remember to claim your IPOMS too!! :drinker:

    T2: Thanks for starting us up again – you rock!!! How did it go with the cafeteria choices yesterday???

    Flip Flop… hmmm that is a dilemma.. go with your gut and maybe leave it where it is for a few more days, then re-evaluate whether to drop it? LOL @ hubby… maybe the cat will be snoring too loud for him to hear you sneak out???

    1slim: got a good chuckle out of the “sleep well.. hmm then again look who I’m talking to” line… thanks for starting my day with a laugh!

    Lesley: laughed out LOUD at the could be worse - doing time for the 6lb crime – I’m thinking prison tattoos for us would probably be sofa cushions on our arm?? Don’t mess with the MMH’s!! Have a good day in the freezer lol.. and yes… of COURSE it was a man that said that…. LOL!
  • lorielou111
    lorielou111 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi ladies!! Hope your day is full of laughs and feeling great, I finally made it out the door with my dog Arthur and my daughter "the healthyhippie"!! It felt good to follow thru with our plan to walk early this am. We need the calorie burn and Arthur "naughty dog we call him" needs to work off his extra energy so he behaves a bit better!! We'll see if it works and I'll let you know!! Have a great day! Lorie.
  • lorielou111
    lorielou111 Posts: 30 Member
    Sorry you have to go thru pt, but enjoy that massage!!:happy:
  • lorielou111
    lorielou111 Posts: 30 Member
    Wow!!! I'm trying not to be a hater!! lol!! I am very impressed! Good for you!:wink:
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Hi Mad Hatters....good morning (actually I'm off to bed...its the end of wednesday for me...oh just realised its past midnight so its actually thursday)....big confession time..... well I'm on my own as my husband and son are away....I had a great day yesterday, lots of exercise and good food....and i was going really well today even though i knew I wasn't going to fit any exercise in and I was having a friend over for dinner....just made a nice healthy pumpkin soup...all good.....but she brought a pot of ice cream...and then left without having any!!! It is physically impossible for me to have ice cream in the house without it leaping into my mouth...what could I do??!! I realised about 10 minutes after she left that it was here....and 10 minutes after that it was gone...onto my hips :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Luckily the most used saying on MFP is "tomorrow is a new day".... so now tomorrow is here for me and its a new day....off to the gym for me to repent my sins:devil:

    Have a good day .....and by the way if anyone looks at my diary i was too embarrassed to put ice cream in or the true amount of calories.....but I've confessed to you here:blushing:

    Lisa :flowerforyou:
  • Kellysmom78
    Kellysmom78 Posts: 81 Member
    Good morning Hatters! Getting ready to start my day with a little torture at PT and then a treat with a massage! I start back to work Monday and we are trying to make sure I am as functionally normal as possible. LOL! That is what they tell me as they reduce me to a puddle of pain. Seriously, it is painful but they are a great group of encouraging people who work very hard at reminding me I'm my harshest critic.
    After that, meeting a friend from work who is going to update me on the mess I will have to deal with next week returning to work. Not to mention the teenager who got her four wisdom teeth pulled yesterday, that will need some babying. The birthday we have to celebrate and all the other wonderful surpprises the day has in store for me. :happy:

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day and if you are in the heat you stay hydrated! Her in the sweltering Ga, you just have to go outside and drink the air. :laugh:

    Oh, dont bother celebrating my birthday, sounds like you have a lot of other things on your plate today! :laugh Hope your teenager heals well, and that everything else you have on your agenda goes smoothly.
  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    Hello my beautiful MFP's! Happy Hump Day! I was quite pleased this morning when I weighed in at 164.5! Yes! I guess I should remind you all that I quit smoking on June 22, 2012. I smoked for 40 years. I refuse to gain weight. In fact, I still have 25 or so to lose!

    Have a great day and I will check in when I can! Drink your water and keep moving!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Back from my walk; am a happy camper as I added a few minutes and.... I actually did a slow jog for 20 seconds .. 3 times!! Yep, I know it doesnt sound like much.. but little changes... and for me.. its huge.. and I took the trail so there were hills as well so it's all good.. running a bit late so will have to catch up with the posts later today, but amanaged a quick read..

    L:isa awesome you realized your dive into the ice cream was just a one time indulgence, and not letting it derail you!! You GO girl!
    T2: thanks for setting up for us again today - hope its not crazy busy at work
    Bis welcome and good to have u aboard
    Pearl - let us know how the class goes!!
    LoriL: LOL.. don't worry.. they'll be back soon enough!!

    Freaks upstairs from me are hammering away at something today so good thing I'm heading out for a few hours!! Hope everyone has a good day and celebrates how awesome we all are.. !

    My "small change" goal for the day: up my water intake by at least one glass

    Need to work on: timing; am supposed to walk before I eat in the morning, but I chill for too long with my coffee before heading out and am thn starved..

    IPOMl Increased my walk to 50 min; upped the pace and JOGGED for a total of 60 seconds.. I'M PROUD OF ME!!!

    Heading for a shower cause I SEE those looks you're all giving me... shower lady, shower LOL!!
  • Kellysmom78
    Kellysmom78 Posts: 81 Member
    Hello my beautiful MFP's! Happy Hump Day! I was quite pleased this morning when I weighed in at 164.5! Yes! I guess I should remind you all that I quit smoking on June 22, 2012. I smoked for 40 years. I refuse to gain weight. In fact, I still have 25 or so to lose!

    Have a great day and I will check in when I can! Drink your water and keep moving!


    WOW!!!! good for you Kimberly!!!!
  • Kellysmom78
    Kellysmom78 Posts: 81 Member
    Back from my walk; am a happy camper as I added a few minutes and.... I actually did a slow jog for 20 seconds .. 3 times!! Yep, I know it doesnt sound like much.. but little changes... and for me.. its huge.. and I took the trail so there were hills as well so it's all good.. running a bit late so will have to catch up with the posts later today, but amanaged a quick read..

    L:isa awesome you realized your dive into the ice cream was just a one time indulgence, and not letting it derail you!! You GO girl!
    T2: thanks for setting up for us again today - hope its not crazy busy at work
    Bis welcome and good to have u aboard
    Pearl - let us know how the class goes!!
    LoriL: LOL.. don't worry.. they'll be back soon enough!!

    Freaks upstairs from me are hammering away at something today so good thing I'm heading out for a few hours!! Hope everyone has a good day and celebrates how awesome we all are.. !

    My "small change" goal for the day: up my water intake by at least one glass

    Need to work on: timing; am supposed to walk before I eat in the morning, but I chill for too long with my coffee before heading out and am thn starved..

    IPOMl Increased my walk to 50 min; upped the pace and JOGGED for a total of 60 seconds.. I'M PROUD OF ME!!!

    Heading for a shower cause I SEE those looks you're all giving me... shower lady, shower LOL!!

    Horray for you on that workout!! I so wanted to start jogging, but old and cranky knees wont allow it!:noway: thanks for heading to the shower.....I DIDNT want to say anything,....but....:laugh:
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    UGH So many positive reports and here I am spoiling it, but here goes.

    Does anyone wake up mad? I mean just out of the blue go to bed fine and then its the next morning and you are ready to bite heads off or beat the crap out of someone with absolutely NO reason? :explode:

    That is what has happened here this am I am mad no reason just mad. Granted my husband is away for a couple of nights but aren't we suppose to be happy when we have a break from the cooking and such and enjoy the time. :indifferent:

    I just want to go to bed and pull the covers up and stay there !!! I felt it coming on yesterday and it has only gotten worse. I hate feeling this way and yet can't seem to get a handle on it :sad:
  • shewhowrestleswolves
    God Morning Mad Hatters. I am laying in bed having my iced coffee with my 2 dogs and 2 cats spread out around me. My son is asleep. Husband gone to work. So peaceful and lovely. I have been using my summer break from RN school to catch up on things like cleaning the garage and some heavy gardening and I am exhausted and sore!

    I have been doing really well om MFP lately. It's been about 6 weeks since I joined. The first couple weeks I didn't lose anything because I set my goal for 2 pounds a week (too ambitious) and then didn't measure my portions, just guesstimated (in my favor of course). Also, after years of punishing workouts I stamped my foot like a stubborn child and said "working out sucks I hate it and I'm not going to do it ever again".

    After not losing, I reset my goal to 1 pound per week, and with my husbands gentle encouragement have started light exercise again . I have lost 5 pounds now and am so excited about it. I am able to eat when I'm hungry and I have realized how much more I used to eat although my food choices are pretty much the same.

    I had a yummy treat last night...I get La Tortilla Factory whole wheat tortillas at Costco. They are BIG and only have 80 cal. I put 2 tbsp of choc chips in center and microwaved for 30 sec then added 2 tbsp pf peanut butter and rolled it up. Yum and I still had calories to spare!

    Well caffiene is kicking in and I'm off to finish the garage... Have a great day!
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning ladies…. Wow, a bunch of early birds here! I am NOT a morning person at all. All the coffee in the world can’t make me a happy camper. After 7 years (this Sunday) my husband has finally figured out its best not to talk to me until around 10 am. It will result in a fight, guaranteed! :explode:

    I have a busy day ahead of me so not sure how much I will be able to log in, but, will try to from time to time. All of you that hit the ground working out this morning, you ROCK! I am very proud of you. I am definitely one that has to after work.
    Bisland – welcome, I commend your triathlon goal. I myself am working towards a half before the end of the year. Was well on target until I tripped up and tore a calf muscle. Finally back at it, but now its 110 degrees on average outside so having to train on the treadmill. I’ll get there…:bigsmile:

    Merci – I am so sorry about the PT… It seems so awful that we actually PAY someone to cause us extreme pain. Something so wrong about that, at least in the long run, they’ll get you to where you feel “normal”.:noway:

    Snoozie – you are so awesome, you crack me up… Have a great time with your “senior” friend. Great job on adding the mins and running the seconds! Think of it this way, even our Olympic champions couldn’t run a mile when they first started!!! :flowerforyou:

    Lisa – don’t sweat the ice cream… it was one time and “this too shall pass”.:tongue:

    Kimberly – Awesome on your weigh in, but more than that! You ROCK on quitting smoking! That’s HUGE woman!!!:smokin:

    Have an amazing day my fellow hatters…. Know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers today. Lets take this day by force!!!

  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    UGH So many positive reports and here I am spoiling it, but here goes.

    Does anyone wake up mad? I mean just out of the blue go to bed fine and then its the next morning and you are ready to bite heads off or beat the crap out of someone with absolutely NO reason? :explode:

    That is what has happened here this am I am mad no reason just mad. Granted my husband is away for a couple of nights but aren't we suppose to be happy when we have a break from the cooking and such and enjoy the time. :indifferent:

    I just want to go to bed and pull the covers up and stay there !!! I felt it coming on yesterday and it has only gotten worse. I hate feeling this way and yet can't seem to get a handle on it :sad:

    I am so sorry you are feeling this way. I don't know what your schedule is like....but can you go for a walk...or to the gym and channel your anger into a sweat fest? That's what I would do. Try to use your anger to your advantage. Just a thought....

  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    UGH So many positive reports and here I am spoiling it, but here goes.

    Does anyone wake up mad? I mean just out of the blue go to bed fine and then its the next morning and you are ready to bite heads off or beat the crap out of someone with absolutely NO reason? :explode:

    That is what has happened here this am I am mad no reason just mad. Granted my husband is away for a couple of nights but aren't we suppose to be happy when we have a break from the cooking and such and enjoy the time. :indifferent:

    I just want to go to bed and pull the covers up and stay there !!! I felt it coming on yesterday and it has only gotten worse. I hate feeling this way and yet can't seem to get a handle on it :sad:

    Too funny this came up right as I was posting. But yes, this is generally my mornings.
  • shewhowrestleswolves
    No that never happens to me, but I used to waked up depressed. The anger and irritability would hit later. I went on an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety med (an SSRI) 12 years ago and my life has been so much better. There is very little social stigma in being on there meds - so many people are on them now. They work and, to put in simply, all they do is keep a little neurotransmitter that makes you feel calmer from being dissolved as fast in your brain. Please talk to your doctor about this. Nobody should have to live like that.