The thought of doing this for life is stressing me out...

soosweet1920 Posts: 124 Member
Ok maybe I just need to vent! I know this is suppose to be a life style change, but the thought of having to do this forever is really stressing me out! All of this working out counting calories none stop can be stressful and the fact that once I get the weight off I still have to do this FOREVER is nerve wrecking for me. Am I the only one feeling this way??


  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    Ok maybe I just need to vent! I know this is suppose to be a life style change, but the thought of having to do this forever is really stressing me out! All of this working out counting calories none stop can be stressful and the fact that once I get the weight off I still have to do this FOREVER is nerve wrecking for me. Am I the only one feeling this way??

    I think once you get the hang of what to do and what not to do, it wont be as tedious. Once it becomes the norm for you, you wont think of it as such a burden or a challenge. You can always eat what you want. Just in moderation. And if you go over just burn it off. It takes balance. But once you learn what works for you and you just let the change flow. It will be your new lifestyle. YOu can do it. We all can :happy:
  • sdurrahMpls
    sdurrahMpls Posts: 75 Member
    I sometimes feel that way too... I think the key is finding things you enjoy and can maintain. Pick activities that are fun for you, and don't necessarily feel like exercise, like rollerblading, swimming, volleyball, yoga. Once you get to your goal, you won't have to do killer workouts every day (hell, they don't ALL have to be killer workouts now), and learning to enjoy them makes it easier to look forward exercise rather than dreading it. When you workout, do you remind yourself about all of the thigns you can do now that your body wasn't capable of last week, month, year? Feeling good about what my body can do and not just how it looks has really helped me appreciate this process. Sometimes I "race" the person on the treadmill next to me or in spin class because it makes it fun and I know my body wouldn't have been able to keep up with them this time last year.

    As far as logging food, I don't plan on doing it forever. But it doesn't really bother me. Someday's I have a lot going on, so it can feel like a hastle, but making better food choices in general has helped a lot. I notice that sometimes, if i have to wait until the end of the day to record everything and don't know where I'm at, my body has begun to become conditioned to eating at a certain numbers of cals. I'll feel full, log all my cals for the day, and see that my body stopped just where it was supposed to.

    I think the purpose of MFP is to train you to live a healthier, more active lifestyle. Some people can train themselves very quickly, and don't need the site for long. Others, like myself, will be here for a few years, but eventually, I'm sure this new lifestyle will become so much a part of me that logging won't be necessary. I think the same will happen for you. AND you're doing wonderful girl! Don't stress, relax, eat good food, and move your body with a smile!
  • TiffyBunzz
    I feel the same way sometimes...I think it gets better overtime. Like, sometimes its a hassle but I think once you reach your goal it will be a change. I'm sure by now you probably already have memorized half of the things (calories, carbs, good fast food substitures, etc.) that you probably didn't know before. I know I have! Right now I'm doing a strict thing from July 9th through August it sucks but I know when its over I'll probably be closer to my goal and can go back to my "normal" healthy life style which has perks compared to what i'm doing over the next 3 weeks.

    But anyway, I totally understand your stress. Try to squeeze in little pleasures that will take a load off. Like I love wine so I've been doing merlot with dark chocolate for a dessert (which is new for me) or fresh whipped cream (fat free heavy whipping cream and splenda) with fresh strawberries. I think the biggest thing is it just takes time to figure out what works for you.

    We all have our days. So have your day if you need to but never give up. And remember something is always better than doing nothing. Release your guilt and remember that reaching our "healthy lifestyle goals" is also about self-acceptance. Its a journey and every journey has its uphill climbs, roadblocks, and shortcuts :-)
  • TiffyBunzz