Not been running at all...

Neondragonfly Posts: 58 Member
this is because in the past week I've been having trouble just walking. I can't believe how unfit I have let myself become.

I feel like I've let this group down and just wanted to apologise as I have joined a running group and have not been running, and that's not very supportive at all!

On a happy note, I have been trying to get in more walking and have got a book out of the library about strengthening muscles which I would like to apply to my legs and core so I can start running alongside you all in no time.

How have you all been getting on? Wicked I hope!

Keep running...

Neon x


  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    I don't think you have let anyone down. It takes a lot to admit that you haven't been running, but you are doing something great by educating yourself and trying. Everyone has to start somewhere, if we were all perfect MFP would be useless. Good luck to you and you'll be running before you know it!!
  • heatherambrosia
    Agreed!!! No one is disappointed in you.

    I've found a way to strike a delicate balance of having goals but not so high of expecations of myself that I spend more time feeling guilty that just getting it done.

    Just get out there, do what you can. Push yourself (not to physical pain or injury) a little bit more every day and KNOW you are doing your BEST!