question to the successful paleo women here.

MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
I was having another conversation with a family member about my recent transformation. I was explaining simply how easy it was for me once I cut out certain things. Her response was:
"that's great... But men can do that. Women just can't drop weight that quick. The body chemistry doesn't allow it."
I explained that I couldnt drop weight like that either until I went paleo... Same response, that there is a gender difference.

Since I am too smart to get into that battle, I dropped it......
So..tell me as a woman... Is that a gender copout? Or were your successes just not as good as men that you compared to? Is it "just easy for guys"? I have now heard this 3 or 4 times from women who I suspect need an excuse rather than a reason to try something.

I claim to be no expert but suspect that if any person followed the program as strict as I did, they would get the exact same results.

As metric, I loss 2.5 lbs a week for 12 consecutive weeks.


  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    I haven't lost any weight. But I have lost inches. Thanks to some issues, I really don't lose weight except on VLCD and that's fine. MD and ND approved, my maintenance calories hover between 1500-2000ish, and right now, all I care about is maintaining- wedding is in 3 weeks and the dress needs to fit either way :)

    That said, it's just me.
  • threedaydiet
    threedaydiet Posts: 16 Member
    No matter what diet, men usually lose weight faster than woman. More muscle mass.
  • torpina
    torpina Posts: 24 Member
    I have only lost 2 pounds in 3 months and my clothes only fit a bit better. Very very frustrating since I went from eating poorly to super healthy and no exercise to hard core 3X a week. I HOPE it happens soon!!
  • ethelapple
    ethelapple Posts: 79
    I think it IS a bit easier for men to drop weight. When I am following a strictly Primal/Paleo diet and exercising regularly, I can lose about .25 lbs. a day on average, so that comes out to 1.75 lbs. a week. I am pretty overweight, having another 60+ to lose even to be in an ok weight range for my height, so it should come off fairly easily for me.
    But I don't think that's a good excuse to use, it just means we have to persevere. :D
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    Oh to add-- my ex lost 60 lbs in the time it took to lose 10. He made massive muscle gains. I think a large part of that is just pure physiology-- we were eating the same food and doing very similar workouts (in fact, I could bench more than him for awhile).

    It's just like how women don't naturally bulk up, except in the rare occurrence, without extreme measures.
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    I started Primal in January of this year and have since lost 36 lbs with some cheats along the way. Fortunately, I'm in a good spot right now and can speak on this. I have a low-functioning thyroid disorder called Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It directly affects my metabolism and as a result, I've struggled with dropping weight since I gained it with my children at age 23 and 26. Nothing, I repeat nothing, as far as diet and fitness has ever stuck...until Paleo/Primal entered my life. I don't know what works for other women, but my results have been fantastic. This week is a very "on" week and since last Friday, I've dropped 6 lbs some of which was part of a temporary gain due to lack of restraint. I keep my carb count relatively low, with a goal around 60 grams and a daily intake of 1200-1500 calories. I'm not hungry and at this point, I'm not consistently working out, only walking a few miles a day.

    I believe there might be a difference for some people with Primal because I've met a few people who follow all the rules and have a really hard time shedding pounds. But for me, I'm not as strict and Paleo/Primal has give me fantastic results. When I was first started my Paleo adventure, I started Whole30 with a friend in November of 2011 but failed miserably during Thanksgiving. I started it again in January 2012 with a Biggest Loser Challenge with an FB group. I was working out 3 to 5 days a week and eating Primal. I lost 30 lbs at 2.5 lbs a week.

    To answer your questions, I do believe it's somewhat of a gender copout because if I can lose with a low-functioning thyroid, other people can too. I typically don't share information with people in this mindset because I simply don't waste the energy if they're not willing to invest the time it takes to learn about it, and try it for themselves.

    However, that being said, not everybody has the same results. There a few I can think of who cannot lose any weight to save their lives and with very strict adherence to the lifestyle. There are always going to be exceptions, and another exception would be if they are leptin-resistant. With exceptions, I still feel people should try it and see for themselves. If they find they're not losing weight, perhaps they can do a leptin reset.
  • I've had a fair bit of success with paleo, and continue to see results as long as I keep my carbs in check.

    In the same time that I lost 1.5 pounds (and I have about 60 pounds to lose), my already thin and althletic husband has lost 5 pounds. In a week where he simply leaves out chips or beer, the pounds melt away. Not quite the same for me.

    Mind you, we clearly have very very different metabolisms. Over the 15 years we have been together, he has eaten much more junk than I have. He has gained probably 10 pounds. Unfortunately, in that same time, I have gained close to 80.
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    I agree with others who said that men lose faster because of muscle mass.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    while men can lose faster, if a woman is dedicated she can lose somewhat quickly. (and definitely quicker than just be restricting cals)

    i did 40 pounds in 6 months about 3 years ago.

    i believe fatter people will lose quicker as well.
  • It's an excuse /cop out unless they have tried it. Remember paleo is about health not weight loss. I have lost a lot of weight quickly but my mom has barely lost ten lbs. She cheats more than I do and she has slight diabetes but she still tries. I am trying to help her along the way. Men seem to lose weight easier but if a woman refuses to try its simply an excuse.
  • My husband and I have basically eaten the same foods (give or take a little) since January.

    I have lost 30 pounds, he has lost 40.

    So, yes, he lost more weight than I did. I do think men lose weight faster/easier than women... however it does sound like those women you were talking to were just making excuses for themselves :)
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    i do agree with the statement.

    but i dont think that should hold anybody back, nor do i think it "Can't be done"
  • Maasmondy
    Maasmondy Posts: 54 Member
    In my experience, I've been paleo (90%) for 2 1/2 weeks. Dropped 3lbs. I hadn't lost weight in 2 months and went from 134 and 18%BF to 131 and 16%BF. Not even 3 weeks. I'll take it.
  • lys617
    lys617 Posts: 51 Member
    My husband and I started on the same day and we've lost about the same amount of weight, around 45 lbs. Initially he lost the weight faster, but mine still came off. So, yes, men and women's bodies are different, but also, yes, it can be done. I found with people excuses are easier than actually doing the work. I walk a lot, lift heavy and run occasionally. You are a smart man not to get into that age old debate, but call me a hard a**, I say stop the excuses to anyone that says it can't be done, ultimately you are the one being hurt by your excuses..
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    Ok, here is an interesting datapoint (that pisses me off ;)
    I will soon be posting my "vacation results" of eating restaurant food for 30 days...

    I mostly behaved but did have some bread, tortillas, beer, ample wine and deserts.
    I returned from vacation either at a push or up 1 lb - a win in my mind.

    My wife(who is mostly grain free but not paleo/primal).. loss 13 - g-dammit :)
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    I was already at my goal weight when I started paleo. After almost 2 months, I had unintentionally dropped another ten lbs even though I felt like I was stuffing my face with food all the time! My bf did it at the same time as me and lost about 6 lbs, mostly from his face and what little belly fat he had.
  • kecarlto
    kecarlto Posts: 49 Member
    I've lost about 25 lbs since starting paleo in April - so about 3.5 months ago with a total loss of 59ish lbs. I have been fairly strict (disregard my lapse last weekend) with occasional wine and a little sheep milk cheese every so often. I do think that there is definitely a difference between men and women and how they lose weight and a lot of it is hormonal. I have noticed that my weight fluctuates throughout the month which results in slower weight-loss compared to guys who follow similar work-outs and eating habits. However, using this as an excuse for not trying = cop-out. Anyway, Mike, it's not even worth the debate if their minds are already made up.

    Great job keeping in check while being such a world traveler this summer!
  • klgglasgow
    klgglasgow Posts: 19 Member
    I don't have that much to lose as far as weight goes; however, I do wish to get my body fat % down. I've lost about 15 lbs. so far with Paleo and have been doing it since February. Since I wasn't seeing that much difference, lbs.-wise, in the past few months, I decided to join MFP to track calories & science because that's really the only way to lose weight.

    What Paleo does for me...and I'm pretty strict 90-95% Paleo at all times...the only "cheats" I ever do are a little bit of grassfed cheddar, a small amount of tapioca flour to make sauces, & to change my body composition. I've noticed a reduction of fat & cellulite in my trouble zones (hips, thighs, butt, stomach) since eating Paleo. In fact, I've been exercising a LOT less now that I'm Paleo and have seen more definition in muscles. Interesting, I think.

    My boyfriend started Paleo the same time as myself and has lost about twenty lbs. His body composition has changed also.

    I think it's up to the person how successful they will do with Paleo as far as weight loss goes. I didn't get into it for weight loss. I wanted to stop poisoning my body. The weight loss, however, is an added bonus. I do think that men lose weight faster...most of the time because they are usually heavier to start with (muscle or fat). Women also have that brilliant thing called
    Week of Hell that causes most of us to tip the scales. I know sometimes when it's the WOH for me....I can easily gain 8 lbs. of water retention weight!

    There are some people who react okay to dairy and carbs...without it affecting the scale. I think if people are in the camp that they follow Paleo 5 out of 7 days and then eat BAD SAD all weekend...thinking this is healthy will fail on Paleo. That's just my opinion. I have a couple of RLF that do Paleo, but they're not REALLY doing Paleo...they're fooling themselves. Soy is not Paleo. Wheat is not Paleo. Fried chicken (in veggie oil) is not Paleo. They don't understand any of the concepts that make up this lifestyle, but then blame the "diet" when it fails to work.

    This pisses me off, too. In the end, though, I think people should choose the way of eating that works for them.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    First I have to state that I am no longer doing primal, because my pregnancy morning sickness doesn't agree with that diet.

    Anyway,I was doing 99% strict primal for 4 months prior my pregnancy and I did get good result compare to the result I was having just with calorie restrictions for 6 months prior to my primal lifestyle. While I was doing it ,I skipped all pasta, bread,wraps, tortilla, practically all grains, and legumes , and all added refined sugars, all vegetable oil and fried stuff. I was doing primal not paleo, so I still consumed a moderate amount full fat dairy products. Also I was somewhat generous with fresh fruits, and did not made a big deal if a salad dressing had a little bit of sugar in them.

    However, i just never experienced the kind a SPEED that most male have in their weight loss program paleo or otherwise. I also had some hormonal issues what I had to see an endocrinologist for , so that was maybe was part of the problem.

    In any case, male and female bodies have significantly different body composition,and hormonal balance.
    There is a reason that healthy female body fat % is much higher then a healthy man body fat %.Female body needs a higher fat content then man for mere functioning. For example under 20% fat most women start to experience menstrual problems, and under 17% the normal female menstrual cycle disappears. On the other hand, males with 18-20% body fat are not even considered very fit just average. Because of this female bodies naturally have more resistance to hold onto the fat, especially after the person not in the obese category.

    Again this mean slower weight loss, but they still can get where they want to be ( If the goal is realistic).

    Also now as I am pregnant , I get physically sick if I do not eat generous amount of carb, and smell of meat and fish makes me throw up. Because of this I had to go back to the traditional grain enriched diet and actually had to stop calorie restriction as well. As a result I am gaining weight like crazy. I know that once I have my baby , and my body gets back its normal state , I'll able to resume primal again. Nevertheless this is a time consuming setback that man do not experience in their weight loss journey. In MFP I have at least 3 other pregnant friends, and none of them were pg when I befriended with them. Now, we all just have to try to not gain excessively, and any further weight loss have to wait.
  • overfences
    overfences Posts: 96 Member
    Ok, here is an interesting datapoint (that pisses me off ;)
    I will soon be posting my "vacation results" of eating restaurant food for 30 days...

    I mostly behaved but did have some bread, tortillas, beer, ample wine and deserts.
    I returned from vacation either at a push or up 1 lb - a win in my mind.

    My wife(who is mostly grain free but not paleo/primal).. loss 13 - g-dammit :)

    Well you did go to Mexico... maybe she caught a stomach bug? ;)

    How was your trip BTW?
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    Actually we both got some Mexican tummy ... Other than that the trip was amazing, relaxing and so much fun.