dissapointing - calories burned?

I am in week 3 of Insanity and just got my Polar FT4. I put in all my information, and I'm soo disappointed in the amount of calories I burn. I am doing the exercises, sweating my you know what off, and working at 80-90% of my maximum heart rate. And I only burned 275 calories in 40 min of Cardio and Resistance for example just now. I read where people are burning calories way higher than that. The highest I ever got was during Cardio and Abs (58 minutes) burned 386. What is wrong? What are you burning during Insanity? I'm working so hard for so little results, it feels like. :(


  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    I'm thinking a lot of the high burns are in the 2nd month - longer and more intense workouts.

    Just remember - it's not all about calorie burn now though, this workout will increase your stamina and cardio ability, which will payout in dividends in other workouts as well, you're building a stronger body :)

    I know, it's frustrating, today was my cardio recovery day, second week (lost track of days in numbers, but following the calendar) and I've maybe dropped a lb (I say maybe because my scale keeps fluctuating, I really should stop weighing daily), I would have liked to have dropped 2 or 3 by now. But, my pants are fitting looser, and I can see physical changes in the mirror. So, while it's not much on the scale, it's a lot in the mirror and the clothes.
  • amjenty
    amjenty Posts: 22
    Yes, I understand that it's not only the calorie burn. I definitely have noticed that my clothes are fitting much better, I actually dropped 2 pant sizes. and yes you are right about stamina cardio ability etc... I have noticed much more improvement there as well. Thanks for the reminder to look at the "whole picture" instead of picking out 1 thing.

    I appreciate it :)
  • Nteeter
    Nteeter Posts: 190 Member
    I am in week 3 of Insanity and just got my Polar FT4. I put in all my information, and I'm soo disappointed in the amount of calories I burn. I am doing the exercises, sweating my you know what off, and working at 80-90% of my maximum heart rate. And I only burned 275 calories in 40 min of Cardio and Resistance for example just now. I read where people are burning calories way higher than that. The highest I ever got was during Cardio and Abs (58 minutes) burned 386. What is wrong? What are you burning during Insanity? I'm working so hard for so little results, it feels like. :(

    Whats your minimum and maximum heart rate? does it break down your workout? Does it tell you how long you were in whatever zone?

    Ive also noticed that when I made adjustments to my information like I lost 3 lbs from 232 to 229 it dropped over 100calories. Also make sure your hrm starts out moist ie gel or i know its gross but spit.
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    I have had great numbers on cals burned but I am over 300lbs doing insanity. Plyo I burn around 350, cardio I burn on avg 450 and cardio & resistance I burn an avg of 375. But my body weight is higher so I have more to carry around.
  • Nteeter
    Nteeter Posts: 190 Member
    Who knows my harm could be way off now y'all got me worried lol
  • kls13la
    kls13la Posts: 377 Member
    I've been 350-420 for plyo, around 300 for resistance, and around 350 for pure cardio. I've noticed that my burns are increasing each time I do the workouts, as I am able to do more.
  • Marie3391
    Marie3391 Posts: 202 Member
    I burn around 350 to 400 calories, or so says my HRM. The benefits are much higher than just the calories burned. You're doing great. Just keep up the clean eating, stick to your calorie budgets and you'll reap the benefits :)
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    It does sound low...I burned just under that with cardio recovery. My first two days were 400-450. I would double check your settings and make sure that the strap is tight. I always put water on mine to give me a better reading (vs dry takes forever for it to start reading).
  • fhsjewfro
    fhsjewfro Posts: 101 Member
    i used to burn over a 1000 calories doing the hell month (month 2)

    but i personally already sweat A LOT as it is to begin with
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    I've been 350-420 for plyo, around 300 for resistance, and around 350 for pure cardio. I've noticed that my burns are increasing each time I do the workouts, as I am able to do more.

    ^^ THIS!! we are "burning identically". I'm not blasting calories like some...at 1st i was a little disappointed, but i realized 300 is better than ZERO!
  • jreeves628
    jreeves628 Posts: 123 Member
    I just started INSANITY and was upset about the same thing. Maybe those with big numbers weigh a lot more? I did the fit test this morning and later did the Plyometric Cardio Circuit and only burned a total of 562 today. I thought something was wrong since my HRM is brand new. But, maybe it is accurate.
  • SGTflatfoot
    SGTflatfoot Posts: 25 Member
    Not sure about accurate calories, but I do know that your calorie burn is going to be different than other peoples because it has a lot to do with your current size and intensity levels. Don't over work it. If you're already working your hardest, don't push to get more calories burned. It's important to be safe above all else!
  • Nteeter
    Nteeter Posts: 190 Member
    Not sure about accurate calories, but I do know that your calorie burn is going to be different than other peoples because it has a lot to do with your current size and intensity levels. Don't over work it. If you're already working your hardest, don't push to get more calories burned. It's important to be safe above all else!
    Agreed I push my limits but recognize them. I can almost keep up with them for about half the video, then fade away pretty quick and gotta rest a few more times but Im still working :)
  • amjenty
    amjenty Posts: 22
    Thanks everyone! I do push myself, but also recognize when I need to take a few deep breaths and continue as I can keeping up pretty well.

    Yesterday's average heart rate was 131 and max was 151. And I was "in zone" for 32 of the 40 minutes.
    I am following my daily calorie intake and eating what I burned and still staying within my range and eating as clean as possible :)

    I just need to come to realize that I burn what I burn and keep going- right?

    Thanks everyone for your support! I appreciate it!! :bigsmile:
  • rildev03
    rildev03 Posts: 61 Member
    I have been feeling disappointed too. I burn 250-325 calories a workout but feel like it should be so much more. The 325 is pure cardio and abs for 55 minutes. I can ride my bike for an hour and burn 600 calories. WTH?? My husband thinks my HRM is off but I really think it's true. I am trying to base my progress on my cardio endurance and body measurements. Both are definitely on the good side so I won't put more thought in the calories burned!
  • Kristihub
    Kristihub Posts: 46
    I only just got a hrm. I had estimated a 250 cal burn, and it looks like I estimated properly! Today was pure cardio and cardio abs for me. I am SO proud of myself! Best workout yet!!! (day 21) all said and done, hrm says 370cal burned. I like knowing I stayed "in the zone" for the end of the warm up through to cool down with little exception.

    OP, dropping 2 pants sizes is HUGE! Forget calorie burn, you are doing everything right to get those results!