Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
Morning Mad Hatters!!

Just starting up today's page; and looking forward to hearing the plans, goals and successes of our Hatters for the day!
:bigsmile: . not to mention IPOMS! :bigsmile:


  • sttrinians
    sttrinians Posts: 94 Member
    Ok! I know I've been very quiet but had visitors so it is difficult to get on here. I have a question about HRT. Do you think it helps weight loss and has a positive effect on your general mindset, or do you think it make you retain weight?
  • sttrinians
    sttrinians Posts: 94 Member
    Ok! I know I've been very quiet but had visitors so it is difficult to get on here. I have a question about HRT. Do you think it helps weight loss and has a positive effect on your general mindset, or do you think it make you retain weight?

    Oh and this is great! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-18770328 made me feel very positive about myself.
  • PearlGrey
    PearlGrey Posts: 23 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Thank you all so much for everything you shared yesterday, I feel truly amongst Friends. Well done to all who had cool, compliant days. I "rested" last night to allow myself to recovere from the exercise class, will train wiht weights at home tonight.

    I read a great article that says losing just 10 pound can greatly improve menopause symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats and ease aching joints, so KEEP ON KEEPING ON , you really are worth it.

    Weekends can be a lot harder to stick to the diet, I have an all or nothing mentality and can binge on an insane amount of food some Sunday afternoons. I am working hard to stop this and find one thing that really helps is not wearing scruffy loose fittling clothes. If I wear a skirt with a snug waistband it reminds me not to eat to excess. Best wishes to all.
  • sttrinians
    sttrinians Posts: 94 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Thank you all so much for everything you shared yesterday, I feel truly amongst Friends. Well done to all who had cool, compliant days. I "rested" last night to allow myself to recovere from the exercise class, will train wiht weights at home tonight.

    I read a great article that says losing just 10 pound can greatly improve menopause symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats and ease aching joints, so KEEP ON KEEPING ON , you really are worth it.

    Weekends can be a lot harder to stick to the diet, I have an all or nothing mentality and can binge on an insane amount of food some Sunday afternoons. I am working hard to stop this and find one thing that really helps is not wearing scruffy loose fittling clothes. If I wear a skirt with a snug waistband it reminds me not to eat to excess. Best wishes to all.

    Good idea about the skirt. Maybe I need to lose another 10lbs to stop the symptoms x
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Good morning ladies! My goal for today is to drink more water. I just measured my thermal cup that I thought was 2c, but find it is really only 1 1/2. My goal for today is at least 10c of water.. Anyone want to join me and make it a challenge for the day?
  • lorielou111
    lorielou111 Posts: 30 Member
    Good morning hatters! Yay Friday!!! Thanks for the water challenge, I too need to get more in. My goal this weekend is to work out both days. Have a great day all!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Good morning Mad Hatters!

    Happy “TGIF!” for those who work mon-fri - know some of you have had a *itch of a week at work so imagine you’re looking forward to some down time (well, not that women often get actual “down time” cause most of us come home and put in at least another 8 hours of more work.. ha!

    I’m a little stiff and a little lethargic this morning; and as I didn’t sleep well I suspect I’m a teeny bit cranky as well LOL.. but.. I’m actually kinda looking forward to heading down to the lake for my walk in a few minutes.. I won’t be able to go down there for a month now til dayshift is over and I going to miss it, even after a few short days. It’ll be too hot this week to go after work but I have a backup plan in place .. it just wont give me the lovely view of the lake and trees… on the other hand, I won’t be outpaced by a goose walking around home.. so it’s all good!

    I wish I could say I was looking forward to my walk because I am just thrilled at the thought of exercise but alas.. that’s not it LOL.. I am relatively sure exercise for me will always be a chore.. something I know I just have to do. Which is ok… because nothing says I have to enjoy it, I just have to DO it.. whatever gets me there is fine with me lol… and I do feel some.. satisfaction I guess is the right word, and pride in myself for actually working on it.. I guess I just feel a little .. guilty…about not loving it..??
    Hmmm… just writing that makes me realize I don’t have to feel bad at all about not loving it LOL.. as long a I’m doing it I can live with it.. I feel better already!!

    Hope all you Hatters have a really good day; would love to see a bunch of IPOMs today to give me inspiration for the weekend! And if anyone is struggling today and needs a helping hand, just holler – we’ll be here to pick ya up, dust ya off and make ya laugh!

    Trinny: lovely to see you; hope you enjoyed the visitors! I set a small change goal to up my water a couple of days ago; I’m still short so will be chugging alongside you today!
    BTW: I went to that link.. the global fat scale?? YIKES.. I’m above average weight not only for my country, but apparently for the whole planet! I don’t know anything about HRT, sorry I can’t help with that one…

    Pearl – if that isn’t an incentive I don’t know what is (losing 10lbs can help with menopause… I am gonna keep that one in my head over the weekend – thanks!
    And I know what you mean about the Sunday binge.. its almost like something in our heads says oh I have to be good again on Monday.. so I gotta pig out now on everything I can’t have then….. but really… if we could just turn our thoughts around and say hey.. there’s nothing I CANT eat… no reason I can’t have a SMALL amount of anything I want.. , maybe it would keep us from doing that mad dive into the feedbag, thinking we’re gonna have to go without!! Maybe if we start seeing weekends as just the next day in our plan to make the best choices we can, we won’t feel the need to go crazy like the food fairy is gonna come along and take it all away before we can indulge? Hmmm.. just thinking out loud.. any other thoughts on this Hatters?

    Bis – meet Pearl… Pearl – meet Lorie – Lorie meet Snoozie. We shall be the water hogs today!!

    Loriilou: excellent weekend goal.. !! Let us know how it goes and pop in if you need a little IPOU to keep ya going!

    There was something else I wanted to say…. Nope, can’t remember (big surprise.. NOT) Mind is blank … which suggests I should get my butt in gear… will pop in when I get back to see who’s up and about!

    Could someone do up my massive shopping list for me while I’m gone please??? Much appreciated… mwaaaaaaaa ha ha!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I’m going out on a limb for a minute, and hoping Shewhowrestles and 1960Lisa don’t mind – I somehow missed a topic they posted called “Evening Chatter” in our group the other day…

    I don’t know if anyone else missed it either, but both posts.. are awesome, and excellent food for thought (and calorie free!) going into the weekend for sure.. so I’m going to re post them here today.. hope you two don't mind!


    hope everyone had a good day. I was driving around doing errands and was thinking about the meaning of life. I've been doing more of that now that I'm fifty and I have grasped that I am not going to live forever. Today my thought was thought was: life is to do something positive, make something happen, keep the ball rolling or get it rolling in the right direction. Whether it's for yourself or for someone else, whether it's a large action or a small one...to have something at the end of the day that makes you feel good that you did it.

    I dropped another pound today for a total of 6 pounds in about as many weeks. I almost fell off the scale in shock because I could not believe I had lost another pound. For those who are having a rough patch, stick with it because it will work. About 2 months ago, before I found MFP I resigned myself to the fact that I would weigh 200 pounds for the rest of my life. So much of my readiness to accept my fatness was denial of how many calories I was actually eating because it was healthy stuff. I was still in denial the first couple of weeks and was not measuring my portions. I have binged a couple of times enjoyed it and proudly logged every embarrassing morsel but I've still lost weight for being good most of the time.

    POSTED BY “1960LISA”

    I can relate so much to this...I have always eaten very healthy food (along with the occasional burst of ice cream or chocolate indulgences) but when I started MFP I weighed and worked out how many calories were in my "healthy" breakfast and nearly fell of the chair...I was having lovely organic toasted muesli or porridge, with flaxseed oil, lecithin, banana, yoghurt, maple syrup, soy milk, etc, etc...all organic...lovely....and nearly a days worth of calories in that one meal!!!

    I still stop and weigh things sometimes as I know my tendency is always to underestimate how much I am having...all that lovely organic food has to be good for me doesn't it....unfortunately good and healthy isn't the same as low calorie! I would still rather have the full fat organic versions of food than any "lite" stuff but I am learning to less is more (I learnt this phrase in art class all those years ago and I finally get it).

    And I am losing weight very very slowly because I have told myself I am not on a diet but rather learning a new lifestyle...unfortunately this means that I still break out and have emotional "binges" a bit more often than I probably should...but I'm now lighter than I have been in years and well on my way to my goal weight and I'm fitter than I have been in over 20 years....so life is good....and I don't feel that I am denying myself.

    Congratulations on your loss....long may it continue
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Snoozie, I would encourage you to keep walking. You will soon miss it when you don't get your daily walk in. I have been walking or running 5-6 times a week since January 1 and miss it when I can not get it in. I have even gone out in the rain (crazy I know). I do have a treadmill at home, but it is so much nicer out in the fresh air.

    Lisa, thanks for the heads up I found a free phone app. Map my run. Today was a non run day so I just returned form a 2.48 mile walk at a 3.52 per mile pace. I like it and will try using it, but am a little concerned about focusing on numbers. I am afraid it might remind me of those numberes on the scale that move so slowly. But then again it is cool to see just how far I traveled.

    Well have a good day everyone. I will be busy & will not have a chance to read your posts untill tomorrow.
  • NanaDino4
    NanaDino4 Posts: 63
    Good morning ladies! My goal for today is to drink more water. I just measured my thermal cup that I thought was 2c, but find it is really only 1 1/2. My goal for today is at least 10c of water.. Anyone want to join me and make it a challenge for the day?

    I will join you...I have been slacking on my water and I can tell.
  • charip
    charip Posts: 55 Member
    Mornin' Hatters!

    Just accomplished my IPOM of the day- got three miles walked this morning. Yesterday, two almost did me in, lol, so I was really proud to finish three today! I'd love to get outside to do the walks, but with a black bear and coyotes hanging around the neighbourhood, it's not ideal. I'm less afraid of the bear, they usually don't attack, but the coyotes can, and sometimes, do. The inside walk is the no excuses walk though, whenever you can fit in just a few minutes, it's time to do a short walk.
    Congratulations to everyone drinking their water, getting in exercise, and watching portions- IPOU
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Got my last walk at the lake in; and loved it!

    Do you guys remember that song from the er… 60’s… lol

    You remember… hum a few bars…

    I’m… hooked on a feeling
    I’m high on believing.. that I’m in love with youuuu”

    Well, it was running through my head this morning, so while I was walking I took a little licence and changed the words… a la Mad Hatters LOL..

    But you gotta SING IT to the tune of Hooked On a Feeling as you read it.. !:bigsmile:

    (unless you’re at work.. in which case you may sing it in your head.. so your co-workers don’t decide you’ve gone completely insane!!)

    Ready.. .. OOOOGA CHUKKA!!

    If I eat right
    And I ex-er-cise
    I know that one day (la la la la)
    I will see my thighs!

    Cause I……
    I’m hooked on a feelingggggggg
    I’m high on believin’..
    That I’m in love with MEEEEE (la la la)

    Better choices
    Is my only goal
    And I’ll add laughter
    Cause it will feed my soul!

    Cause I…
    I’m hooked on a feelinggggggggggg
    I’m high on believin’
    That I’m in love with MEEEEEE

    Moving forward,
    And I won’t look back!
    Cause I’m a Hatter
    And know you’ve all got my back!

    Cause I….
    I’m hooked on a feelingggggggg
    I’m high I’m believin’…
    that I’m in love with ME

    oooga chuckka…

    Now let’s see you get that tune outta your head today!! :laugh:

    Rock on ladies!!
    I gotta go eat!
  • mazie61
    mazie61 Posts: 106 Member
    Good morning ladies! My goal for today is to drink more water. I just measured my thermal cup that I thought was 2c, but find it is really only 1 1/2. My goal for today is at least 10c of water.. Anyone want to join me and make it a challenge for the day?

    Morning all! I'll join that water challenge today! Have a great Friday the 13th all!:flowerforyou:
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    What is an IPOM?
    Whatever it is I hope that I have a good one.
    Hearing people chat about their hot times, I am in a slightly different place because I haven't had ovaries or a uterus since 2000. I am also thyroid free since 2010, so I rely on artificial hormones. While I have read the issues related to hormones, the studies don't address those of us without any ovaries at all.
    Concerning the potential of weekend binges that is why I schedule my weekly weigh in for Monday mornings. I joined a challenge and the folks weigh in on Sunday, but I switched for one week and then switched back to Mondays. Sunday is the day when I am more likely to eat too much. I know the way my crazy brain works, if I weighed in on sunday I would conclude it was ok to overindulge because I would have the whole week to work it off.
    I had become lax with keeping my food diary, even though I was continuing to do the challenge and visiting fitness pal for motivation. I had never friended anyone or been active in any groups. I decided it was time to refocus and so I have reactivated my diary and I will continue to hang out with you lovely folks.
    Have a happy weekend filled with healthy choices. Janet
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    An "IPOM" is an "I'm Proud of ME" moment!! (and an IPOU is an "I'm proud of YOU!") :bigsmile:

    It originated here, and IPOU was flipflops brainstorm!

    and... I don't know about the rst of you but I find oftentimes as women, we are brutally hard on ourselves and far more critical of ourselves if we hit a bump ni the road, then we would ever be on our friends or family... we seem to be our own worst enemies at times, we'll forgive everyone else for anything, but god help us if we slip on a diet, or don't seem to have enough time for everyone who wants a piece of us.. we tend to get down on ourselves so easily (in my humle opinion anyway.. )

    so.. for me.. I've decided every day, I'm going to claim an IPOM. An "I'm Proud Of Me" (IPOM) to celebrate one small accomplishment that I'm proud of every day.

    I'll learn from my mistakes, and look for advice and encouragement from the hatters when I'm struggling.. but by god I'm gonna say yay me at least once a day, because we all deserve to be proud of ourselves every day.. so I hope the rest of you will claim an IPOM and celebrate any and every success too!

    :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    And a big welcome to our newest Menopausal Mad Hatters!! So good to have you aboard!

    In case you have some time and want a few laughs, here are the links to our last three days of postings.. some great chuckles and lovely postings!



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Finished my steel cut oat and blueberries so a few quick notes:

    Charip!! HUGE IPOU!! What a high you must be on right now.. well done!!! :bigsmile:
    I’m going to be substituting a treadmill for the next week too, so we’ll hoof together!

    Mazie – lovely to see you, and welcome to the water hogs lol.

    Hairspray!! I’m thrilled you decided to join us; especially since it’s a big step for you!! Welcome and a huge IPOU for refocusing and moving forward!

    Bis – oh I plan to keep it up; I was just sad because I’ll have to resort to the treadmill for a while instead of enjoying an outdoor walk; I live in a condo in Toronto so like you I prefer getting outside to move when I can. I was just feeling sorry for myself LOL!

    Ok Hatters.. I’m off to tackle all the chores I put off yesterday… is there a calorie counter for how much you burn scrubbing toilets and floors??? :sad:

    Have a great day everyone and will pop in later for a catch up!
  • lorielou111
    lorielou111 Posts: 30 Member
    Snoozie!! I loved that song and especially your rendition!! Great job!!:flowerforyou:
  • lorielou111
    lorielou111 Posts: 30 Member
    I am exactly the same way in my mind with just after a weigh in! It's "like who do you think you're cheating silly girl?!" So welcome! I have never even been in a chat room so this is new to me as well, and I am thankful for all of you "hatter's"!!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Happy Friday! Love, love, love the song snoozie. We should make it a Friday tradition lol. I hope every one here has a great day and I will pop on here and there to chat