Sunday 7-15-2012 Menopausal Mad Hatters Chatter

Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
It's a new day, and hope everyone is having a great weekend! Got a good solid couple of hours of sleep under my belt so feeling much more human today - I'll check in when I get home tonight... I'm going to take the stairs down this morning (7 flights).. my "small change" goal for the day! Have a great one ladies!

1960: Lovely to see you; and very much enjoyed your post; more later but thanks for sharing!

Bis: SCORE on the shopping trip, and the RA's! I could just picture you strolling along in your dress, listening to the musicians. And way to go on getting in the walk!

Cheryl: hope you had a good sleep

Time2: Hmmmm.... I woke up this morning hoping you'd had been over to clean the rest of my kitchen.. but alas:sad:
Hope you have a good day!

Catch ya'll on the flipside!


  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Good Sunday Morning to all of you,

    I am heading out in a bit to get some yard work done before we get our afternoon pop up storms. Thankfully mother nature has added water to the pool so that is one less chore for me today. I wish I had a pool boy some days:bigsmile:

    Anita-IPOU on giving the bars to your husbands office. your post made me realize I have some habits that need some work.

    Cheryl- Kudos for getting the walk in even after being sick, take care of yourself.

    Leslye- Happy Anniversary (late) I love your RAK's and am inspired to do more of my own.

    Kim- WOW 22 days is amazing. I am working on that habit still. Down to 1/2 pack a day but haven't had the courage yet. IPOU

    Snoozie- Great job on getting the walk in before reading posts, I don't know that I could have done it.

    T2- Thanks for being such a good friend and making me :blushing: . I don't find myself being charming or bubbly most days so it is nice to hear it.

    Ok, you ladies all have a marvelous day and I'll catch up later
  • Lindawoj1
    Lindawoj1 Posts: 26
    Good morning all. I think I'm doing very well this week thanks to you all. I'm hoping when I do my weigh in tomorrow it shows. It's sunny and hot but I'm gonna get some exercise in today. It's my one day without my grandson so I'm taking advantage of it. Have a great day everyone. See you later.
  • mercinursi
    mercinursi Posts: 17 Member
    Good morning ladies. Confession time, yesterday was horrible for me. I started out good,but then decided to go to a family owned market to get the veggies that I couldn't get at the last one we went to. I scored on finding the veggies that I wanted there, and got meats as well. Actually felt like finding this place was a big score as they have natural meats that they raise themselves, so no hormones and antibiotics and the veggies are organic! The prices were fantastic! One the way home we broke down and took the kids to McD's. Bad start. Then got home and found out we were having company and they were bringing supper! Just gave up at that point. Added to it, still have increased swelling in my knee, ankle and foot from surgery. Know the pizza didn't help.

    But today is a new day. I have almost all the veggies put up in the freezer, just the butter beans (saved them for last since I'm not a true southn gal and am not crazy about them) and gonna make some salsa and freeze that.

    Love reading the positive posts here. Will get more walking in today, gearing up to go back to work. Gotta plan my lunches for the week. I know I can do this with the help of this wonderful group. Have a great Sunday all!
  • Lindawoj1
    Lindawoj1 Posts: 26
    Mercinursi: It happens to the best of us. I'm with you. If I have a bad start I tend to just blow it all day and that's not really wise. Good job on getting the healthy stuff to set you up for success.

    On another note......OMG I have found my new favorite indulgent. I'm thinking there is something wrong and I hope by posting this someone sees a flaw in it. I love Blueberries but lately I've been adding 2 TBLS of lite coolwhip and it is amazing. It only adds 20 cals to the berries. I eat it while my hubby eats ice cream and it makes me feel better about not have ice cream.

    I'm actually here writing this to keep myself from eating. It's almost lunch time and I'm hungry. This is a bad time for me always. Waiting for meals. ugh.:drinker:
  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    Good Sunday Morning!

    Kudos to all of you who made good choices, got your excercise in one form or another yesterday! IPOU!. I managed to do those things as well and today is "play day" as a reward.

    Heading to the lake to do some boating and playing on the water.

    23 and counting!

  • mercinursi
    mercinursi Posts: 17 Member
    Linda, thank you for the encouragement! Means a lot to me. As for the blueberries, I know what you mean! I am loving the fresh fruit right now. I am worrying that I am over indulging in the fruit cause they are SO good. We have a really good friend that has about 30 blueberry bushes of different varieties and we pick fresh blueberries in June, freeze them and eat them as little treats all year long. Yum!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Hello from New Orleans !!! We are on a mini holiday so I will be brief as we are heading out to the zoo to get some walking done. Hope the humidity isn't bad. Everyone have a great day.
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    A dismal day here in Edmonton which means a good day to clean(purge crap out the fridge) and get the weekly chores done. I have had a few bad weeks and an absoloutly HORRID last week of over indulging. "Today is the first day of the rest of your life", an old and tired cliche but seriously has me thinking that way today. Back to the basics again. Eating as clean as I can, water water and more water,and some kind of excercise for 30 minutes a day. YES I can do that! Anyone else having a hard time of late and needing to give themselves a kick in the *kitten*? What better day then today?
  • Lindawoj1
    Lindawoj1 Posts: 26
    So, I've mentioned before that I'm a stay at home grandmother of a 2 year old and was wondering if I could add the chasing around and playing with him to my exercise log. Well here it is. A site that has some random calorie burning activities. Now I can add it to my plan. Sitting and playing is worth something. or pushing a stroller or chasing him around. Love it.
  • mercinursi
    mercinursi Posts: 17 Member
    Linda~love the site! Thanks for sharing!
  • Lindawoj1
    Lindawoj1 Posts: 26
    you're welcome.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    This group is so much FUN!!

    It's like waking up Christmas morning to see what's under the tree ! I look forward to reading all the great posts.It helps me to get up out of this chair on the weekends and get moving.

    Snooozie , sorry I didn't get to your kitchen, but don't worry, I didn't get to mine, until leave the key under the mat and I'll get it next....I'm still looking for that dang MOP, though... : /

    I managed to get 8 floors of stairs yesterday. It's been Toooo long though since I have walked them. My calves had so many cramps
    ,that I thought it might be that TOM for them.

    Sending everyone Best wishes for a Great Day!! I'm on a laptop that I can't type on , so Im out for now, before I lose all that I've written so far....
    Bye Mad Hatters!
  • CynthiaAnnGA
    Love reading all the posts of this site! You ladies are so sweet. Raining here in Georgia. We really need it, but wanted to work on putting a new fence in for my ducks. I have them in my outdoor rabbit pen & they make a mess of the rabbits water, so have to move them. I'm going to put my 3 chickens in w/the ducks when the fence is done.
    Last night I ate l/2 loaf of French bread w/wine, splurged on the bread, but today I'm back on track w/healthy low carb. food. I didn't add butter to the bread (Thank God)!
    I weigh in tomorrow morning, I hope I'm down in the 140's. I haven't been able to get below 150 lbs. for awhile now. I have been walking 3.5 mph for 40 min. every morning & doing floor excercises & stretches. I'll let you know tomorrow if I'm at 149 or not.

    Take care my sweet ladies. Hope all of you have a wonderful day today & hope you are strong in your mfp quest.
  • CynthiaAnnGA
    Cleaning out the fridge will help you to eat healthy. I cleaned mine out last week or so, took everything out & cleaned it. I threw so much junk away. Old bottles of dressing, leftovers, bad produce. Now I can see all the healthy food that I bought & put in there. I try not to buy anything that tempts me. I do have a 17 yr. old son & 5 yr. old daughter home who want to eat junk, but I only get the stuff I don't like. I do like the popsickles though. Anyway, good luck w/cleaning the fridge out, it's a job, but it will help.
  • KLB960
    KLB960 Posts: 17 Member
    I was a bad girl yesterday, I think. Went to a graduation party x2 and had a small sliver of cake. Didn't finish my food diary for yesterday. But today I went for a walk that included some hills (in the heat to boot) and a kayak ride with the hubby. On the way out the wind was at our face and then it was a breeze coming back. I call it the "lazy man's kayaking" but got the workout in the beginning. But I may have over done it as I didn't feel good on the way back. Some reason, water makes me feel sick to my stomach..thus not liking it that much. Eating light for the rest of the day. Have a good week everyone!
  • lorielou111
    lorielou111 Posts: 30 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!! Mercinursie, I fell off the wagon today, and I only have 120 cal's. left for the day!!lol. Trying to eat away a bit of a hangover I guess!! It really isn't working, think I will go out and do laps in the pool! Tomorrow is another day. I did lose 3.5 this week so ipom for that :happy: I have to have a internal ultrasound tomorrow am. feeling a bit nervous about that !! Yikes! Any "Hatters" had one of these? Just curious.....Have a great Sunday! Lorie
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hello Hatters!!

    Had a pretty good day so far eating wise; and came home and made up dinner and lunch for tomorrow before I sat down here…and cut up a lot of veggies for quick and easy snackage availability. . this way when I get hungry for dinner I won’t have to rush and perhaps be tempted for something fast and easy..

    I was wondering if I could maybe impose on some of the hatters to look at my dinner calories from today…? I find “free wheeling” a little difficult, so I’d like to know if you think it’s an accurate reflection..

    I know the pasta for sure is the only thing right (I made a little over one serving and then split it into three meals instead of one). I made up a dry alfredo mix (its ok # wise I used the dry # from the label) and used fat free skim milk (1.5 cups for the whole batch) but I only put about 2tbsp of the sauce in each little bowl of pasta.

    Here’s where it gets tough for me tho.. I sautéed about a cup of broccoli, a ½ red and ½ yellow pepper, one carrot cut into matchstick pieces, and 5 mushrooms in a little water, then split the whole mix into the 3 dishes of pasta. So I basically looked at the full calorie count for each item (peppers, broccoli ½ cup, 5 mushrooms.. blah blah) and divided the amount by 3.. then played with the serving size til I got the approx calorie count of 1/3 of the total.. but omg.. that’s a whole lot of math for my tiny brain cells….and time intensive.. so if some of the more experienced Hatters could let me know if they think it’s relatively right.. or if any of you have some tips when you make stuff that’s hard to figure out (like a casserole or something?) could you give me some pointers? I’d be very indebted!

    My math whining aside.. I’m going to tackle some much needed house cleaning; figure I should burn a fair number of calories scrubbing floors and vaccuming etc.. and some work prep to do before I can hit the sack. So I may not hit the treadmill today, but I might once I’m all sweaty… if I can finish all the chores in time to get it in I will, but I won’t stress if I don’t get there today.. long as I’ve moving doing something I’ll be content!

    Also wanted to share I read quite an interesting article today on emotional eating by Dr. Mark Hyman… I’ve copied the link in case anyone is interested (be warned.tho,. about ½ way thru the article they plug a few books about it they’re trying to get u to buy).. just keep scrolling past that part to the rest of the article below.. its not long but I found some of the info personally relevant and a little eye opening:

    Now it’s treat time!!! Which for me is I get to see what all the Hatters have been up to today! Have my bottle of water beside me and a load of laundry in, so it’s guilt free me time for the Snooz for a few – be back with some replies once I catch up!
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!! Mercinursie, I fell off the wagon today, and I only have 120 cal's. left for the day!!lol. Trying to eat away a bit of a hangover I guess!! It really isn't working, think I will go out and do laps in the pool! Tomorrow is another day. I did lose 3.5 this week so ipom for that :happy: I have to have a internal ultrasound tomorrow am. feeling a bit nervous about that !! Yikes! Any "Hatters" had one of these? Just curious.....Have a great Sunday! Lorie

    Lori if you mean a transvaginal US I have had dozens of them. Do not worry (I know easier said than done) It does not hurt, but is a little strange the first time you have one.
  • Lindawoj1
    Lindawoj1 Posts: 26
    Just wanted to share an IPOM moment. Went grocery shopping and they were giving samples of Lemon meringue pie and cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting. It was torture I tell ya. But I said no thank you. Even at the deli when I ordered my chicken breast lunch meat they offered me a slice to try it and I said NO!.
    But when I got home I had to eat something for my good behavior. I opted for a 100 cal bag of popcorn.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Had a good catch up while I ate my salad, now just a few replies then dinner and chores!

    Tonya… amen to the pool boy… ! Unfortuntaely mine would be too busy bringing me frozen lime margaritas to get any of your pool work done. .otherwise I’d be happy to send ya mine..

    Lindawoj: so hoping you see a loss tomorrow; keep us posted!!! I love blueberries as well; I don’t see anything wrong with your choice of adding the cool whip; it’s far more friendly to our waists than the ___ ____ (im not gonna type those words lol) plus added benefit of tons of antioxidants… so im thinking it ranks up there in the great choice column? And awesome finding that website, and an absolute super choice on the popcorn instead of the crappy sugar/fat laden sludge (see? I can even make pie sound bad lol.. and I love LMP!)

    Merci: zackly the attitude – yay you! new day, better choices.. so rock on! I am finding the planning of lunches and the prep the toughest struggle so far, and it’s only been 3 days back at work lol. But we can do it!

    Abbe! Right back at ya with the IPOU.. and such a great reward of a play day!!! Hope you enjoyed every minute!

    TA – hope your having a blast on the mini R&R! and look at you.. walking while on vacation – IPOU!

    Pitbull: congrats on getting to the place where you’re ready to dust yourself off and get back on track; we all (women) know how hard it can be sometimes to get yourself outta that slump so well done! And yes YOU CAN.. and I can!! And we WILL! Yay Mad Hatters!

    Time2: I forgive you LOL.. and trust me.. it wasn’t me who took your mop.. I might steal your food.. but never your mop! Howling at the calves with cramps and TOM!!!
    One blessing of menopause those days are GONE! Huge IPOU on the stairs, lady!! Well done!

    Cynthia: is it bad that reading about ducks, rabbits and chickens I started thinking of recipes for them?? LOL kidding!! Sorry the fencing got rained out but know your area needed the rain. Will keep fingers crossed for your weigh in that you crack the 150.. know how frustrating it can be to break thru a new set of numbers!

    I dunno if this might be of interest of help to you Cynthia, but an acquaintance of mine who is a nutritionist/trainer told me when I told her I was starting this journey and said I could only walk right now as I’ve been sedentary for about 20 yrs… that if I hit a stall down the road even with all the walking and calorie resterictions.... to try changing to a completely different type of exercise for a few days.. she kinda lost me in the reasoning but its something to do with muscle memory.. your body gets “used to” doing the same exercise (or routine) and starts getting complacent.. kinda like oh yeah here we go again” and if you give it a little shock by doing something completely different (I dunno what.. she said even using a resistance band or swimming or something other than walking cause even changing up the speed/incline was still walking.. so it had to be something completely different) that it would kinda wake up my metabolism and help me get over the hump.. Just sharing the info in case it’s any use?

    KLB.. you were NOT a “bad” girl yesterday.. you may have made one or two less than perfect food choices, but that’s all ya did… you’re an awesome girl, and no way its gonna hurt all the work you’ve done and continue to do! Just a wee stumble in the road my dear.. And look at you today!! Walking and kayaking!! Yay you! Hope you get over the seasickness soon tho lol!

    Lorielou: 120 … LOL.. I had 3 calories left one day.. so I ate an ice cube!! OMG 3 ½ pounds you lost?? I’m imagining holding 3.5 lbs of butter and having the equivalent gone from my body?? AWESOME!!!!! Huge IPOU!! (sorry can’t help with the TVUS question.. but I see one of the other hatters was able to help.. yay!! We.. are an amazing group!

    Had my salad of greens about an hour ago and now hungry again so time for dinner!
    Will pop in before bed to wish all the hatters a lovely week!