What's your profile? 140 to 130: 5'...



  • I was 162 at my hightest and am now down to 138, trying to get to 130!
    I am 5'1" tall
    Mother of 2 <3 a 3 yo girl and a 7 week old boy :-)
    Im from Colorado.
  • i'm 16, height 5''5 and i'm 148
    i think my ideal weight is like 125
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    Height: 5'3" ish
    SW: 186
    CW: 108
    Goal: maintain !! :D

    About to be a freshman in college :) so I will have to work HARD to keep up exercise and maintenance :)
  • Anna1763
    Anna1763 Posts: 5
    Hi all -
    I'm 24 and 5'5"... My weight has been fluctuating around 125 lately but would love to get down to my ideal 115. More importantly though I'm trying to make fitness and clean eating a true habit.
  • Exill
    Exill Posts: 155 Member
    Currently 104, started at 130.
    5'4, 29 yrs old, Canadian, mother to a 2 yr old.
    Sci-fi geek, gamer. Looking to maintain and eat healthier!
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi, I'm 39, live in the UK with my hubby and 2 gorgeous kids.

    Struggling to get down from 144lbs to 129lbs but hoping to get there before I reach 40 at the end of the year
    JIGGLYbellyPUFF Posts: 81 Member
    Self: 24 & 5'4''

    SW: 167

    CW: 137

    GW: 127 (but really, I'll probably change it once I get to it)

    Feel free to add me anyone!
  • Sourcake
    Sourcake Posts: 7 Member
    32 y/o Mom of 2 + stepson. Started at 144ish, now 138ish. I am heavier than most girls I know of the same clothes size and I can't seem to get much lower than 130 without feeling terrible. I'd love to be a dainty 120-125 but I don't think I will see those numbers. 130 is my goal with muscle. I am very health conscious so I don't use artificial sweeteners or weight loss pills. I am a whole food junky and I just love discovering new healthy meals. My biggest weakness is wine. Would be great to have a few new friends on here who use MFP as often as I do.
  • chloenmiller
    chloenmiller Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 5'4.5", somewhere in between 135 and 140 lbs. I'm a student at an arts school in California! Been a beach girl my whole life :) Ideally, I'd like to get to 125. But all I care about is getting my 23% body fat down to 18% or lower!
  • Hiiii :)
    start weight: 154
    current: 146 (been stuck here for a while!)
    goal: 139 and just generally tone up everywhere

    feel free to add :D
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    Currently 137.8, down from 148.8. Goal weight around 133-135. I'm 5' 9.5".

    39 next month, married mom of 2 (almost 20 and almost 8) and I live in NC.
  • jmac263
    jmac263 Posts: 87
    Hi ladies, currently 144.. looking to get to 135 possibly, I'm 5'4 and from Iowa
  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    Hey ladies! :smile: I'm 5'4.5 and 120 pounds. I wasn't overweight to begin with, but my highest weight was 144 pounds. Right now I'm looking into just maintaining my weight as well as losing body fat and gaining a bit more muscle. I want to look lean!
  • 153-5'7"

    Highest weight 172 (October 2009)-college athlete-lots of muscle and a lot of unhealthy eating
    Lowest weight since high school 140 (June 2011)-stress before wedding

    Gained about 15 after wedding. Down about 8, 7 more to go. Would like to get back to 145. That would be great!

    What do you guys find helps you the most! I feel like I'm always "Stuck" I'm an active person and eat pretty healthy-most of the time! What do you guys do to drop those last pounds?
  • allibazzer
    allibazzer Posts: 11 Member
    I am 39 years old. I weigh 139 lbs and change, down from 145 (but I've had two kids in past 6 years, so I've put on and lost 50 lbs a couple times.) I would really like to know what it's like to weigh 130 lbs, but am STRUGGLING to even get to 138.

    I'm very active and have a lot of muscle. I run 3 miles 2-3 times a week, and train capoeira 2-3 times a week. I also have SI joint issues that prevent me from working out too hard, and sometimes I just have to take a break.

    Have lots of body image and food struggles!!

    At my heaviest in my 20s I was around 160 I think.

    Add me if any of that resonates with you.

  • fwfarr
    fwfarr Posts: 1 Member
    I am 38 years old - 5'4" and weigh 140ish - I just replaced my scale and the new one added a few pounds :(. I would love to get down past 130, just a little bit. Before my two kiddos I weighed 118 but I don't aspire to ever get that thin again. I just want to be comfortable in my own body again - losing the muffin top would go a LONG way in helping! I'm trying to start working out regularly and eating better, both things having become a struggle in recent years. Would love to find a few buddies for the journey!
  • Boolahboo
    Boolahboo Posts: 73 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 28, 5'5" and 146 trying to get to 130. Feel free to add me!
  • cpk44
    cpk44 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey everybody!! I'm new to the group. I'm 19, five foot seven, and currently 152.8, hoping to pull down to 140. Feel free to friend me!
  • StaceyG221
    StaceyG221 Posts: 31
    I am a mother to 3 and a fabulous 39 years old. I stand 5'1" at 147 pounds. I live in the US, in the midwest; Illinois to be exact. My hubby and 2 of my kids are tall and thin; my 12 year old is already 6' tall and my 9 year old is about 4'6". My 19 year old is 6' and 188, so he is built like his momma. Looking for friends and motivation.
  • Dimpszz
    Dimpszz Posts: 40
    153 to 143.
    No kids just a College Freshman 15 victim lol
    Feel free to add me ladies! :)