post your starting weights here! :)

i started this on July 13th, 2012

Starting weight : 134.4
Goal weight: 129.4


  • laurajean2
    laurajean2 Posts: 52 Member
    weighed myself today i lost 0.6 pounds.
    so it seems to be working.
    GW:195 or at least under 200.
  • racemary
    racemary Posts: 52 Member
    I started on Friday 13th too:
    Starting weight: 77.9
    Weight today: 77.1
    Goal for Friday 20th: 75
    So far it's going really well :) I'm worried it was only water weight though ...

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Annitte
    Annitte Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 152.0 Goal 147 or more! I will give up creamer! Since I fat/ sweet busted my home. I dont know how to post pics??
  • betina64
    betina64 Posts: 23 Member
    I started last Friday 13 with 60.3 kg (132.2) and today I am 59.7kg (131.3)
  • AlexandriaReiland
    AlexandriaReiland Posts: 7 Member
  • Sbzlub
    Sbzlub Posts: 7 Member
    Starting weight: 31
    Goal Weight: 24
  • 20diane
    20diane Posts: 18 Member
    My starting weight is 152
  • I will post my starting weight tomorrow. Monday is the day I weigh in.
  • greggsyv
    greggsyv Posts: 11 Member
    Hi my starting weight is 245lbs just had a few days over my daily target due to wedding anniversary and nights out so will start monday 16th
  • Hi everyone. I really need this group. I tend to be good with working out but need some accountability with my food. My goals for the next two weeks is to cut out white flour and sugar. I hope to lose 7 pounds. I am currently 220. I really want to get below 200.

    Anyone have advice on how to stay motived and not give in to cravings? What has worked for you guys in the past?

    Sarah :)
  • Byemma
    Byemma Posts: 55
    I joined this group sunday the 15th. Last time I weighed myself, I was 166.2lbs. I want to be 162lbs after this. I'm just starting this journey, so I might lose a bit more.
  • Lovely135
    Lovely135 Posts: 161
    My goal wt. for July 31 is to be 230lbs. If I stick to my plan of low cab, high protein, lots of water, and no eating late, I will reach this mini goal wt. I have done it before, I can do it again. That's the pledge to myself. Starting right NOW........
  • Hi everyone. I really need this group. I tend to be good with working out but need some accountability with my food. My goals for the next two weeks is to cut out white flour and sugar. I hope to lose 7 pounds. I am currently 220. I really want to get below 200.

    Anyone have advice on how to stay motived and not give in to cravings? What has worked for you guys in the past?

    Sarah :)

    when you are dying to eat something drink a bunch of water or eat something lite like an apple or a salad, or even some egg whites. or occupy yourself by doing something different (clean the house or go for a walk!) if your like me food is on your mind the most when your bored! i find whenever im dying for some sweets i go do the dishes and by the end of it the craving is almost completely gone
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Starting weight: 175
    Goal weight: 169

    Friday the 20th I am supposed to be weighing in at 172. That will put me at 60 lbs total lost!!!! Then I'm pushing for another 3 lbs the following Friday July 27th. I getting ready to move soon from Birmingham Alabama to Louisville Kentucky and when I do I will be losing my gym, my trainer, and my cushy salary that has allowed me to pay for training and clean groceries. Losing my trainer is like losing my brother. I'm real nervous.. so we are pushing pushing pushing right now trying to get as much fat off as possible b4 the move happens so I have only a small loss left on my own and maintenance. Plus once I do move i'm gonna be crashing in my parents basement for a few weeks... which means an abundance of processed foods, lots of eating out probably, and no gym membership. It's going to be a struggle.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Hi everyone. I really need this group. I tend to be good with working out but need some accountability with my food. My goals for the next two weeks is to cut out white flour and sugar. I hope to lose 7 pounds. I am currently 220. I really want to get below 200.

    Anyone have advice on how to stay motived and not give in to cravings? What has worked for you guys in the past?

    Sarah :)

    Hey Sarah,

    I prep everything. I don't have any sugar or white flour in my house..what-so-ever. Today I prepped dinner's for the entire week. Monday- Turkey burger casserole w/tomatoes, zucchini, squash, carrots, green beans
    Tuesday- pork chops, cabbage, salad
    Wednesday- steak and fajita veggies
    Thursday- baked chicken and asparagus
    Friday- Tilapia, brocolli, cauliflower
    Saturday- left overs

    I went ahead and cooked the entire package of steak, pork, chicken and all the bags of frozen veggies then separated then into ziplocks into correct portions and put them in the freezer. I now have dinners for the next 3 weeks if I want them.

    Lunches I do turkey bacon, or deli meats or chicken breasts wrapped in romaine leaves or on a salad.. with veggies, vinegar, olive oil, and avocado. It's a perfect mix of protein, fats, and carbs for fat burning weight loss. :)

    Breakfast I usually do GNC lean 25 shakes with a piece of fruit. I'm not afraid to snack.. almonds, peanut butter, fruits.. Don't stress over carbs when it comes to fruits and veggies... Just stay clear of breads and pastas, and grains :)

    I eat all day long and I eat a lot.. just nutrition packed veggies, lean proteins, and fruits.. and I almost always stay under 1300 calories.

    You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    My weight in is tomorrow, Monday.!
  • Today is 7/15/12 and my starting weight is 252.0... thank-you for starting this because I have been doing it on my own and it is really hard. It will be great to have some new friends and to give each other support!! My goal weight for July 29th is 248.0.
  • Jbaker569
    Jbaker569 Posts: 3
    My starting weight is 185 lbs. Goal weight for the end of this challenge is 180 lbs.
  • kdenapolis
    kdenapolis Posts: 15

    I have my food diary set for "friends" only...if anyone wants to critique me, I am open to it!
  • gigirs05
    gigirs05 Posts: 1
    Hey everyone!! I really need this group. I need a group for support....ASAP. As for today I am currently 221, I will love to be160. I enjoy working out, but my biggest problem is food. I have 3 Children ages 20, 14, and 11, We eat out a lot. Working out is sometimes a problem because I don't have no one to exercise with. My goal! I hope to lose 12 pounds. I know I am able to do so. I will cut all rice, and sugar starting today. Let U all know how is working 4 me 2morrow...