Week 4 Weigh In

So it's week four.

SW 240
Start of Challenge 237
CW 220.0
GW 207 by October 7th.

I have lost 17lbs so far! I can't wait to see what October 7th brings!

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    Wow, great job!

    SW 233
    Start of Challenge 205.5
    CW 197.5
    GW 175
    Loss this week - 5
    Challenge Total - 8

    I had only lost .5 in the three previous weeks so I have been waiting for this one!
  • SLHartman
    SLHartman Posts: 142 Member
    SW: 166.4
    CW: 163.4
    GW: 135

    -3 pounds so far. Not entirely sure I'll reach my ultimate goal weight at this point, but a loss is a loss, right?
  • KimL122
    KimL122 Posts: 171 Member
    Seems my weight loss is slowing down but I lost .5 this week.
  • kreuzen
    kreuzen Posts: 188 Member
    I lost .5 lbs this week :happy:

    That's 3.5 total in 4 weeks. :bigsmile:

    Just remember that anywhere from 0.1 lbs to 3.0 lbs is considered a healthy weight loss for 1 week. Also, know that muscle weighs more than fat! :wink:

    That being said I'm not the right track to loosing the weight needed to reach my goal weight. Just hoping to stay on track, get over this cold and intensify my workouts ASAP. More running, more HIIT workouts, more gym time. And... more water! :drinker:
  • JL4987
    JL4987 Posts: 35 Member
    My scales said STS, -1lb and -2lbs so mentally Im taking -1lb but not changing my ticker. It would be -4lbs over the last 4 weeks which Im happier with than having lost less that but Ive been naughty and shot myself in the foot by ignoring my goals and focusing on all the stuff Ive got going on at the moment.

    Im on holiday in 8 weeks and have ordered stuff for it which Ill have 4 weeks left to try on before deciding to return (i keep it all in a good condition in a non smoking house, wrapped in the packaging and dont try on with fragrances or make up so its like new dont worry) so its crunch point.

    Ive gotten lots better with my eating but this week its crunch time for chocolate and coke - i had planned not to have coke for a while but actually forgot yesterday all about this and had a can. So back on track but got to lose now even with lots of work - have to be as best as possible with my eating to make up for any lost time for exercise.
  • tishad58
    tishad58 Posts: 110 Member
    initial SW 210.8 6/20/2012
    30# challenge SW: 207
    Wk. 1: 206 (-1) 6/24/2012
    Wk. 2: 203.6 (-2.4) 7/1/2012
    Wk. 3 202.6 (-1) 7/8/2012
    Wk. 4 201.2 (-1.4) 7/15/2012
    GW: 177

    Down 5.8 for this challenge
  • MrsMichel
    MrsMichel Posts: 58 Member
    Morning everyone!! down 2 pounds this week, tried my best to control the emotional eating!

    SW for challenge: 277

    Week 1: 273 (-4)

    Week 2: 269.6 (-3.4)

    Week 3: 267.2 (-2.4)

    Week 4: 265.2 (-2) CW

    GW for challenge: 247 <-(mini goal- to be under 250 lbs)

    Total loss for challenge: 11.8

    We can do this!!! :bigsmile:
  • JL4987
    JL4987 Posts: 35 Member
    Morning everyone!! down 2 pounds this week, tried my best to control the emotional eating!

    SW for challenge: 277

    Week 1: 273 (-4)

    Week 2: 269.6 (-3.4)

    Week 3: 267.2 (-2.4)

    Week 4: 265.2 (-2) CW

    GW for challenge: 247 <-(mini goal- to be under 250 lbs)

    Total loss for challenge: 11.8

    We can do this!!! :bigsmile:

    Wow wow wow wow!!!!!
  • kacinace
    kacinace Posts: 70 Member
    SW 219
    Challenge SW 196.4
    CW 193.2
    GW (for this challenge) 166.4

    Total Challenge Loss: 3.2lbs
  • betancourta229
    betancourta229 Posts: 171 Member
    SW (for challenge) 230.4 lbs
    Week 1: 226.2 lbs
    Week 2: 223.3 lbs
    Week 3: 219.6 lbs
    CW: 220.9 lbs
    GW 199 lbs

    Gain this week! :sad:

    So I gained this week. I did measure my waist and I've lost an inch! In my book a lose of inches is still as good as a lost lbs. I think I gained from working out more. I have been doing more weights and longer cardio so hopefully I'll see the difference next week!

    I am down three inches on my waist all together so i i must be doing something right!
  • kristiealexander76
    kristiealexander76 Posts: 25 Member
    Hallelujah !!! The scales moved this week!

    SW 153
    WEEK 1 --- 150.6 (-2.4)
    WEEK 2 ---- (-0)
    WEEK 3 ---- 150 .4 (-.2)
    WEEK 4 ---- 147. 6 (-3.0)

    Total loss almost 6 lbs. .........
    Finally, Finally, Finally !!!!!
  • lmdoty
    lmdoty Posts: 3 Member
    I didn't get to weigh in last week because i was traveling.

    Week 4
    151.6 :cry:
  • MD1Girl
    MD1Girl Posts: 46 Member
    Week Four weigh in:

    Challenge SW-280
    Week 1-279
    Week 2-278
    Week 3-278
    Week 4-274

    I'm down 4 lbs. this week! Woohoo! For the challenge I've lost 6 so far :happy:
  • jcreynolds98
    jcreynolds98 Posts: 35 Member
    Gained 1.5lbs this week :(

    SW 206
    CW 205.5
    GW 130

    I posted this in the wrong thread the other day. This was my weight as of Friday, July 13th. Friday's are my weight days.
  • sjkcarter
    sjkcarter Posts: 417 Member
    No weigh-in for me this week. Spending time with friends before they move out of state, way to many celebrations going on. Be back on track for next weeks weigh-in.
  • kreuzen
    kreuzen Posts: 188 Member
    Just pinning to find faster when the time comes. :wink:
  • Rochie81
    Rochie81 Posts: 106 Member
    SW: 310.6 lbs.
    CW: 305.0
    GW: 275 lbs.
    (-1.4 lb. since last weigh in)
  • kreuzen
    kreuzen Posts: 188 Member
    SW: 177
    Starting Challenge Weight: 171
    CW: 173.6 Wk 1: 6/23 (Friend visited and I caused stress weight gain...) :grumble: gained 2.6lbs :sad:
    CW: 170.5 Wk 2: 6/30 Dropped 3.1 lbs! :bigsmile: YES!
    CW: 170.1 Wk 3: 7/7 Dropped 0.4 lbs! :smile:
    CW: 169.6 Wk. 4 7/14 Dropped 0.5 lbs! :smile:

    Total pounds lost for challenge: 1.4 lbs. HOWEVER! I had a BIG hurdle to get through that first week after my friend visited and I had a BUNCH of stress weight gain. And that makes me happy. :happy:
  • KimL122
    KimL122 Posts: 171 Member
    Had a good wek is week...... -3.1...total is 8.4 loss for the challenge
  • JL4987
    JL4987 Posts: 35 Member
    Had a good wek is week...... -3.1...total is 8.4 loss for the challenge

    Wow youre almost at 10lbs loss for the challenge :) well done!!!!