Progress discussion



  • 20diane
    20diane Posts: 18 Member
    This is my day one and have had healthy foods (1100cals so far). I usually go to circuits tonight but have injured my neck and upper back so resting. Feel a bit down about it especially as should be doing 10K run next Saturday. Hoping I will still be able to do it. Any way will try to stick to eating ealthy for next 2 weeks and loose 3-4 Lb
  • BradsLynne
    BradsLynne Posts: 11
    I see skinny and its going to be mine!
  • 20diane
    20diane Posts: 18 Member
    I see skinny and its going to be mine!

    After me lol:laugh:
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    This is my 2 days and so far so good. I am doing low-carb which is great but no energy. I am still doing my next two weeks of Brazil Butt Lift Program, with or without energy!
  • silverkitten13
    heard this quote yesterday and LOVE it!


    sooooooo true!
  • racemary
    racemary Posts: 52 Member
    Yay that's exactly what I've been telling myself every day :)
    Day 3 was my best day so far. I figured I could go swimming after a short spinning class. Hope to see some results tomorrow. I lowered my net calories to 1000 so that I don't eat everything back after exercise. If I did I wouldn't see results.
  • debhhi
    debhhi Posts: 5 Member
    Even though I stay in my allowed calorie count , my sugar and usually protein are over MFP's daily goal limit. I do eat 3+ fruits a day but have stayed away from processed foods.
  • denacutrone
    i do low carb no sugar and have been doing p90x i find that if i have a few teaspoons of peanut butter about 20 minutes before my workout it gives me the energy i need to get through the workout
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    Doing pretty well. I had way too much wine yesterday, but planned on it and still stayed under calories. I worked out hard today. I'm deep in the throes of PMS, though, so this is challenging! :(
  • mantisladyx
    mantisladyx Posts: 135 Member
    I guess I have been posting in the wrong 4 is done.....and today I am way under calories and not even hungry
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    1st day for me, and it went excellent! I'm really sticking with my contest prep diet, and it is easier since I really enjoy the foods I eat.
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    I didn't exercise today, but stuck to my diet and within my calorie range. I plan to
  • silverkitten13
    day 4 is done for me. the sweets cravings are FINALLY subsiding!
  • mimtastic
    mimtastic Posts: 5
    Soooo hard after the horrible party binge the day before I joined this group. But I'm hoping that if I just keep at my goal most of those munchies will go away and my stomach will shrink back down to size. Drinking so much water!!!
  • CynthiaAnnGA
    Yesterday was a good day, with no cheats or wine! I had to adjust my ticker to be honest. I had gained back some of my 9 lbs. lost. I've just got to be honest & strict w/my calories. NO CHEATING
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    Today is going very well so far. I have my afternoon cardio session to do still, but I lifted weights for 80 minutes this morning. It is a back and biceps day. May throw in some pullups before my elliptical intervals.

    Anyway, hope everyone else is also having a great no cheat Tuesday!
  • sarahkristin33
    Hi everyone. I am doing good so far. No cheating ! I want a chocolate chip cookie and a piece of bread today earlier and I was able to turn them down, although, I was really tempted. I thought about my long term goal and it helped me get through it. Yesterday, I made myself go back to the gym and got a 1 hr strength training class in and a spin class. I felt so much better. Ok, so far so good. I am taking this one day at a time. I noticed my hunger was less today than yesterday but cravings were a bit stronger.

    Hope everyone is having a good week.

    Sarah - I am going to force myself to go the gym soon, I am always happier once I am there and done, getting there is the hard part right now.
  • kdenapolis
    kdenapolis Posts: 15
    Had a rough morning, but am going to eat more veggies. fruit and salads for the rest of the day! plus work out! I hate days when I am on the run all day. !
  • betina64
    betina64 Posts: 23 Member
    My weight went up again 200 grs. So I went over my food intake and perhaps I need to stick harder to the 1200 calories and not allow the extra gained ones through the physical activity. I'm a bit worried though for I feel I haven't cheated. I ate what I had planned and yet augmented.
    I won't give up, that's for sure. I will finish the day as planned and tomorrow I will try cutting on some of the bread I am taking.
    I'll see how that goes.

    Have a good rest of the day. :smile:

  • mantisladyx
    mantisladyx Posts: 135 Member
    Day 5 done.....and I know in those days I lost 1 lb, so pretty good so far.......I have gone wheat free and today after finishing the book wheat belly I have decided to also start eliminating beans from my diet, the reason I am so strict is because I want to reverse my type 2 diabetes and beans will also spike my blood sugar be gone beans.