
Kgollie Posts: 1 Member
Can yogurt be a snack sugar free yogurt?
Each meal should have lean protein, healthy carbs, healthy fat in each meal.

Does yogurt fall under any of these?


  • lifedesigns
    yogurt is a great choice. Choose a yogurt with 11 g of sugar or less per serving. yogurt is a lean protein.
  • Nofrillsfitness
    My favorite yougurt is plain, 0% Greek Yogurt. It's creamy and thick and Oh, so yummy! I add fresh fruit, chia seeds and pumpkin seeds.
  • lifedesigns
    mmm, sounds good! I like Greek yogurt too, just have to make sure it's the low fat kind:)
  • jenxrobbins
    Me too, I have even got my kids off the prepackaged yogurt because there is just SO much sugar in it. I started off with blending the fruit into it and now I just put the fruit on top. They like the frozen fruit best because there's the juice that's in it. I also use greek yogurt in place of sour cream now.
  • kaymac2012
    Another option for those who cannot make the complete switch to plain yogurt fully just yet is to mix your yogurts. I do half a serving of Olympia organic french vanilla yogurt and half a serving of Olympia plain yogurt. Cuts the calories/sugar/fat!!

    And of course adding fresh or frozen fruits on top makes a very filling meal!