CUT Process! :-)


I was looking for a sticky on people who have gone straight into the cut rather than do a reset, or even those who have done a reset along time ago and have been in the cut for a while, but there wasn't one :(

So I thought I would start this! And hopefully we can get a thread going encouraging / sharing experiences etc.

I'm on Day 2 of eating 1950 calories, which is -12.5% according to Scooby!

I don't life weights, but I'm going to try and start once I'm back from holiday.

I haven't been on the scales as I'm a bit nervous! Previously I weighed every-day, but I haven't been on them for 3 days now.

I've seen lots of successes from people who did reset then cut, but what about people who went straight into the cut?

I don't come from a LCD background. I have done WW, but never really stuck to my points, same with other cal counting diets.


  • kimberly2504
    kimberly2504 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi! I'm pretty much at the same point at you. I've only been cutting calories through MFP for 3 weeks, and have been eating at about 1500, set as sedentary but not eating excercise calories back either. I'm upping to my cut starting today, and decided to take the advice to try without a reset, as I haven't been eating below BMR for very long. Before that I definitely had more of a history of eating too much unhealthy food instead of years of starving myself.

    I would love to hear some other stories and to support each other through the experience!
  • knowak82
    knowak82 Posts: 200 Member
    I started "officially" eating more 11 weeks ago. I was doing the 1200 calorie MFP suggestion for about 2 1/2 months prior to that. I gradually upp'd my calories over a period of about 3-4 weeks until I got to my cut (I went to TDEE-15%) of 1770 calories. I've lost 7 pounds since I started my cut, as well as 2 1/4 inches off of my hips, and 3 inches off of my waist. Two weeks ago I decided it was time for a diet break (or a reset, not really sure how long I'll continue to eat at TDEE--2050 calories), and that's where I'm at now. I might go 2 or even 4 more weeks at TDEE at this point--it would be nice to see if I maintain my weight at TDEE, or if I continue to lose (which means I can up my cals-yay!). Oh, and I really like eating, sooooo...:blushing:

    I love everything about the EM2WL philosophy and way of life! It has been doing wonders for me, and I couldn't imagine going back to eating 1200 calories ever, ever again!!!

    I now currently fit into all of the clothes I could wear when I got married (almost 6 years ago, and two children later!) fact, this weekend I took out my wedding dress to see if it would fit, and guess what--it did! I am about 10 pounds from my goal weight, but I'm very happy with where I am at now. I can take it slow now, and really work on my body composition and the way I look and feel, as opposed to a number on the scale. :bigsmile:

    Thanks, EM2WL, and all the wonderful people that I've met through the group and on this journey!!!
  • MeganKate24
    MeganKate24 Posts: 110
    Hi! I'm pretty much at the same point at you. I've only been cutting calories through MFP for 3 weeks, and have been eating at about 1500, set as sedentary but not eating excercise calories back either. I'm upping to my cut starting today, and decided to take the advice to try without a reset, as I haven't been eating below BMR for very long. Before that I definitely had more of a history of eating too much unhealthy food instead of years of starving myself.

    I would love to hear some other stories and to support each other through the experience!

    I have added you as a friend, hope you don't mind.

    Nice to meet someone at same point as me! Without reset :)

    Are you staying away from the scales or? I'm nervous but I don't know if I need to be! x
  • MeganKate24
    MeganKate24 Posts: 110
    I started "officially" eating more 11 weeks ago. I was doing the 1200 calorie MFP suggestion for about 2 1/2 months prior to that. I gradually upp'd my calories over a period of about 3-4 weeks until I got to my cut (I went to TDEE-15%) of 1770 calories. I've lost 7 pounds since I started my cut, as well as 2 1/4 inches off of my hips, and 3 inches off of my waist. Two weeks ago I decided it was time for a diet break (or a reset, not really sure how long I'll continue to eat at TDEE--2050 calories), and that's where I'm at now. I might go 2 or even 4 more weeks at TDEE at this point--it would be nice to see if I maintain my weight at TDEE, or if I continue to lose (which means I can up my cals-yay!). Oh, and I really like eating, sooooo...:blushing:

    I love everything about the EM2WL philosophy and way of life! It has been doing wonders for me, and I couldn't imagine going back to eating 1200 calories ever, ever again!!!

    I now currently fit into all of the clothes I could wear when I got married (almost 6 years ago, and two children later!) fact, this weekend I took out my wedding dress to see if it would fit, and guess what--it did! I am about 10 pounds from my goal weight, but I'm very happy with where I am at now. I can take it slow now, and really work on my body composition and the way I look and feel, as opposed to a number on the scale. :bigsmile:

    Thanks, EM2WL, and all the wonderful people that I've met through the group and on this journey!!!

    What a great story! You should send your success story in - its very encouraging!

    Fantastic result, really pleased for you and truly hope I get similar results.

    Did you start seeing the losses straight away? How long were you doing the cut for to lose 7lb?

    I'm so happy for it to come off slowly - just aslong as it comes off eventually!

    Are you focusing on weight training mainly now then? - I ask as you said your focusing on improving shape etc.

    2050 as maintenance doesn't seem a lot, did you use Scooby to calculate that? x
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    I went straight to my cut of approx. 1900 calories on May 17th. I was 160 lbs. I'd been eating around 1600 per day with 1 hour of hard cardio 6 days a week. No lifting. I dropped some of the cardio at the same time, and started using the machines at the gym, so I figured my TDEE at moderate.

    It's been almost 2 months, and I've lost 10 pounds, 3 inches from my hips, 4 inches from my waist. For 3 weeks, I'd dropped cardio all together and was only doing NROL 3 x a week (started that on 6/25). I'm trying to get back to 30 minutes of cardio 3 days a week now, more for health than anything else.
  • MeganKate24
    MeganKate24 Posts: 110
    I went straight to my cut of approx. 1900 calories on May 17th. I was 160 lbs. I'd been eating around 1600 per day with 1 hour of hard cardio 6 days a week. No lifting. I dropped some of the cardio at the same time, and started using the machines at the gym, so I figured my TDEE at moderate.

    It's been almost 2 months, and I've lost 10 pounds, 3 inches from my hips, 4 inches from my waist. For 3 weeks, I'd dropped cardio all together and was only doing NROL 3 x a week (started that on 6/25). I'm trying to get back to 30 minutes of cardio 3 days a week now, more for health than anything else.

    Great results, well done.

    I do 'cardio' 4x a week, but I love it so will not be removing it from my schedule.

    Did you cut the cardio because someone said it would help or? Good luck with getting back into it!

    I do need to try and incorporate weights, but going to the gym and just lifting doesn't appeal - I'm very much a class person!

    Is the NROL book easy to understand? Could you give me an idea of a typical workout, for say, phase 1? I hate anything complicated so I'm trying to decide whether to buy it but can't review the book anywhere - nowhere has it in stock to flick through!

    Won't lie that been sitting here thinking about doing X Y Z cardio class as then I'll burn more, meaning I can eat more.... bad attitude!
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    At first, I cut cardio a bit because I was doing too much and felt vindicated cutting it down when I realized how much I was burning. Then I just got Truth be told, I was aiming for 1900 calories a day, but with a binge here and there, I ended up averaging a little over 2000 over the course of a month and still lost weight at a good rate without a lot of cardio.

    The first stage of New Rules is very easy to understand. I love it! I've never lifted free weights before aside from the Barbie weights, so it's all new to me, but I'm loving it!! I'm in my 4th week of the program. Today I did deadlifts, shoulder presses, lunges, stability ball crunches, and a modified move because I lift at home. Friday, I'll do squats, dumbbell rows, step ups, prone jackknives, and push ups.
  • MeganKate24
    MeganKate24 Posts: 110
    At first, I cut cardio a bit because I was doing too much and felt vindicated cutting it down when I realized how much I was burning. Then I just got Truth be told, I was aiming for 1900 calories a day, but with a binge here and there, I ended up averaging a little over 2000 over the course of a month and still lost weight at a good rate without a lot of cardio.

    The first stage of New Rules is very easy to understand. I love it! I've never lifted free weights before aside from the Barbie weights, so it's all new to me, but I'm loving it!! I'm in my 4th week of the program. Today I did deadlifts, shoulder presses, lunges, stability ball crunches, and a modified move because I lift at home. Friday, I'll do squats, dumbbell rows, step ups, prone jackknives, and push ups.

    Do you have much more to lose?

    Ah - reassuring to hear you lift from home as that is what I would like to do - more likely to do it then!

    Think I will invest in the book and start once I'm back from vacation.
  • knowak82
    knowak82 Posts: 200 Member
    What a great story! You should send your success story in - its very encouraging!

    Fantastic result, really pleased for you and truly hope I get similar results.

    Did you start seeing the losses straight away? How long were you doing the cut for to lose 7lb?

    I'm so happy for it to come off slowly - just aslong as it comes off eventually!

    Are you focusing on weight training mainly now then? - I ask as you said your focusing on improving shape etc.

    2050 as maintenance doesn't seem a lot, did you use Scooby to calculate that? x

    Thank you, thank you! I've been thinking about submitting my story, etc. to Kiki or Lucia, but would like to wait a few more weeks so I can finish eating at TDEE and start my 2nd round of cutting--I think that will be the true test of how well eating more can work for me, LOL!!! :ohwell:

    To answer your questions, I did see losses right away...I only track my weight on MFP once a week, and pretty much every week since I started eating more saw a loss on the scale. Some weeks I lost more than others, and a few weeks I didn't lose (but didn't gain, either). I've lost the 7 pounds over 11 weeks (including the last 2 weeks that I've been eating at TDEE).

    I haven't gotten into "heavy" lifting quite yet...I plan on it in the next couple of weeks, hopefully. I'd like to get into Cathe Frederick DVDs, but will want to do them at home, and still need to aquire a few more things in order to do them at home! Right now, I do a little bit of a bunch of different stuff...I have a kettlebell, and swing that around once or twice a week, I do JM Ripped in 30 once or twice a week, I do some yoga here and there, and try to do at least one day a week of a 15-20 minute HIIT workout on my elliptical (I pretty much despise straight cardio). Overall, I workout about 30-45 minutes 4-5 days a week, so I classified myself on the Scooby site as lightly active (1-3 hours of exercise). Even if I have a longer workout session, my burns are usually no more than 200 calories (per my HRM), so my NET calories never really drop below my BMR--I'm pretty confident I have the right activity level based on that fact! That's kind of another reason that I'm eating at TDEE for a few weeks--if I continue to see a downward trend in my weight while eating at TDEE, I'll probably up my cals to the next activity level...

    Sorry for the novel of my life story, LOL...just wanted to make sure I answered all of your questions! :happy:

    Feel free to send me a friend request...I always have room for a fellow EM2WL-er!!! :bigsmile:
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I went straight to my cut and lost 6.5 lbs in the first few weeks.

    Me scale weight has since stalled but inches are still coming off (I lift weights 3 times a week so I am sure this is why).

    I also dropped a whole pant size.
  • MeganKate24
    MeganKate24 Posts: 110

    What a great story! You should send your success story in - its very encouraging!

    Fantastic result, really pleased for you and truly hope I get similar results.

    Did you start seeing the losses straight away? How long were you doing the cut for to lose 7lb?

    I'm so happy for it to come off slowly - just aslong as it comes off eventually!

    Are you focusing on weight training mainly now then? - I ask as you said your focusing on improving shape etc.

    2050 as maintenance doesn't seem a lot, did you use Scooby to calculate that? x

    Thank you, thank you! I've been thinking about submitting my story, etc. to Kiki or Lucia, but would like to wait a few more weeks so I can finish eating at TDEE and start my 2nd round of cutting--I think that will be the true test of how well eating more can work for me, LOL!!! :ohwell:

    To answer your questions, I did see losses right away...I only track my weight on MFP once a week, and pretty much every week since I started eating more saw a loss on the scale. Some weeks I lost more than others, and a few weeks I didn't lose (but didn't gain, either). I've lost the 7 pounds over 11 weeks (including the last 2 weeks that I've been eating at TDEE).

    I haven't gotten into "heavy" lifting quite yet...I plan on it in the next couple of weeks, hopefully. I'd like to get into Cathe Frederick DVDs, but will want to do them at home, and still need to aquire a few more things in order to do them at home! Right now, I do a little bit of a bunch of different stuff...I have a kettlebell, and swing that around once or twice a week, I do JM Ripped in 30 once or twice a week, I do some yoga here and there, and try to do at least one day a week of a 15-20 minute HIIT workout on my elliptical (I pretty much despise straight cardio). Overall, I workout about 30-45 minutes 4-5 days a week, so I classified myself on the Scooby site as lightly active (1-3 hours of exercise). Even if I have a longer workout session, my burns are usually no more than 200 calories (per my HRM), so my NET calories never really drop below my BMR--I'm pretty confident I have the right activity level based on that fact! That's kind of another reason that I'm eating at TDEE for a few weeks--if I continue to see a downward trend in my weight while eating at TDEE, I'll probably up my cals to the next activity level...

    Sorry for the novel of my life story, LOL...just wanted to make sure I answered all of your questions! :happy:

    Feel free to send me a friend request...I always have room for a fellow EM2WL-er!!! :bigsmile:

    WOW! I'd of deffo said you were not light activity! That sounds like moderate to me!

    I reckon your going to carry on seeing losses at TDEE and have to up some more! *Happy Dance*

    Greats - thanks, will add you now! x
  • pammbroo
    pammbroo Posts: 550 Member
    I've been doing this for about a month now. I did not do a reset. I didn't feel like it was necessary as I had been slowly increasing cals over time b/c I wasn't losing anything when I was starving. My ticker has been the same for over a year now! Even had one of my friends PM me and ask me about it b/c he saw how consistent my workouts were with no ticker progress.

    So I'm very happy to have found this group. And although I am not yet seeing any physical progress and do have moments of frustration, I keep reading the posts here to keep the faith. I've increased my weight lifting (in the form of Les Mills Body Pump classes to 3x/week and do mostly cardio on other days of the week). I have the bloating and have gained a few pounds, but overall have cleaned up my eating quite a bit and am doing well at meeting my macros most days. I'm also hiding my scale from myself! So I figure I'm on track and results will follow eventually.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. Best of luck to you!
  • kimberly2504
    kimberly2504 Posts: 60 Member
    MeganKate24- so far I'm still weighing in every day, but today is my first day so we'll see. I'm usually pretty good about not stressing over the daily changes, and I also like to know what's going on cause I'm nosy like that ha ha.

    I was told by someone else on a different thread that weight gain and bloating generally isn't as much of a problem if you weren't super restricting calories or eating below BMR for very long. We'll see if that turns out true to me.

    I'm happy to meet you all! I've already gotten a few friend requests, but would love to have more!
  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    I went straight to my cut of approx. 1900 calories on May 17th. I was 160 lbs. I'd been eating around 1600 per day with 1 hour of hard cardio 6 days a week. No lifting. I dropped some of the cardio at the same time, and started using the machines at the gym, so I figured my TDEE at moderate.

    It's been almost 2 months, and I've lost 10 pounds, 3 inches from my hips, 4 inches from my waist. For 3 weeks, I'd dropped cardio all together and was only doing NROL 3 x a week (started that on 6/25). I'm trying to get back to 30 minutes of cardio 3 days a week now, more for health than anything else.

    Very encouraging to read of your success. Thank you for sharing.
  • meggyh20
    meggyh20 Posts: 116
    I started eating more (15%cut) 8 weeks ago, and lost 5 lbs over the first week or so. I then started NROLFW and my weight has been relatively stable since with a pound or two loss over the past 6 weeks. Two of those weeks I was on vacation and pretty much eating at maintenance (not tracking), and my weight stayed exactly the same during that time. I just decided yesterday to up my calories about 150 calories because I think I had my cut set too low based on the way I have been feeling (HUNGRY). So I'm going to experiment with that and see how it goes. For workouts, I am doing NROLFW three times per week, two HIIT elliptical sessions per week, and a 40 minute walk with my dog and son 1-2 times per week. I will be getting a fitbit for my birthday next week, so I can 't wait to see how my daily burn compares to the estimates.

    I will come back later to post comparison pictures of where I started in May to where I am now. :)
  • thewang
    thewang Posts: 71 Member
    I was only a low calorie diet for a few weeks before raising my calorie intake. So far I haven't gained, but haven't lost either and have started exercising. I may to a reset in 6-8 weeks if I don't see any progress.
  • angelina2585
    angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
    My numbers are the same as Knowak's - didn't realise!

    I've been doing em2wl for 11 weeks I think. My cut is 1750 and TDEE 2050. I'm in my second week of my break. I was going to do 2 weeks at TDEE but as luck would have it I wasn't well last week so ate 1750 with no workouts. I've been eating 2050 since Friday so figure this weekend will make it a 2 week break. I'm tempted to go an extra week. I've started exercising again this week. I also admit that I went over my TDEE on Saturday and Sunday - quite a bit over on Saturday lol

    As for weight loss I've lost a few pounds over the time. I've had a week or two of staying the same and one week I put on 3 lbs but that was a Monday morning weigh in after a weekend of wedding & partying and I ate salty stuff on the Sunday - cheese! Yum!

    I've logged my weightless in my profile and am on my phone at the moment so will come back and edit this post with the info.


    My losses so far (weeks 1 to 10 I ate the cals listed plus most of my exercise calories, From week 11 I am eating the cals listed every day and at least netting BMR if I ever have a high calorie burn) :-

    Weeks 1 to 3 @1200 - 5lbs
    Weeks 4 to 7 @ 1300 - 5lbs
    Weeks 8 to 9 @1400 - 1lb
    Week 10 @1500 - 0.75lb
    Week 11 to 13 @1800 - 1.25lb
    Week 14 @ 1800 - STS (averaged out at 1975 after partying on Saturday - 2 days before weigh-in. ooops)
    Week 15 @ 1750 - 2lbs
    Week 16 @ 1750 +3lbs (sodium/water weight? from Sat & Sun festivites!) argh
    Weeks 17-20 @1750 - Banishing the scales until 30th June. WI....2lbs off yay!!.

    Exercise wise I do 3-5 hours a week. I do a mixture of walking, stationery bike and cross trainer. I've just recently completed 30 Day Shred which I did 3-4 times a week and have just started a couple of new DVDs which are mainly weights (2kg will up to 4 kg as I get stronger) and floor exercises.

    Best thing is that I've lost inches and my clothes are so baggy that my hubby made me buy a few bits at the weekend :)

    Sorry for the long-winded post:blushing: I tend to prattle on sometimes!
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member

    I was looking for a sticky on people who have gone straight into the cut rather than do a reset, or even those who have done a reset along time ago and have been in the cut for a while, but there wasn't one :(

    So I thought I would start this! And hopefully we can get a thread going encouraging / sharing experiences etc.

    I'm on Day 2 of eating 1950 calories, which is -12.5% according to Scooby!

    I don't life weights, but I'm going to try and start once I'm back from holiday.

    I haven't been on the scales as I'm a bit nervous! Previously I weighed every-day, but I haven't been on them for 3 days now.

    I've seen lots of successes from people who did reset then cut, but what about people who went straight into the cut?

    I don't come from a LCD background. I have done WW, but never really stuck to my points, same with other cal counting diets.


    Great job getting this thread going!:drinker:
  • dzinergrl18
    dzinergrl18 Posts: 105 Member
    I posted this back on June 3, one month after starting EM2WL.

    I just wanted to share my results for those of you wondering if this can work for real. My disclaimer before starting: I'm not claiming to have done everything "by the book" but I did my best and tried to follow the plan as well as I could This is how it turned out for me the first month:

    I started EM2WL on June 1, by upping my cals to 2000 a day for my cut value according to Scooby. I started MFP back in March and after an initial loss of 10-11 lbs., quickly stalled and stopped losing. I decided not to do the total reset, just my preference honestly, as I had a number of days each week I was already eating at my TDEE or above. So, I measured myself and figured out my body fat %, plugged it all into Scooby's calculator and off I went! When I started I was 189.5 (I had a binge weekend before starting since I knew I would be eating more but eating healthy, so this was actually up 4 lbs. from where I had stalled), my BF% was 36%. I'm doing ChaLean Extreme as well as some cardio on the elliptical too. Now, a month later, my weight is back to 185.5 and BF% is 34.8!!!! I have lost 1.5" from my waist, 3" from my hips, .5" in each bicep and .5" in my chest. I am thrilled! I really don't like my weight number, but to know that I'm losing inches like that and able to fit into clothes that I couldn't just a month ago--I'll take it! I redid my numbers with Scooby today and plugged those into MFP so I'm ready for this month!

    I hope this inspires those of you on the wall about starting. Yes, I had the bloating and fat feelings for a week or so. I still get them some days if I don't watch my bread intake! But I decided from the beginning I was sticking with this and not going back to VLCD (though I'm not afraid to say I was tempted at times!). I love how I feel when I lift, especially when I can up my weights from one week to the next. And I love eating dinner with my family and not having to say no to something because it's too high in calories. I know I could never live on 1200-1500 cal a day for the rest of my I see I won't even have to try!!

    Got on the scale this morning and am down 2 lbs!!! I'm jumping for joy As much as the number shouldn't matter and my brain realizes does make me feel good to see it going down!
  • knowak82
    knowak82 Posts: 200 Member
    I posted this back on June 3, one month after starting EM2WL.

    I just wanted to share my results for those of you wondering if this can work for real. My disclaimer before starting: I'm not claiming to have done everything "by the book" but I did my best and tried to follow the plan as well as I could This is how it turned out for me the first month:

    I started EM2WL on June 1, by upping my cals to 2000 a day for my cut value according to Scooby. I started MFP back in March and after an initial loss of 10-11 lbs., quickly stalled and stopped losing. I decided not to do the total reset, just my preference honestly, as I had a number of days each week I was already eating at my TDEE or above. So, I measured myself and figured out my body fat %, plugged it all into Scooby's calculator and off I went! When I started I was 189.5 (I had a binge weekend before starting since I knew I would be eating more but eating healthy, so this was actually up 4 lbs. from where I had stalled), my BF% was 36%. I'm doing ChaLean Extreme as well as some cardio on the elliptical too. Now, a month later, my weight is back to 185.5 and BF% is 34.8!!!! I have lost 1.5" from my waist, 3" from my hips, .5" in each bicep and .5" in my chest. I am thrilled! I really don't like my weight number, but to know that I'm losing inches like that and able to fit into clothes that I couldn't just a month ago--I'll take it! I redid my numbers with Scooby today and plugged those into MFP so I'm ready for this month!

    I hope this inspires those of you on the wall about starting. Yes, I had the bloating and fat feelings for a week or so. I still get them some days if I don't watch my bread intake! But I decided from the beginning I was sticking with this and not going back to VLCD (though I'm not afraid to say I was tempted at times!). I love how I feel when I lift, especially when I can up my weights from one week to the next. And I love eating dinner with my family and not having to say no to something because it's too high in calories. I know I could never live on 1200-1500 cal a day for the rest of my I see I won't even have to try!!

    Got on the scale this morning and am down 2 lbs!!! I'm jumping for joy As much as the number shouldn't matter and my brain realizes does make me feel good to see it going down!

    ^^^^^ This. Sheer awesomeness!